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Re: Who was the first author you had to read "everything" by?

Posted: 13 Jan 2021, 13:32
by CaptainTurtle8
prayz_ wrote: 11 Dec 2018, 09:06 Sophie Kinsella, her shopaholic series is so interesting, Can you keep a secret however is still my best.
Absolutely agree! A friend recommended one of her books, and after that, I had to go all in.

Re: Who was the first author you had to read "everything" by?

Posted: 01 Feb 2021, 14:10
by Dimi1
There was a period when limited time allowed me to have few breaks per day. In these breaks, I needed some light reading and books that could be read within an hour or two. Jeff Kinney's Diary of a Wimpy kid was ideal for it and I ended up reading the whole series and practically all of his writings.

Re: Who was the first author you had to read "everything" by?

Posted: 09 Feb 2021, 15:47
by Astangel
Erin Hunter’s New Moon was the first book I remember reading and falling in love with. The Warrior series was what made me the big book worm I am today and I still reread and buy the newest additions to the on going series ☺️☺️

Re: Who was the first author you had to read "everything" by?

Posted: 16 Feb 2021, 16:12
by easy75
James Lee Burke was one of the first authors I really got addicted to. Superb, literary thriller/mystery/suspense. After that it would have been Walter Mosley and John LeCarr'e.

Re: Who was the first author you had to read "everything" by?

Posted: 17 Feb 2021, 04:04
by Arina Siaban
If I go waaay far back it'd probably be Ursula K Le Guin or Philip Pullman. I loved Earthsea and his dark materials as a kid. These days I'm eager to dive into anything Dom Watson, Tasha Suri, or Terry Pratchett.

Re: Who was the first author you had to read "everything" by?

Posted: 01 Mar 2021, 14:57
by Lunupine
Erin Hunter. They sparked my love of reading

Re: Who was the first author you had to read "everything" by?

Posted: 03 Mar 2021, 08:59
by Dzejn_Crvena
Scott Westerfeld.
I loved Leviathan trilogy; I couldn't get enough of it, so I read his other series. All his other books can't compare to the vibes I got from Leviathan series.
I even had to read similar genre (Steampunk) by other authors.

Re: Who was the first author you had to read "everything" by?

Posted: 27 Mar 2021, 21:43
by rnbwrhiannon3
I'm not sure about first, but early on I tried to find everything by Christopher Pike!

Re: Who was the first author you had to read "everything" by

Posted: 05 Apr 2021, 12:05
by Jessica Harrison 1
valentin68 wrote: 06 Aug 2015, 01:47 For me Jules Verne was the must read author of my childhood. I read about 70% of the books of Jules Verne. Each an every of his books fascinated me. Latter I have read about everything from Isaac Asimov. Isaac Asimov is one of the best Sci-Fi authors in my opinion.
I came here to say the same thing! I'm trying to make my way through all Verne's books right now, but I'm re-reading 20,000 leagues under the sea because I honestly can't get enough of it. Something about his writing is just so addictive and immersive!

Re: Who was the first author you had to read "everything" by?

Posted: 05 Apr 2021, 12:48
by CozyReader-123
The first author that I had to read everything by was actually a fanfiction writer. Don't scoff.
The first author of original fiction that I had to devour everything would be:
Paulo Coelho.

Re: Who was the first author you had to read "everything" by?

Posted: 09 Apr 2021, 00:17
by Kaitlin Licato
John Bellairs was the first author I had to read everything by. I had done series books when I was younger. I loved the Cam Jansen books and even the Spot books when I was little. John Bellairs was the first author for which I read multiple series purely based on the author.

Re: Who was the first author you had to read "everything" by?

Posted: 12 Apr 2021, 12:30
by Timothy Rucinski
Hemingway. And I did. All of it. Then I wrote my Master's thesis on him. Since then, I've read all of Dickens and John Irving.

Re: Who was the first author you had to read "everything" by?

Posted: 12 Apr 2021, 14:04
by Archaeoptery
Tamora Pierce. Her books are connected between series.

Re: Who was the first author you had to read "everything" by?

Posted: 27 Apr 2021, 13:34
by Hiruni Hansika
When I was a kid I always dreamt of reading all Enid Blyton books. So she's the first. I should add Laura Ingalls Wilder, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, Jeff Kinney, J.K.Rowling, Richmal Crompton and maybe John Green too.

Re: Who was the first author you had to read "everything" by?

Posted: 05 May 2021, 08:36
by Michelle Menezes
Sidney Sheldon. Rhe first book I read of his was Rage of Angels. I was only 13 then and I absolutely loved it. So then I tried to get more of his books to read. I borrowed them because I couldn't afford to buy books at the time and my parents didn't want me to read because they were worried it would distract me from my studies. I think I've read most of his books, except the ones later written by Tilly Bagshawe after his death.