Delete Account [resolved]

So that we can provide faster and better support, this forum (the "Public Suggestion Box") has been retired. Instead, please send any suggestions you have to us using the official website contact form.

This allows us to streamline our support system so that we can get to your message much faster. Instead of our support staff having to check three different places (support forum, suggestion box, and contact form messages), they know can respond to all message through one method, with that one method being the official website contact form.

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Sinovuyo Mtshaulana
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Delete Account [resolved]

Post by Sinovuyo Mtshaulana »

I sent a review and it was denied, I realized that maybe book reviewing is not for me, please delete my account.
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Manang Muyang
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Post by Manang Muyang »

One rejection doesn’t mean failure. I am sure the editor gave you pointers on how to do better. I also got a dismal score on my first review back in 2017.

Please don't quit just yet.
assia Ouanough 1
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Post by assia Ouanough 1 »

I don't have time to read the books
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Melisa Jane
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Post by Melisa Jane »

Thank you for reaching out. You are free to stop using the website at
any time. All mailing list emails have an unsubscribe link at the bottom
if you no longer to receive emails.

However, we would be very sorry to lose you as a member of our book
club. Is everything okay? Is there anything I can do to help?

Whether you choose to stay on as a member or not, do you have any
suggestions for ways to improve OnlineBookClub and make OnlineBookClub
even better?

Thank you,
Official Reviewer Representative
Insofar as the word 'should' even has meaning, then we must say that the past is exactly as it should be, everything that happened should have happened, and everything that should happen will happen

~ Scott Hughes
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Kirsi Cultrera
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Post by Kirsi Cultrera »

Sinovuyo Mtshaulana wrote: 14 Dec 2022, 05:52 I sent a review and it was denied, I realized that maybe book reviewing is not for me, please delete my account.
Hi there,

I think that has happened to quite many of us with the first review. I hope you do not give up quite yet! However, if you do decide to go, you can do this via your contact form.

I hope to see you around!
Thank you, and have a good day,
Official Reviewer Representative
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Angela Nirram
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Post by Angela Nirram »

Every time I want to do a review, I can't because of the update, and I can even read books because the application where we must read isn't allowed in my country, then I realise that it isn't for me anyway. So, please delete my account, it really helps me. Thank you.
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Kirsi Cultrera
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Latest Review: My Yellow Brick Road by Patrick J Roelle Sr. / Mr. Pat

Post by Kirsi Cultrera »

Angela Nirram wrote: 26 Jul 2023, 00:04 Every time I want to do a review, I can't because of the update, and I can even read books because the application where we must read isn't allowed in my country, then I realise that it isn't for me anyway. So, please delete my account, it really helps me. Thank you.
Hi there,

And thank you for reaching out. I am sorry for the trouble. You can choose the formats you can access from your preferences page: ... rences.php

If you still wish to delete your account, you can do this via the contact form, here's the link for reference:

However, kindly note that deleting an account is permanent, and cannot be undone in case you change your mind later.

I hope this helps. Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.

Thank you, and have a good day,
Official Reviewer Representative
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