Leonard Chang

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Leonard Chang

Post by annie »

Hi all - first post here.

I've just finished three novels by Leonard Chang, the first Over the Shoulder, with the protagonist Allen Choice, security/private eye guy. Chang (the author) studied philosopy at Harvard, and his books are good mysteries infused with philosophical leanings. The other two books in the series are Underkill and Fade to Clear. I recommend them highly, and suggest reading them in order.
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Post by annie »

I meant for this to be included in the Mystery section, but am still learning the ropes. Sorry.
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Post by annie »

balinese wrote:pardon me but i think leonard chang is a waste of money :(
Well, I use the public library. lol But why do you think that?
Do you have a recommendation of an author you like?
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The Mythwriter
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Post by The Mythwriter »

I'm curious as well, any specific examples as to why his books are unworthy? I personally always find philosophical infusion to help a book, usually, so long as its not a blatant attempt to force one view down every reader's throat.

Now, if it's that one disagrees with the philosophy, that's something. I personally am very glad I bought "The Da Vinci Code" for a very cheap discount. But then, that doesn't make it a waste for someone else....

At any rate, I will add Chang to my list of authors to look at, it's so hard to pick anyone out among the veritable heaps of books available today.
"The world has been printing books for 450 years, and yet gunpowder still has a wider circulation. Never mind! Printer's ink is the greater explosive: it will win." - Christopher Morley, "The Haunted Bookshop."
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