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Re: Featured Review: The Seneca Scourge by Carrie Rubin

Posted: 15 Feb 2015, 21:59
by debo9967
Thanks for the review, the book sounds intriguing. Its on my to-read list now.

Re: Featured Review: The Seneca Scourge by Carrie Rubin

Posted: 02 Mar 2015, 09:22
by Stevefromtheblock
Thanks for a nice review! I enjoyed reading it!

Re: Featured Review: The Seneca Scourge by Carrie Rubin

Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 16:33
by Levi
Definitely a thoughtful review, and on a lighter note, the pasty-panty banter was hilarious. I have added this book to my list thanks to the new book coming out and this review.

Re: Featured Review: The Seneca Scourge by Carrie Rubin

Posted: 17 Jul 2015, 23:38
by mystery lady
Carrie Rubin sets the stage from the start to reveal the seriousness of the circumstances. I like her style of writing. Just as the medical staff feels a sense of impending doom, so do I as a reader. I feel I have an advantage here over those coming into contact with the first patient in that I see the potential for the infection to spread. I hope to read more of this author's work.

Re: Featured Review: The Seneca Scourge by Carrie Rubin

Posted: 26 Jul 2015, 17:38
by kitsune1997
If the book is even half as good as your review I'll have to check it out!

Re: Featured Review: The Seneca Scourge by Carrie Rubin

Posted: 05 Aug 2015, 08:57
by pixieghoul6
Adding this to my "to read" pile!

Re: Featured Review: The Seneca Scourge by Carrie Rubin

Posted: 24 Sep 2015, 05:26
by baasil999
I really love the character Casper plays In the story. It is very strange but I like it

Re: Featured Review: The Seneca Scourge by Carrie Rubin

Posted: 07 Oct 2015, 02:33
by FoxyReader1988
I will be adding this one to my will read shelf. awesome review.

Re: Featured Review: The Seneca Scourge by Carrie Rubin

Posted: 15 Oct 2015, 10:55
by anonanemone
Definitely going on my read list. Thank you for a wonderful review!

Re: Featured Review: The Seneca Scourge by Carrie Rubin

Posted: 28 Oct 2015, 09:03
by Jausten11
Just by looking at the cover, this would not be a book I would choose to read. However your review made me want to read it. Great job!

Re: Featured Review: The Seneca Scourge by Carrie Rubin

Posted: 16 Nov 2015, 10:33
by zaynab_m
Thank you for the review. The book sounds interesting, I hope I can read it soon

Re: Featured Review: The Seneca Scourge by Carrie Rubin

Posted: 30 Mar 2016, 16:16
by LivreAmour217
Excellent review! I really liked Eating Bull, and I'm looking forward to reading this one!

Re: Featured Review: The Seneca Scourge by Carrie Rubin

Posted: 23 Jul 2016, 00:16
by Clifora
Your review sounds quite interesting. Although I'm usually not inclined to read books about 'medical stuff', your review made me quite inclined to read this book. The Seneca Scourge sounds like a definite must-read for me. Good job on the review!

Re: Featured Review: The Seneca Scourge by Carrie Rubin

Posted: 29 Aug 2016, 14:12
by Silvermoon
I don't usually like medically based books, but I have to say after reading your review, I am interested in this one. You balanced your review well. Good Review!

Re: Featured Review: The Seneca Scourge by Carrie Rubin

Posted: 19 Sep 2016, 07:06
by zero_macabre
I myself haven't really indulged into 'medical-sort' books, but this seems like a great mystery book. Thank you for the great review!