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Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 24 Mar 2024, 06:24
by Samina Moiyadi
Every religion follows the same principles to turn its followers into good human beings. It is the superstitious stuff and orthodox mindset of people that make the faith unbearable for me. Since these things can be found in all religions of the world, there is no point in changing the religion.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 24 Mar 2024, 17:44
by Loretta Morris 1
Yes I would consider changing my religion if I were not a Christian today. Most people believe there is a higher power, and you must be confident in your beliefs.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 28 Mar 2024, 10:08
by Jenna Padayachee
I was born Christian and practiced Christianity most of my life.
My grandparents practiced Hindu and Tamil rituals.
My cousins were Muslims and as I grew up I became fascinated learning about other cultures and religions ( despite there being a lack of tolerance from most to each other in General).

I got married Islamically and still remain married 17 years later with respect and tolerance for all religions and cultures.

I prefer to refer to my path as spirituality now and not a religion. I pray with my husband and daughter, I honor and love my ancestors and my Christian Dad who passed on through the authentic expression of my life experience, I believe in my heart that this truthful expression is an honor to all Divine.

I occasionally practice yoga, I enjoy meditation and martial arts, and lately a lot of Qi Qong ( which weaves the fabric of vitality and serenity to my 24-hour gifted day).

My experiences explorations and tolerance towards religion have often been misunderstood and I have grown to accept that my experience of spirituality is a personal journey, I am glad when I connect with individuals who share the core belief that we are all part of creation and the Divine love and wisdom which connects the human race. I have learned not to entertain conversations that are intended at purposefully disrespecting and slandering my life choices. I know what is my experience and this no longer requires anyone's validation.
The only objective is to focus on strengthening and nourishing my true being so that my light may naturally lead those who temporarily need such light to aid their own individual flames(i.e. until we all eventually return to the Eternal One).

I choose to focus on the similarities in the variety of scriptures and beliefs that universally connect us in creation throughout our journey on earth and into the ultimate path of elevated consciousness.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 28 Mar 2024, 10:52
by Sushan Ekanayake
I am a Buddhist, deeply engaged in exploring the philosophical aspects of my religion while setting aside the mythical and superstitious elements. So far, I have not encountered another religion with such profound philosophical depth. Should I discover one that meets this criterion, I am open to altering my belief system. However, I view changing religions as a legal or administrative act, which holds no intrinsic value for me.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 29 Mar 2024, 12:54
by Sarah Zain
My religion and belief are firmly rooted in my heart. However, I respect and appreciate other religions. There are differences between religions, but there are also principles that are common to all.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 29 Mar 2024, 19:09
by Seval Duygu Ozler
We live in a century where the phenomenon of religion is constantly changing. Questions about the religion we believe in never stop. The debate on religion will never end, as it has always existed from past to present. I can change to another religion and belief when it is more suitable for my view of life and logic.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 31 Mar 2024, 16:34
by Risper Ouma Anyango
Absolutely not, I love my religion and wouldn't change it for any reason even though it was because of a spouse.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 04 Apr 2024, 04:58
by Sunday N Florence
I'm a strong Christian,yet I remain open to learning about other religions and beliefs. However, I do not envision changing my current religion.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 15 Apr 2024, 12:13
by Lisa P Cowling
I do not have a specific religion at the moment. Therefore, I am open to change if I am convinced to believe in a religion at any point. It may not pose that much of a struggle if I truly find a reason to believe.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 18 Apr 2024, 22:18
by Mayengbam Atulananda Singh
Short answer: No. Though I'm interested in learning more about other beliefs, I have never thought about changing my religion and I doubt ever will. Although, there are times when I question my own religion. I'd prefer not to adhere to any specific religion rather than changing my current one.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 22 Apr 2024, 10:01
by Ruka N
No, it took me years of thinking over why i should follow my religion. I didn’t base my choice on solely because I was born into it or whether my parents would be disappointed in me if I denounce it. I also think it aligns more closely to my values than other religions.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 22 Apr 2024, 10:03
by Ruka N
Sarah Zain wrote: 29 Mar 2024, 12:54 My religion and belief are firmly rooted in my heart. However, I respect and appreciate other religions. There are differences between religions, but there are also principles that are common to all.
Yes, this is very true.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 25 Apr 2024, 02:40
by Cristiano Bellucci
Our religion is deep into us. We probably need something massive and extraordinary to change something so important for us.

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 25 Apr 2024, 04:24
by Miriam Ratemo
So for me that would be more of a would I start following any religion. Which obviously is much easier decision. Yet I am not sure I could commit to any. Probably if some life changing event happened to me that would convince me

Re: Would you consider changing your religion?

Posted: 25 Apr 2024, 06:27
by Ika Apro
I have read many books about people changing or standing up for their religions and I was always amazed by their patience and power. I was always frightened by the subject, but now I am so sure in my religion, I don't think I'd even change it.