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Do you prefer working your way up the corporate ladder in an already established company or starting your own business?

Posted: 22 Feb 2024, 03:23
by Melisa Jane
This is a discussion topic for the February 2024 Book of the Month, "Beyond the Golden Door: Seeing the American Dream Through an Immigrant's Eyes" by Ali Master.

Do you prefer working your way up the corporate ladder in an already established company or starting your own business?

Re: Do you prefer working your way up the corporate ladder in an already established company or starting your own busine

Posted: 22 Feb 2024, 10:49
by Cristina-Ioana Toader
Entrepreneurship involves inherent risks, including financial instability, demanding hours, and uncertainties about business success. Given the demanding nature of entrepreneurship, I personally gravitate towards the "corporate ladder" path, despite recognizing its limitations in terms of career advancement and decision-making authority.

Re: Do you prefer working your way up the corporate ladder in an already established company or starting your own busine

Posted: 24 Feb 2024, 08:45
by Kaylen Fauz
To be honest, I don't mind either. Having a business isn't as rosy as it sounds. It all depends on the individual

Re: Do you prefer working your way up the corporate ladder in an already established company or starting your own busine

Posted: 25 Feb 2024, 11:48
by Christabel nmeso
I'd definitely lean towards starting my own business. There's something incredibly fulfilling about watching your own venture grow and evolve. It's all about that personal growth for me.

Re: Do you prefer working your way up the corporate ladder in an already established company or starting your own busine

Posted: 25 Feb 2024, 12:56
by Omneya Shakeep
I am open to both options, as both have advantages and disadvantages in my opinion. I guess it depends on the corporate position, its advancing opportunity, and the complications of starting my own business. 

Re: Do you prefer working your way up the corporate ladder in an already established company or starting your own busine

Posted: 26 Feb 2024, 02:02
by Joy Stanley
I really do not mind I would go with anyone life offers me. It is not always easy but with time I believe it will get better

Re: Do you prefer working your way up the corporate ladder in an already established company or starting your own busine

Posted: 27 Feb 2024, 00:42
by passionatereader2
I feel like I'm quite disorganised to have my own business. For now I'll prefer working my way up the corporate ladder.

Re: Do you prefer working your way up the corporate ladder in an already established company or starting your own busine

Posted: 28 Feb 2024, 17:38
by Amy Luman
There are advantages and disadvantages to both. For instance, working for someone else and having to do as you are told are definite disadvantages of working for an existing company. But not having to do all of the initial work and having an established clientele or workspace are good reasons for it. On the other hand, having to shoulder all responsibility for mishaps is a reason not to start your own business. It all hinges on perspective.

Re: Do you prefer working your way up the corporate ladder in an already established company or starting your own busine

Posted: 29 Feb 2024, 08:31
by Donna Walker
Definitely my own business. I've never mentally done well in a corporate environment, despite being very successful. Now that I have my own business and control over my time and energy, I am a completely different person.

Re: Do you prefer working your way up the corporate ladder in an already established company or starting your own busine

Posted: 29 Feb 2024, 23:57
by Seetha E
There are advantages and disadvantages to both being an employee and being the boss.

As an employee, there may be deadlines to meet and the benefits you receive may be limited, while the boss reaps the maximum benefits. However, your responsibilities may also be limited.

On the other hand, being the boss requires you to take full responsibility. The initial period can be challenging, demanding, and trying. Successes and failures are entirely yours to bear.

Ultimately, you should choose what best suits you and what you can do justice to. Regardless of your choice, make sure to maintain the quality of your work.

Re: Do you prefer working your way up the corporate ladder in an already established company or starting your own busine

Posted: 04 Mar 2024, 13:40
by Dalia Chf
I think they're both very stressful paths to take, but having your business is way riskier and more stressful, so working your way up an already established business is better for more peace of mind. That way, when you finish working, you can close your laptop, go home, and forget about work until the day after. When the business is yours, you can never turn off thinking about it and working for it.

Re: Do you prefer working your way up the corporate ladder in an already established company or starting your own busine

Posted: 04 Mar 2024, 14:32
by Clauson Justin
I think my choice would depend on the situation. On a normal day, I would rather own a business. I would like to own something based on my own idea. However, I do not also mind working my way up the corporate ladder. If possible, I think I could do both.

Re: Do you prefer working your way up the corporate ladder in an already established company or starting your own busine

Posted: 13 Mar 2024, 18:50
by Alice Fu
Both of the options presented are ones that can be good. When it comes to working up a ladder, I think it is cool to be able to further and add inovative ideas to a place that you have worked on for a long time. However, the idea of starting something completely new sounds more appealing due to the idea of bringing a vision to life

Re: Do you prefer working your way up the corporate ladder in an already established company or starting your own busine

Posted: 17 Mar 2024, 12:02
by Joy Wendy
As promising as owning a business sounds, I think I will still go with working my way up in an already established company. To start a business is not easy as it requires high capital and work force.

Re: Do you prefer working your way up the corporate ladder in an already established company or starting your own busine

Posted: 17 Mar 2024, 18:47
by Ije Bons
I prefer starting a business of my own. It would allow me to be more flexible with my time and I would enjoy it.