Review (Resolved)

So that we can provide faster and better support, this forum (the "Public Suggestion Box") has been retired. Instead, please send any suggestions you have to us using the official website contact form.

This allows us to streamline our support system so that we can get to your message much faster. Instead of our support staff having to check three different places (support forum, suggestion box, and contact form messages), they know can respond to all message through one method, with that one method being the official website contact form.

Moderator: Official Reviewer Representatives

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Carole Gallagher
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Review (Resolved)

Post by Carole Gallagher »

Hi there. Very new to this. I have just finished my first book and would now like to write a review.
How do I go about this
Many thanks
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Melisa Jane
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Post by Melisa Jane »


Thank you for reaching out. Instructions on how to write reviews can be found on the review team guidelines page. If you experience any challenges, feel free to reach out.

Thank you.
Official Reviewer Representative
Insofar as the word 'should' even has meaning, then we must say that the past is exactly as it should be, everything that happened should have happened, and everything that should happen will happen

~ Scott Hughes
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Alida Spies
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Post by Alida Spies »

Hi there
I can't log a new topic, so I hope these suggestions will be considered here, as this was the closest topic I could find to make my suggestions:
1. There are additional guidelines that editors must adhere to that are not readily available to reviewers. As an example, the ratings out of 4 and out of 5 and the mapping between those are clearly identified for editors, while there is nothing provided for reviewers. Another example is the profanity guide, which I discovered by accident after having a review rejected. Can the guidelines be aligned so that we all work from the same guidelines?
2. Add links to the reviewers' guidelines for additional topics subsequently added to aid reviewers to produce better reviews. An example is the guide to usage of commas.
3. Revise the mapping between ratings out of 5 and ratings out of 4, as specified for editors. Looking at the descriptions associated with the ratings, a rating of 2 out of 5 does not match well to a rating of 2 out of 4. My suggestion for mapping is:
1 or 2/5 = 1/4
3/5 = 2/4
4/5 = 3/4
5/5 = 4/4

Thank you very much
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Melisa Jane
Official Reviewer Representative
Posts: 3740
Joined: 24 Mar 2020, 02:04
Currently Reading: The Dead Speak
Bookshelf Size: 190
Reviewer Page:
Latest Review: In It Together (2nd Edition Hardcover from B&N) by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
Reading Device: B00JG8GOWU

Post by Melisa Jane »


Thank you for reaching out. Suggestions have been added on the internal to-do list to add the rating equivalences to the guidelines. Once they're considered, you'll be updated. In the meantime, have you read Scott's post about this? If not, please check out this topic: ... 2&t=292079

I'm not sure what you mean by the guidelines fir comma usage. However, if you are referring to this topic, then it is not part of the review team guidelines.

I hope this helps.

Thank you.
Official Reviewer Representative
Insofar as the word 'should' even has meaning, then we must say that the past is exactly as it should be, everything that happened should have happened, and everything that should happen will happen

~ Scott Hughes
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