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Re: Who is an author everybody seems to love and you can't stand

Posted: 01 Aug 2019, 10:11
by Simina Dinca
Haha this is such a nice topic in my opinion. It's somehow right on point :no-spoil:

For some reason I find Jules Verne pretty dark and creepy and reading his books makes me feel uncomfortable. Also Paulo Coelho

Re: Who is an author everybody seems to love and you can't stand

Posted: 07 Aug 2019, 13:46
by krwhite95
I know I'm going to be burned at the stake for this, but JK Rowling.

I've just never understood the hype. I've always thought Harry Potter was over-blown, and just couldn't finish it.

Re: Who is an author everybody seems to love and you can't s

Posted: 16 Aug 2019, 01:36
by AnxiousSocks
ReviewerDiksha wrote: 19 Aug 2017, 09:31 Paulo Cohelo. Everyone around me just loved the Alchemist. And everyone was like it the best book ever and all. And when I read that book. Disappointed. It has been overhyped so much! I just dont understand why?
Me neither!
It’s one of the worst books I’ve ever read, it’s so cliche and boring and has an air of faux depth and humility! It’s got no charm and rhythm. so so so bad

Re: Who is an author everybody seems to love and you can't s

Posted: 24 Aug 2019, 11:32
by Asunta
Natalie394 wrote: 05 Jan 2017, 12:12 Sarah J Maas. I couldn't get into her Throne of Glass series and really didn't enjoy A Court of Thorns and Roses.
OH MY GOD, ACOTAR - that series is so toxic! However I did finish reading all of TOG and it was way better than ACOTAR. Still, her loyal fanbase calls her a feminist writer and I can't for the heck of it understand how!?

Re: Who is an author everybody seems to love and you can't stand

Posted: 26 Aug 2019, 15:47
by Bambiears
Edgar allen poe I just cant really enjoy any of his works that I have found so far.

Re: Who is an author everybody seems to love and you can't stand

Posted: 08 Sep 2019, 01:51
by Felicity Granger
Christine Feehan. When I was younger I really enjoyed the Carpathian books. For the first five or so in the series anyway. When I continued reading I realized EVERY SINGLE BOOK followed the same pattern and it got so monotonous I got frustrated whenever I saw any of her books in the stores. It's not like she's a bad writer - she's just not to be taken in large doses.

Re: Who is an author everybody seems to love and you can't stand

Posted: 22 Sep 2019, 09:16
by AnnaPap
I've never said it out loud because all my friends love Game of Thrones, but George RR Martin.

Re: Who is an author everybody seems to love and you can't stand

Posted: 24 Sep 2019, 11:29
by juliesand
Henry James - maybe I'm just missing something...

Re: Who is an author everybody seems to love and you can't stand

Posted: 24 Sep 2019, 21:59
by Juliet+1
juliesand wrote: 24 Sep 2019, 11:29 Henry James - maybe I'm just missing something...
Henry James is sort of a writer's writer. His stories are not so different from anyone else of that period; it's the way he tells them. He can write a sentence that is an entire page long, perfectly understandable, and with perfect grammar. Awesome!

Re: Who is an author everybody seems to love and you can't stand

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 08:56
by celtsshade
J.K. Rowling. Can’t get past the first chapter. Her story plots are so overdone, they make me cringe anytime I hear someone say they like her. I just can’t get into it.

Re: Who is an author everybody seems to love and you can't stand

Posted: 07 Nov 2019, 11:11
by Jennashby_87
I have never set foot in the Game of Thrones world in any respect. I’ve never seen an episode of the show or read the books and I’m not sure I ever will. As for an author I dislike, I haven’t really come across any yet!

Re: Who is an author everybody seems to love and you can't stand

Posted: 08 Nov 2019, 07:20
by Nikolas Farmakis
I see that many people like J. K. Rowling, but I personally dislike her as an author, as her books are not the type I read.

Re: Who is an author everybody seems to love and you can't stand

Posted: 21 Dec 2019, 14:16
by slj3988
People are gonna hate me but J.K. Rowling. Yep. She stole many things from other fantasy writers. The dreadful acting in the films didn't help.

Re: Who is an author everybody seems to love and you can't stand

Posted: 21 Dec 2019, 14:18
by slj3988
Oh and whoever it was who wrote 50 Shades. Yuck.

Re: Who is an author everybody seems to love and you can't stand

Posted: 11 Feb 2020, 16:17
by tsh1001
Nicholas Sparks (too sappy) & Stephen King (too odd)