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How likely are you to read the next part of this book?

Posted: 01 Feb 2024, 13:42
by Leona Rodrigues
How likely are you to read the next part of the book 'The Great Migration: Book One of the S'orne Saga" by Steve Ramirez?

Re: How likely are you to read the next part of this book?

Posted: 01 Feb 2024, 23:01
by Priyankan Nayak
I am very excited to read the next part of the series of the novel "The Great Migration" by Steve Ramirez. The first part of the book was amazing. Incredible characters with their background have played their part really well in this plot. I am anxious about what will happen next.

Re: How likely are you to read the next part of this book?

Posted: 02 Feb 2024, 15:41
by Kathy Smith 16
For the most part I loved this book. I enjoyed the writing style, descriptions, and depth. The reveal about who the S'orne really are though actually put a damper on my excitement to read the next one. I might read it, but I'm not champing at the bit to get it.

Re: How likely are you to read the next part of this book?

Posted: 02 Feb 2024, 16:27
by NetMassimo
I appreciated book 1, so I'm definitely reading book 2, probably some time during the next month or so.

Re: How likely are you to read the next part of this book?

Posted: 03 Feb 2024, 09:45
by Cryptic Spy
I'll definitely love to see what the author will come up with, in the next part.

Re: How likely are you to read the next part of this book?

Posted: 05 Feb 2024, 02:06
by Priyankan Nayak
This book has intrigued me. I am eager and desperate to know what Bellona's next steps might be. And for this, I am ever ready to jump on to read the next part of the novel as well. This adventure sci-fi book is worth a read.

Re: How likely are you to read the next part of this book?

Posted: 05 Feb 2024, 04:10
by Florence Daniel
Wow I just finished reading the book. I find this book captivating, sparking my curiosity about Bellona's upcoming actions. I'm anticipating the next part, ready to delve into the continuation of this intriguing adventure in sci-fi literature. Highly recommended!

Re: How likely are you to read the next part of this book?

Posted: 05 Feb 2024, 22:08
by Joanna Perry
I may read the second book. I hope the author finds a way to bring back some of the lost characters who I found interesting, like the young prince and his tutor. Maybe they are not dead, just lost in the turmoil of the battle. Too many of the characters I liked played small roles in the first book. I'm curious to see what Steve Ramirez has in store for the second round.

Re: How likely are you to read the next part of this book?

Posted: 06 Feb 2024, 06:35
by Michael Valentine
I am really eager to read the next part of this book. The plot was amazing, the characters were well developed and the book was so simple to understand.

Re: How likely are you to read the next part of this book?

Posted: 06 Feb 2024, 07:48
by Kirsten Wheeler
I'm very keen on reading the next book in the series. I will be placing it onto my TBR.

Re: How likely are you to read the next part of this book?

Posted: 06 Feb 2024, 12:48
by Macelo
I'm very much interested with how book one ended on a cliffhanger I'd like to know what indeed will happen, If the king will discover where the s'orne are ? When will Antiphony arrive ? or will Keldiari be discovered? just a lot of questions that I'm sure reading book two will settle everything.

Re: How likely are you to read the next part of this book?

Posted: 07 Feb 2024, 00:46
by Adam Bryce Stern
Considering the character development, the plot, the suspense and the cliff hanger at the end. I am more than excited to read the next part of the book.

Re: How likely are you to read the next part of this book?

Posted: 07 Feb 2024, 02:50
by Yasmine M
I liked the writing style, and the book intrigued me. I feel like there were so many loose ends, and I would like to know what happened to some of the characters. Because of that, I may read the next one in the series.

Re: How likely are you to read the next part of this book?

Posted: 07 Feb 2024, 14:54
by Joyce Williams Samedy
I'm still on the fence about reading book 2. Although I want to find out what happens in the story I'm not sure the writing style is for me.

Re: How likely are you to read the next part of this book?

Posted: 08 Feb 2024, 23:40
by Jnapika D
Considering that the first book ended on a cliffhanger, I am interested in picking the next book. I also loved the writing style and the characters, and I would like to find out what happened next.