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What do you think of the characteristics of hope as mentioned in the book?

Posted: 14 Dec 2023, 06:25
by Melisa Jane
This is a discussion topic for the December 2023 Book of the Month, "Fireproof Happiness: Extinguishing Anxiety & Igniting Hope" by Dr. Randy Ross

What do you think of the characteristics of hope as mentioned in the book?

Re: What do you think of the characteristics of hope as mentioned in the book?

Posted: 01 Jan 2024, 09:11
Hope is like an organism with a “head,” “heart,” and “hands.” Hope also involves, for example, the art of goaling and re-goaling, pivoting, and nesting. Again, according to the author, hope is not wishful thinking. “Hope is the belief that the future will be better and that you have a role to play in making it so.” The author would recommend this prayer to the hopeful: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change things I can change, and wisdom to know the difference.”

Re: What do you think of the characteristics of hope as mentioned in the book?

Posted: 02 Jan 2024, 05:51
Hope is like an organism with a “head,” “heart,” and “hands.” Hope also involves, for example, the art of goaling and re-goaling, pivoting, and nesting.

Re: What do you think of the characteristics of hope as mentioned in the book?

Posted: 09 Feb 2024, 01:52
by Nzube Chizoba Okeke
The author excellently explored the concept of hope. I like the part that engendered positivity, when he said that to hope is to believe that things will not always end the way they currently are.

Re: What do you think of the characteristics of hope as mentioned in the book?

Posted: 16 Mar 2024, 11:32
The concept of ĥope was something unknown to me before I read this. I'm glad I read it. Great to have new insights on topics like this. The author did a really great job.

Re: What do you think of the characteristics of hope as mentioned in the book?

Posted: 26 Mar 2024, 05:26
by Ejoh Ebube
The author suggests that hope is a belief in the future's improvement, encompassing techniques like goaling, pivoting, and nesting. They emphasize the importance of serenity, courage, and wisdom in achieving this, highlighting the role of hope in personal growth.

Re: What do you think of the characteristics of hope as mentioned in the book?

Posted: 15 Apr 2024, 11:25
by Lisa P Cowling
I think the author was right when he stated that hope is more than wishful thinking. Hope involves actually working towards the change we seek in our lives. Hope is more strategic.

Re: What do you think of the characteristics of hope as mentioned in the book?

Posted: 24 Apr 2024, 13:47
by Miriam Ratemo
The characteristics of hope as outlined in "Fireproof Happiness: Extinguishing Anxiety & Igniting Hope" by Dr. Randy Ross likely emphasize its transformative power in overcoming anxiety and fostering a sense of optimism. Hope is often depicted as a beacon of light in dark times, providing motivation, resilience, and the belief that better days are ahead. It's likely that the book delves into the importance of cultivating hope through practices such as gratitude, positive thinking, and setting achievable goals. Additionally, the book may explore how hope can serve as a buffer against anxiety by focusing on possibilities rather than dwelling on worst-case scenarios. Overall, the characteristics of hope likely highlight its ability to uplift individuals and help them navigate life's challenges with a sense of purpose and optimism.

Re: What do you think of the characteristics of hope as mentioned in the book?

Posted: 24 Apr 2024, 20:33
by Julio Sanchez
The characteristics of hope as mentioned in the book seem to align with the idea of hope as an active force rather than a passive emotion. By emphasizing the dynamic nature of optimism and the importance of actively pursuing goals, the book encourages readers to approach hope as a proactive tool for overcoming challenges and achieving personal growth. This perspective resonates with the teachings of Viktor Frankl, adding depth to the exploration of hope within the context of the book. Overall, the characteristics of hope presented in the book seem to offer a practical framework for fostering resilience and finding meaning in difficult circumstances.

Re: What do you think of the characteristics of hope as mentioned in the book?

Posted: 16 May 2024, 09:13
by Badger Martin
I think it was very insightful. The discussion on will, with and way was absolutely intriguing.