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Overall rating and opinion of "Nimue: Freeing Merlin" by Ayn Cates Sullivan

Posted: 01 Sep 2023, 09:03
by Melisa Jane
This is a discussion topic for the September 2023 Book of the Month, "Nimue: Freeing Merlin" by Ayn Cates Sullivan

What is your overall opinion of the book? What do you like most about it? What do you like least? What did you think of the writing style? What genre is the book? What genres are woven into the text? What did you think of the cover and title? What was the greatest lesson you learned from the book? Will you recommend the book to other people? Why or why not?

Please remember to add your actual rating using the book's page on the Bookshelf.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Nimue: Freeing Merlin" by Ayn Cates Sullivan

Posted: 01 Sep 2023, 10:08
by Mehul P
I recently purchased the book. I can't wait to read the book. It already sounds and looks so interesting.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Nimue: Freeing Merlin" by Ayn Cates Sullivan

Posted: 01 Sep 2023, 10:16
by Rupali Mishra
I'd like to read the book just because of the way it sounds and appears.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Nimue: Freeing Merlin" by Ayn Cates Sullivan

Posted: 02 Sep 2023, 14:49
by NetMassimo
I gave it 4 out of 4 stars in my bookshelf. I liked how it reimagined Arthurian myths mixing them with ancient religion to create a story between the past and the present about how there used to be harmony with nature. I'm not sure about the romance but that's not my thing, so other readers will give a better judgment of this element for sure. I recomment it to people who like fantasy, especially connected to ancient religions and the Arthurian myths. Christians might not like it, as Christianity is seen in a negative way, as responsible for breaking the humans' bond with nature.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Nimue: Freeing Merlin" by Ayn Cates Sullivan

Posted: 03 Sep 2023, 05:08
by RJ Reviews
The official review and the blurb sound interesting and I would live to read this book. Ancient myths and romance always attract me and this book combines both!

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Nimue: Freeing Merlin" by Ayn Cates Sullivan

Posted: 03 Sep 2023, 10:19
by Rupali Mishra
Rupali Mishra wrote: 01 Sep 2023, 10:16 I'd like to read the book just because of the way it sounds and appears.
The blurb and the official review both sound intriguing. Readers are often drawn to books with romance and ancient tales, and this one has both!

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Nimue: Freeing Merlin" by Ayn Cates Sullivan

Posted: 03 Sep 2023, 14:34
by Jnapika D
I read the blurb and official review the other day, and they are very interesting. This book contains legends, mystery, and romance; that was all I could figure out from the review, and all of these happen to be my favorites. I will be reviewing it soon.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Nimue: Freeing Merlin" by Ayn Cates Sullivan

Posted: 03 Sep 2023, 22:09
by Leslie Kunde
I am only in the third chapter, and I love the book. I like Arthurian legends, so this one caught my eye. I hope all of the book is as good as the first three chapters.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Nimue: Freeing Merlin" by Ayn Cates Sullivan

Posted: 06 Sep 2023, 09:06
by Anaïs Quesson
I just finished the first part, I love everything about this book so far. The world building is really strong and the characters are well-developed and relatable. Ayn Cates Sullivan's writing is really easy to understand and I like her descriptions.
Now diving into part two as Nina starts her quest. I can't wait to discover more!!

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Nimue: Freeing Merlin" by Ayn Cates Sullivan

Posted: 06 Sep 2023, 09:34
by Danna Vergara
I don't like romance but this one has a good story.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Nimue: Freeing Merlin" by Ayn Cates Sullivan

Posted: 10 Sep 2023, 07:55
by Isha Suthar
I've recently bought the a copy of the book. So, we'll see how it goes. I'm really looking forward to reading this book. A lot of people have suggested me.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Nimue: Freeing Merlin" by Ayn Cates Sullivan

Posted: 10 Sep 2023, 07:56
by Isha Suthar
Also, could you please suggest me new books to read. I'm in first year and there's nothing around me that's interesting.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Nimue: Freeing Merlin" by Ayn Cates Sullivan

Posted: 13 Sep 2023, 00:18
by Gladis Ratish Kumar
Ayn Cates Sullivan's "Nimue" is a spellbinding novel that breathes new life into the timeless legend of the Lady of the Lake. Through its mesmerizing prose, intricate character arcs, and a profound exploration of enduring themes, this book becomes essential reading for those who find enchantment in tales of magic, mythology, and the indomitable strength of the human soul.

The author's extraordinary dedication and creative ingenuity are truly awe-inspiring. I found immense pleasure in reading the book, and my only minor quibble lies in a handful of typographical errors. The book's cover art beautifully encapsulates its essence, featuring four grails, and the title is fitting as it centers around the pivotal character, Nimue.

One profound takeaway from the book is the recognition that sacrifices are an inevitable facet of life. To pursue one's aspirations or calling, one must be prepared to make sacrifices. I recommend this book to an adult audience due to its mature content, which may not be suitable for children.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Nimue: Freeing Merlin" by Ayn Cates Sullivan

Posted: 14 Sep 2023, 06:23
by Rushil Varshney
The book has an intriguing and complete story, the writing style fits the theme of ancient writings. All in all an above average experience. In fact, in a lot of places I was engrossed in the book and the emotions of the character, that I did not realise the passage of time around me

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Nimue: Freeing Merlin" by Ayn Cates Sullivan

Posted: 15 Sep 2023, 08:18
by Kathy Smith 16
I did not enjoy the book as much as I had hoped. There were aspects of it that I really enjoyed but overall, it did not resonate with me as it seemed to with others. The descriptions and world building were beautiful, but sometimes felt lengthy. I had the opposite experience of Rushil; there were stretches where the plot felt like it wasn't moving forward, and I became bored and needed a break.