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Re: Agatha Christie

Posted: 17 Jul 2012, 21:31
by through the wormhole
I bought all of the Christie books in a hardcover set when I was in high school. Used my allowance to buy a book a month. I always watched the mail with anticipation for the next book to arrive. Other girls bought clothes, shoes, jewelry -- I bought books. This set has traveled with me where ever I have lived over the years. I have lost count of the times I have read them. They're old friends. :)

Re: Agatha Christie

Posted: 13 Aug 2012, 04:43
by Carabosse
I'm unashamedly obsessed with Agatha Christie's work at the moment. I've always been a fan, but now I'm reading them all. I finished "Crooked House" not so long ago, IainDGBlackburn, but will definitely read "Endless Night", based on your recommendation. The characterization in "Crooked House" was so detailed: it was pure joy to read. The only let-down was that I guessed the identity of the murderer!
Please let me know what you think of "Crooked House" when you've read it. For those of you who've already read it, I would love to hear what you think too!

Re: Agatha Christie

Posted: 10 Sep 2012, 07:14
by primrose777
I have just read my first Agatha Christie novel called "Sleeping Murder". Miss Marple is great but honestly I am not to sure if I love her or not. I found the plot a little simplistic, the book very light, I have Murder on the Orient Express and Death on the Nile so I will perservere. I have heard only good reports of these books.

Re: Agatha Christie

Posted: 18 Nov 2012, 06:18
by MelMariah
I was scrolling through my boyfriends mums bookshelves today and I noticed quite a large collection of Agatha Christie.
Due to the amount of praise on here and the collection of books she has i'm assuming she definitely is a great author!
I'm going to read some, recommend some books for the first time reader?

Re: Agatha Christie

Posted: 19 Nov 2012, 05:22
by Cupids_Psyche
I have always loved Poirot. Liked Miss Marple but not as much.
Agatha was pure genius!


Re: Agatha Christie

Posted: 28 Nov 2012, 12:18
by Carrie R
I'm embarrassed to admit I only first read Agatha Christie a few months ago--"The Murder Of Roger Ackroyd." I thought it was great, and I'd like to read more of hers if I could ever find the time. I've read that Christie is the most widely published author of all time. A nice title to hold for sure!

Re: Agatha Christie

Posted: 26 Jul 2013, 23:14
by cassayohkay
Ah, I'm so glad to see that there are other Agatha Christie fans out there. I absolutely adore Hercule Poirot. I'm not too much of a Miss Marple fan though. The first Christie book I read was And Then There Were None and I couldn't get enough. I went to the local library and checked out all of her books that they had. Murder on the Orient Express and The Murder of Roger Ackroyd are also favorites of mine. I've always been pleasantly surprised by her endings.

Re: Agatha Christie

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 08:02
by Mariacopland
Agatha Christie is a tremendous author. My husband bought all of her books for my birthday a couple of years ago and I have enjoyed each one in turn. My favourites are 'The Pale Horse' and 'Murder in Mesopotamia'. Although I sometimes feel that her writing style lacks a little substance her amazing plot twists more than make up for it. She is and will remain one of my favourite authors.

Re: Agatha Christie

Posted: 01 Aug 2013, 10:37
by fever33
I love her...and then there were none and murder on orient express are my favoritw

Re: Agatha Christie

Posted: 01 Aug 2013, 20:48
by anu_
Wow, so many Agatha Christie fans and here I am who has just read one book by her, Secret Adversary and that too only this year. No chance to read Poirot or Maples till now, so can't really say much, but yes, I did like her Tommy and Tuppence, a sweet unlikely combination of street smartness and intuition. Note to self - Should read more by her.

Re: Agatha Christie

Posted: 31 Aug 2013, 04:29
by lady_charlie
My grandmother used to read Agatha Christie, it was one of the few things I knew about her. She was ill when I was little and in bed in my old nursery, so after school I could go show her my artwork and then I had to leave her alone.
One day I bought one of her books in a used bookstore because it made me think of my grandmother.
We are totally hooked now.

I have a puzzle for all you fans - a very young and slender Professor McGonagall can be seen in which Poirot movie?

Re: Agatha Christie

Posted: 05 Sep 2013, 15:47
by Megan Young
Genius for sure!! I love her!!

Re: Agatha Christie

Posted: 05 Sep 2013, 16:11
by saturday+deviant
In my British Literature class, my professor asked us to choose a few books that we would like to read and present to the class. I had chosen And Then There Were None, but she gave me Hope Leslie by Catherine Maria Sedgewick. I had forgotten about my other choices until I went to the library today and got to the Agatha Christie section. So now I'm going to read my first Agatha Christie book :)

Re: Agatha Christie

Posted: 05 Sep 2013, 16:34
by Misaela
Haven;t read anything by her. Will have to give her a try.

Re: Agatha Christie

Posted: 11 Sep 2013, 14:35
by Leoch
Yes, they're unrealistic, and yes, there have been better writers, but no writer I know of has such a creative mind. She always managed to come up with endings that surprised even her die-hard fans who thought they could predict her.