Question about books (Resolved)

So that we can provide faster and better support, this forum (the "Public Suggestion Box") has been retired. Instead, please send any suggestions you have to us using the official website contact form.

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Candice Lurvey
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Question about books (Resolved)

Post by Candice Lurvey »

Are you able to review any book on your bookshelves or just specific books listed as free book/paid review?
I just finished reading a book but it isn't allowing me to review it. Thank you in advance.
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Melisa Jane
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Post by Melisa Jane »

Candice Lurvey wrote: 23 Mar 2023, 17:16 Are you able to review any book on your bookshelves or just specific books listed as free book/paid review?
I just finished reading a book but it isn't allowing me to review it. Thank you in advance.

Thank you for reaching out. You can only review books selected via the select tab on the review team page.

Thank you.
Official Reviewer Representative
Insofar as the word 'should' even has meaning, then we must say that the past is exactly as it should be, everything that happened should have happened, and everything that should happen will happen

~ Scott Hughes
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