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Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 01 Mar 2024, 03:23
by Ramadevi Tatavarthi
No, I wouldn't consider changing my religion. I have a lot of faith in my religion, and the values associated with it are very strong. I would definitely explore various faiths of other religions, but I will never change my religion.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 04 Mar 2024, 09:57
by Priyankan Nayak
Right now I am not considering changing my religion. But I am not against anybody or any person practising a different religion. I will always respect other religions.
I still have a long way to go as I haven't yet completely known or researched about my religion.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 04 Mar 2024, 13:22
by Clauson Justin
I don't think I will ever consider changing my religion. I was born a Christian and I personally belief that I have felt God's presence in my life. I have very strong faith in my present religion and I don't think it is easy to change something like that.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 04 Mar 2024, 13:37
by Dalia Chf
As a daughter of immigrants who grew up learning one religion while living in a country with a different religion, I can definitely say that it is not easy to be different from everyone else. But I would never change my religion. I think this comes down to how parents teach religion, and my parents were great at it, they made me love it so much I'm going to defend it till the day I die!

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 07 Mar 2024, 01:23
by Angus Zonny
No, I will not consider changing my religion. It is very good and I love my God dearly. I love my religion and faith.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 08 Mar 2024, 13:09
by Malleswararao Dasari
No, I would never consider changing my religion because I have strong faith in my religion and its customs. My religion teaches all the values that a human should possess in order to be a ideal human being.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 13 Mar 2024, 18:47
by Alice Fu
The idea of changing my relationship is a highly probable event because while I have a general stable core belief, I find that I am learning new things and further discovering elements of myself everyday, so you just never know.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 14 Mar 2024, 22:56
by Kristine Mariel Diaz
I was raised in a Catholic home, attended a Catholic school, and received all the sacraments required to be received by my church as an adult.
But as I grew older and could clearly see the types of people who controlled the church, especially after I began studying the Bible on my own, I came to the realization that none of that made sense. I gradually left the religion and came to terms with the fact that I had to take responsibility for my own life and become the best version of myself.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 16 Mar 2024, 09:55
by Michelle Chafins
I like to explore different beliefs and religions but it's just to gain an understanding out of curiosity. I would never change my religion, I've been a Christian all my life. I'm not prejudiced, to each their own, but I could never go against my faith.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 17 Mar 2024, 11:51
by Joy Wendy
With the way I was brought up in my religion. I don't think I would ever have a thought of changing my religion. Changing religion would seem like a crime to me. So, in my opinion I don't think so.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 19 Mar 2024, 02:41
by Jennifer Coxon
I have become much more interested in learning more about religion of late, including my own religion. I knew there were similarities between some religions, but I hadn't realised how many, and I hadn't realised that was due to the source of those religions. However, I would not consider changing religions.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 20 Mar 2024, 22:33
by Abi_rami
I love learning about other people's culture and religious ideologies. That said, I'm entirely devoted to my religion and wouldn't like changing it for another religion. My ideology is that I would love to establish friends with people from diverse culture and learn about them but I won't be comfortable changing my religion at all.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 21 Mar 2024, 00:18
by passionatereader2
No I wouldn't. I know there are many problematic things in my religion but there are also some great things and traditions. Cultural beliefs and traditions that are on par with modern life.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 21 Mar 2024, 21:57
by Bettny Andrade
I was born under the belief of a specific religion. Now, I don't consider myself to be of any particular religion. I like to read and learn a little more about everything every day and I always respect all other beliefs and currents of thought.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 23 Mar 2024, 08:54
by shvarya malai
Though I have a deep connection to my faith, I'm always willing to learn more about different religions and ideologies. However, I don't see me changing my present religion.