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Re: Did this book meet your expectations?

Posted: 20 Dec 2023, 01:16
by Jane Ogwang
The book surpassed my expectations. It is well writtèn with clear ideas that are presented exceptionally well.

Re: Did this book meet your expectations?

Posted: 20 Dec 2023, 22:12
by Penny Ann Criswell Johnson
The book was more than I could have expected. The book was full of facts about how important hope is to experiencing a happy and healthy life. Honestly, when I chose this book to review I expected the author to write in a very shallow level but the content was very convincing. Now I can say with confidence that Hope is a powerful force that leads to happiness.

Re: Did this book meet your expectations?

Posted: 22 Dec 2023, 07:51
by Abi_rami
It exceeded my expectations. It did justice to the book title and gave ways to extinguish anxiety and help in providing hope.

Re: Did this book meet your expectations?

Posted: 24 Dec 2023, 05:29
by Dattatraya

I was attracted to this book by the title 'Fireproof Happiness'. I submitted my review of this book with a five out of five-star rating. I appreciate the author's sound logic behind the selection of the title and his commanding writing style.
The book met all my expectations with the valuable information.


Re: Did this book meet your expectations?

Posted: 28 Dec 2023, 14:19
by Ophiohonren Hiram
I learned a few new things so I have to say that it actually passed my expectations and I'm glad to have read this book.

Re: Did this book meet your expectations?

Posted: 28 Dec 2023, 21:37
by Upphilan Paul
Fireproof Happiness exceeded my expectations. I love how the author shares profound knowledge on true happiness and how to achieve it.

Re: Did this book meet your expectations?

Posted: 30 Dec 2023, 09:19
by Princewill Uchenna
This book sure met my expectation. Beyond that I was able to pick out and learn key principle that would be help to me in the way I perceive life. This book was amazing.

Re: Did this book meet your expectations?

Posted: 03 Jan 2024, 05:24
by Sakshi Singh1
Yes, it most surely did. I read it about a month ago, and I still remember almost every detail in the book.

Re: Did this book meet your expectations?

Posted: 03 Jan 2024, 18:33
by Judy Burr
From the title, I thought it would have sports strategy. I thought the subject of hope was interesting.

Re: Did this book meet your expectations?

Posted: 04 Jan 2024, 03:45
by Ruka N
It did! I liked how the author points out that hope isn't a weakness. It's an essential part of human emotion, but clarifies what hope is and not having a positive or optimistic view of things/life isn't the same as hope.

Re: Did this book meet your expectations?

Posted: 04 Jan 2024, 06:40
by Esther Deekor
Yes, it did
And kind of exceeded my expectations because discovering that hope brings happiness is invaluable and has helped me achieve inner peace which is truly fireproof.

Re: Did this book meet your expectations?

Posted: 04 Jan 2024, 08:24
by Clauson Justin
I believe the book's title reflected its content. I was satisfied with the book as it exceeded my expectations. The book is very detailed and provides information based on tested concepts.

Re: Did this book meet your expectations?

Posted: 04 Jan 2024, 16:13
by Rashad Deniro Price
"Fireproof Happiness: Extinguishing Anxiety & Igniting Hope" is a great book. I am still trying to apply its teachings. But overall, I don't feel disappointed.

Re: Did this book meet your expectations?

Posted: 05 Jan 2024, 02:27
by Surekha Krishnakumar
I believe that the book, being as positive as it is, might seem like just another book about rainbows and unicorns to readers who might be skeptical, which might stop them from going for it.

Re: Did this book meet your expectations?

Posted: 06 Jan 2024, 16:39
by Slayton Natasha Tillett
Yeah. It met my expectations and beyond it been a while since I read such a book it was really impactful and thrilling.