Unable to Download "Cynthia and Dan: Cyber War" [resolved]

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Mary Reinburg
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Unable to Download "Cynthia and Dan: Cyber War" [resolved]

Post by Mary Reinburg »

Hello, newbie here. I signed up yesterday and tried to download my first book, "Cynthia and Dan: Cyber War." I got lost on the way somehow from the OBC website to the Kindle website. I just couldn't find the link to download the book. The Kindle website link also required payment, but the OBC had said the book was free. Can anyone help me find my way? TIA.
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John Owen
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Post by John Owen »

Mary Reinburg wrote: 04 Jul 2023, 10:50 Hello, newbie here. I signed up yesterday and tried to download my first book, "Cynthia and Dan: Cyber War." I got lost on the way somehow from the OBC website to the Kindle website. I just couldn't find the link to download the book. The Kindle website link also required payment, but the OBC had said the book was free. Can anyone help me find my way? TIA.
Hi, it seems you either selected a self-purchase book (books that you have to buy yourself) or a book in the Kindle Unlimited format. For either of these, there's a link on your Review Team History page, besides the selected book on the left, that leads to the book's bookshelf page. Follow that link if you lost the purchase links on the review description page, and there should be purchase links there.

(REM: Don't do this if the author included instructions on where or how to buy or access the book. If this was the case, retrace the email you received when you selected the book and follow the instruction therein, or contact the Review Team Support for further or personalized assistance).

If you have a Kindle Unlimited subscription, the above shouldn't be a problem. For self-purchase books, you can verify the purchase by giving a screenshot of the book in your Kindle Unlimited library. Books that are free on KU will be indicated on the Amazon purchase page. If you selected KU as the format, purchase verification won't be required.

I can only give so much help, but if you need more information or help, comment with your query and an official admin or Review Team Representative will look into the matter.
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Mary Reinburg
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Post by Mary Reinburg »

Well I tried to use the Review Team History page and I did go on to buy the book from Kindle, (although that really hadn't been my intention), but when I click on the icon for Cynthia and Dan: Cyber War, I keep getting directed to text of another book, EMP Honeymoon, by the same author. The Kindle windows indicate that I downloaded the book, but I just can't figure out where the content is.

Also, when I open the OBC Reader app, "Cynthia and Dan: Cyber War" isn't listed among the other free books. Maybe I wasn't supposed to actually read and review it?

I guess I have to go to Kindle people to figure out the problem? In the alternative, I guess I could also decline to review this book and try to download another.

I'm not sure what to do at this point. Sorry for the earlier draft message.
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Kirsi Cultrera
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Post by Kirsi Cultrera »

Mary Reinburg wrote: 04 Jul 2023, 14:19 Well I tried to use the Review Team History page and I did go on to buy the book from Kindle, (although that really hadn't been my intention), but when I click on the icon for Cynthia and Dan: Cyber War, I keep getting directed to text of another book, EMP Honeymoon, by the same author. The Kindle windows indicate that I downloaded the book, but I just can't figure out where the content is.

Also, when I open the OBC Reader app, "Cynthia and Dan: Cyber War" isn't listed among the other free books. Maybe I wasn't supposed to actually read and review it?

I guess I have to go to Kindle people to figure out the problem? In the alternative, I guess I could also decline to review this book and try to download another.

I'm not sure what to do at this point. Sorry for the earlier draft message.
Hi there,

And thank you for reaching out. I am very sorry for the delay in answering your question. I am following up on this; has this issue already been resolved?

Whenever you encounter a problem after selecting a book for review, you can submit an error report via your Update Tab. That will allow the moderators to help you out with it.

I hope this helps. Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.

Thank you, and have a good day,
Official Reviewer Representative
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