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Re: Author hated most

Posted: 17 Apr 2016, 05:39
by JudyM5
Gustave Flaubert. I can't be the only one who wanted to strangle Madame Bovary.

Re: Author hated most

Posted: 23 Apr 2016, 08:56
by dina s
I do not hate any yet, lol

Re: Author hated most

Posted: 27 Apr 2016, 14:16
by Nicolelovesray
I don't hate any author, but there are some I steer clear of. One being Stephen King, not because he's a bad author in my eyes but because I'm not to big into horror or creepy stuff that would keep me awake for days. No thanks.

Re: Author hated most

Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 06:23
by Nichol
Dan Brown. Can't say exactly why, but I feel his stories are so forced and I keep facepalming when he is tying up loose ends.

Re: Author hated most

Posted: 18 Oct 2016, 13:05
by marles
Not a fan of Phillipa Gregory, and Nicholas Sparks. I think in general, I tend to be a bit suspicious of authors who put out so many books at once. I also don't care much for Bukowski.

Re: Author hated most

Posted: 18 Oct 2016, 16:54
by Michelle92
I don't know exactly why but I can't seem to finish the books written by Maggie Stiefvater. There's something in the pace of the story that I just can't read it in one sitting... or more.

Re: Author hated most

Posted: 19 Oct 2016, 00:34
by DB44
noahadams wrote:Orson Scott Card.

Technically, he's not that great, particularly since Ender's Game, but personally, he's an absolute ass.
So you know him personally?

-- 19 Oct 2016, 16:43 --
mouseofcards89 wrote:
Bergamot wrote:Strange topic? I couldn't 'hate' an author, I'm sure each and every book has some pearls of wisdom in it.
I can. In fact, I could give you two, but that wouldn't be answering the question properly, so let's go with Vladimir Nabokov. Why? Read Lolita. I'm an impecunious twenty-something with a grudge against dirty old men.
Interesting. Do you consider that the author must be a "dirty old man" because he wrote this book?

-- 19 Oct 2016, 16:59 --
mouseofcards89 wrote:
Bergamot wrote:Strange topic? I couldn't 'hate' an author, I'm sure each and every book has some pearls of wisdom in it.
I can. In fact, I could give you two, but that wouldn't be answering the question properly, so let's go with Vladimir Nabokov. Why? Read [i wrote:Lolita[/i]. I'm an impecunious twenty-something with a grudge against dirty old men.

Mouseofcards, I am with you on that. That is why, while I might not hate him, I would not want to be in a room with Ken Follett. I've read two of his books, and each of them describes the mental landscape of a serial rapist in a way that is just a little too sympathetic for my comfort.
I can understand your view, and don't wish to offend. But reading a book and attributing character traits etc. from the book to its author troubles me. This is not to say that there will not be cases where the author is indeed writing about their own character or experience. But many authors, even of fiction, do extensive research and even interviews in order to understand and write about a mindset that is totally alien to them.

Re: Author hated most

Posted: 25 Oct 2016, 04:34
by Aohanlon86
I don't hate any particular author. there are some books I am not the fan of. I think the only way I could hate an author is if I met them in person and they were a rude to me and their fans

Re: Author hated most

Posted: 25 Oct 2016, 17:57
by ebeth
Right now Jodi Picolt is not my favorite

Re: Author hated most

Posted: 31 Oct 2016, 09:39
by DiverseSpirit
I do not necessarily hate any authors. I only have preferences based on genres.

If I were to name an author that I hate or that I least prefer, it would be J. R. R. Tolkien. The stories he created are awesome and his reputation is awesome. However, he describes everything in great detail, which makes me read his work less often. I do not know if it is a lack of patience or a lack of creativity, but I cannot get fanatically deep into Tolkien's books.

Re: Author hated most

Posted: 31 Oct 2016, 10:57
by MrsCatInTheHat
There are authors whose writing doesn't appeal to me. But hate? No, hate is too strong of an emotion to reserve for a person that I do not know personally.

Re: Author hated most

Posted: 31 Oct 2016, 20:37
by sgirl58
I don't like the author who wrote Gone Girl-that was a terrible book and I couldn't stand it.

Re: Author hated most

Posted: 08 Nov 2019, 08:15
by Nikolas Farmakis
My most disliked author is J. K. Rowling, as I do not like the Harry Potter series.

Re: Author hated most

Posted: 08 Nov 2019, 17:53
by KCWolf
Hate is a strong word. I don't really hate anyone, but there are some authors whose books I avoid like the plague either because I dislike their style, don't care for their subject matter, or for "authors behaving badly" reasons.

Anne Rice, Nora Roberts, and EL James fit into all 3 of those categories.

Re: Author hated most

Posted: 19 Nov 2019, 11:37
by AdamRedWolf
Hard to answer, but I'm going to say Neil Gaiman. It's not that he's the WORST author I've ever read, but it annoys me that so many people keep recommending his books to me, and I find myself so disappointed every time.