Interview with author/psychic Victoria Laurie

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Interview with author/psychic Victoria Laurie

Post by elleng »

I had the opportunity to pose questions to the talented author/psychic Victoria Laurie...

ellen - What is your background?

Victoria - I was born in Michigan, but raised all over - and by all over I mean six states and two foreign countries. My dad was in international auto sales - so we moved about every 3 years. We finally settled back in Michigan in the early '80's and I attended college there and started work in the 'real' world. When I was in my early thirties I got sick of the cold, and decided to head for warmer climates - so I moved to Florida, and that's where my psychic abilities became really acute. Before long, I was doing readings out of this small metaphysical gift shop and my clientelle grew and grew. Eventually I moved back to Michigan, picking up a few more clients there - then to Boston, and finally to a place I never want to leave, Austin, Texas.

ellen - Which came first, the psychic or the writer?

Victoria - The psychic. It never even occurred to me until I got the idea for the first Psychic Eye mystery to turn my experiences as a down to earth,(somewhat) levelheaded psychic into a saleable story. And once I got the idea - the whole thing just snowballed and it all happened very, very fast.

ellen - What is a psychic's obligation to their client?

Victoria - I think there is an underlying fiduciary duty to be honest with the client and do the best that you can in every, single session. Each person you meet presents a new opportunity to tap into a energy, and I think that because the client is coming to you with such a sense of trust - that it's important for you always to remain positive. This doesn't mean that you don't share news that's difficult to hear, it just means that when you do share this with a client, you show them the bright side, because, trust me, there is always a bright side. I think it's also incredibly important to keep some boundaries for yourself as a psychic - because people think what you do is cool and fun and that you can just tap in for them on this one tiny issue just this once, but what they don't understand is that any time I turn on my radar, it is soaking up wattage like you can't believe. Most of my life is spend in an honest to goodness state of exhaustion, and I have to remember to say "no", every once in a while. This allows me to recoup a little, and it also allows my clients the opportunity to make their own decisions without always relying on me. Life is full of chances - and those times when we each trust our own guts and have a terrific outcome reaffirms our ability to make good decisions.

ellen - Your character, Abby Cooper (Abby Cooper Psychic Eye) is quite a gal - was she based on anyone or a blend of people?

Victoria - I love that you think she's 'quite a gal." since, she's based completely on me! Whenever I write her, I always put myself in her shoes - what would I do? How would I react if this life and death stuff were actually happening to me. Sure, some of the people around her aren't regulars in my everyday life - but every single solitary character that she interacts with has been an important person to me, and I think that's why the books resonate with people. They see themselves in these real people and they feel like they could blend in with this crowd too.

ellen - What is Abby's best trait?

Victoria - Abby's best trait is her willingness to admit when she's wrong. It's admitting that she might have bungled it, or that she can't figure out what her radar is trying to tell her - because that makes her real. No one has full proof, 100% accurate radar, and Abby is no exception to that rule. And because of that, she knows that it's a tool to be respected as much as someone's logical approach to things. She's willing to see her own faults, (and trust me - she's got them in spades) and it's a continuing process to try and improve, get better, become more whole. She knows she's vulnerable - and she knows that it's better to embrace your broken parts as much as your whole parts.

ellen - Abby has her Crew helping her - do you have a similar bunch of folks on the Other Side?

Victoria - I do, I do. I have a grandfather that loves to peak over my shoulder when I'm writing. I've got a new series coming out in early '09 that features him - and he is really excited about it...mostly I think because I've based one of the lead characters on him. (smile)

ellen - The Ghost Hunter Mystery series - combining more active ghost hunting in the action - M.J., Gilly, and Steven Sable - what chemistry! Why did you create this new series?

Victoria - Well, to be honest, I became addicted to this show called, Most Haunted, which is on the Travel Channel on Friday nights. It's this show about these British paranormal investigators - and I have seen some amazing stuff on that show! (It would make your hair curl, I swear!) And that got the old wheels turning, and I began to think that I had the psychic forecaster side of things well represented with Abby, maybe I could take the psychic medium side and turn it into something fun. And, M.J.'s getting there. The 2nd book in the series comes out in just two weeks and it's truly one of the best mysteries I've written. Plus, I do love Gilley. He's based on one of my dearest friends, my agent Jim, and we have so much fun with him!

ellen - Have you laid a long-term plan for all of your series? i.e., if characters will marry, split, live, die, etc.?

Victoria - Not in such fine detail, but I definitely know how Abby and Dutch will end up and I have a general direction planned for them and the supporting cast. The next 3 books that I'm under contract to write have all been outlined - so I'm good with the direction through 2011, after that? We shall see....(smile)

ellen - Animals are a lot of fun in your books - Iggy is a hoot!

Victoria - Well, I've got two adorable dachshunds, Toby and Lilly, and they keep me busy and laughing and exercised. Then there's Doc, my parrot - who's oh-so-hilarious! We can do this trick where he goes to the top of his perch and I hold my fingers like a gun and yell. "Bang!" and he falls straight back in a dead fall and swings back and forth upside down. We kill them at parties with that one!!

ellen - Have your pets had any psychic experiences?

Victoria - LOL!!...nah...there's enough of that going on around me! No need for them to get freaked out.

ellen - What is the most interesting thing you ever did as a psychic?

Victoria - Good lord, I have no idea! It's all interesting, really. I mean, I still get blown away when this one little tidbit that is sooooooo specific comes through the ether and out of my mouth. Every single new client presents a new opportunity for me to challenge myself, and I've never lost that, "Whoa!" feeling. It's still just as fascinating to me now as it was when I started this gig.

ellen - As a writer?

Victoria - I don't know about "interesting", but again I'll point to the more challenging aspects. I'm big at pushing myself, and I find even though I'll know something may be little bit of a reach, I'll still go for it and always in the end I'm so freaking surprised when it turns out well. That's also part of having great editors - they can sort of be honest with you and say, "I see where you're headed with this, but I don't think it's there yet. Dig deeper, babe, and come back with something more." And that's what you do, you dig waaaaaaaay down and you walk around the block eight million times and then you have it - shazam! And it all comes together in something soooo much better than you thought you were capable of. That's why I like to write, it's that thing that I struggle with every single time and I always think that after each new novel I've grown just a wee bit more.

ellen - What can you say about the Other Side many people wouldn't know -

Victoria - It's one giant party!! I'm not kidding you, when I feel an energy who has crossed over, they are always telling me how much fun they're having and how hilarious they find us - we're like their comic relief! I know that they have jobs and things to do some of them are really quite busy, but always they come through with a smile.

ellen - What is on the horizon for you? New series?

Victoria - Work. Work. And more work! (smile) Yes, I've got a third series debuting in February of 2009 called The Oracles of Delphi Keep and I really think it's the best thing I've ever written. It's sort of like The Chronicles of Narnia meets The Arabian Nights. Lots of edge of your seat stuff and delicious bad guys, (which are sometimes more fun to write than good guys!) I have high, high hopes for it.

ellen - You've moved from the Boston area to Austin Texas - how do you like being a Southern Gal?

Victoria - I should'a done this years ago!! I don't ever think I'll leave Austin. It's amazing and beautiful and just ...home.

ellen - What would you like your fans to know about you that they may not know?

Victoria - Wow, I don't really know. I mean, I usually lay it all out there, ellen! I think they know me really well. I'm normal. I don't think I'm important. I'm approachable, but sometimes so tired that it's really hard to respond with a ton of enthusiasm. I'm just me, and I'll always be that.

ellen - Where can your fans and those interested in getting a reading from you contact you?

Victoria -

ellen - In parting, where do you see yourself in 5 years as a psychic and a writer?

Victoria - LOL...oh-Lord! I have no idea. More of the same? Something completely different? Who knows? In all seriousness, though, I can feel that eventually I'll have to give up the readings. They take so much out of me that I just don't think I can sustain this pace forever. So, maybe in 5 years I'll retire from that. It's not definite, but something that's been tickling the back of my mind for a little while now. Slowing down is really, really, hard for me. I don't really know how to do it, in fact. So, it may take me that long to get there..(smile)

ellen - Victoria - You are most gifted and have helped many and made readers very happy with your series!!

Victoria - Thanks so much, ellen - you are too kind! Hugs!

note from ellen - Victoria Laurie is a gifted psychic who also happens to be a gifted writer who has touched many - she is delightful! Her series Abby Cooper, Psychic Eye, and The Ghost Hunter Mysteries are available now -

ellen george
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