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Re: What do you think of Lea McKinney's reaction to her parents' divorce?

Posted: 04 Apr 2024, 15:06
by Zainab Wasif
Lea’s reaction of getting a drastic haircut as a form of rebellion, was relatable and reflective of the confusion and complex emotions children often experience in such situations.

Re: What do you think of Lea McKinney's reaction to her parents' divorce?

Posted: 05 Apr 2024, 11:27
by Goodness Kene
Lea reacted as expected. The 12-year-old was forlorn and scared about the change. The new situation was heavy on her, and I didn't expect anything less.

Re: What do you think of Lea McKinney's reaction to her parents' divorce?

Posted: 05 Apr 2024, 12:16
by Sky Revews
Her reaction isn't one-dimensional. She sometimes vents her anger or jealousy, but at the same time, she shows sympathy for understanding an adult situation that is full of pressure. This portrays being grown up, thus acknowledging that feelings aren't the only source of emotion.

Re: What do you think of Lea McKinney's reaction to her parents' divorce?

Posted: 21 Apr 2024, 13:33
by Nasir Shaikh
Lea was expecting worse conditions and was expecting to hear something like things were not good from the last few days. She was not able to accept this and also felt terrible when she got to know that even her friend had this news before herself.

Re: What do you think of Lea McKinney's reaction to her parents' divorce?

Posted: 28 Apr 2024, 05:19
by Miracle Kingss
Divorce no matter how amicable it goes, is never a pleasant experience for children. Lea reacted like any normal child would, in my own opinion.

Re: What do you think of Lea McKinney's reaction to her parents' divorce?

Posted: 30 Apr 2024, 07:17
by Kala Krishnakumar
I think she had a very typical reaction. Doubt, blame, self hatred, and all negative emotions displayed by her are pretty normal and similar to example I've seen in real life.

Re: What do you think of Lea McKinney's reaction to her parents' divorce?

Posted: 30 Apr 2024, 14:58
by Victor Obonyo
think Lea’s reaction was pretty typical. She was sad and she was scared that everything in her life would change. She wondered if it was her fault. I think those are all normal reactions and concerns that most kids have when learning that their parents are getting divorced.

Re: What do you think of Lea McKinney's reaction to her parents' divorce?

Posted: 25 May 2024, 13:42
by Ukaegbu Confidence
I think what kids fear the most is change, which is perfectly displayed in Lea's reaction. I also loved the defiance that sparked up as a result of the anger she felt.

Re: What do you think of Lea McKinney's reaction to her parents' divorce?

Posted: 29 May 2024, 15:24
by Zanne Crystle
I believe she handled the situation quite well. Naturally, she acted out because she's just a child and attempted to rebel by cutting her hair and being unkind to Laura, who was in a difficult position. However, I feel that her time with Aunt Meg and solving Greta's mystery helped her come to terms with the divorce a little more.

Re: What do you think of Lea McKinney's reaction to her parents' divorce?

Posted: 30 May 2024, 06:26
by David Awunor
Her reaction is typical for anybody. She did something her parents would not like (cutting her hair) because they did something she did not like (divorce).

Re: What do you think of Lea McKinney's reaction to her parents' divorce?

Posted: 01 Jun 2024, 10:15
by Loretta Morris 1
Lea was very upset! She knew her parents were arguing for months, and it increased to the point it was frightening. Lea was probably feeling so many different emotions. Anger, fear, loneliness, confusion. When Lea was told she would be staying with Aunt Meg for the summer, that was weird to her because she didn't know Aunt Meg.

Re: What do you think of Lea McKinney's reaction to her parents' divorce?

Posted: 02 Jun 2024, 02:04
by Onuoha Joy
I completely agree that Lea's reaction is quite typical and understandable given the circumstances. It's crucial for us to recognize that children often internalize such life-altering events, questioning their role or influence in their parents' relationship.

Re: What do you think of Lea McKinney's reaction to her parents' divorce?

Posted: 04 Jun 2024, 22:35
by Penny Ann Criswell Johnson
Her reaction was sad but typical, considering all her summer plans instantly changed. She knew her parents were not getting along, but she didn’t expect them to divorce. When she came home from the last day of school, she never expected to leave that day for her Aunt's house. It saddened me because the separation took her from her familiar environment and friends.

Re: What do you think of Lea McKinney's reaction to her parents' divorce?

Posted: 06 Jun 2024, 13:15
by rajesh kumar jain
Guys, can anyone suggest me the perfect horror book to read?