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Can I read the books on sites not provided? (Resolved)

Posted: 04 Jun 2023, 06:26
by Neha Venkatesh
The book I'm currently planning to review requires the use of kindle unlimited. Sadly however, I can not acess Kindle unlimited due to restrictions (use of card/online payments). Would it be possible for me to instead download the book on other sites (oceanofpdf for insatance) instead of the provided source?

Re: Can I read the books on sites not provided?

Posted: 04 Jun 2023, 07:06
by Melisa Jane

Thank you for reaching out. I'm not very familiar with the site you mentioned above. However, unless it's specifically mentioned that you have to obtain a book on a given site, you can obtain a book via any premium subscription or you can purchase the book on any other site, not just the one mentioned.

Thank you.
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