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Re: Who's Your Favorite Author?

Posted: 27 Nov 2022, 13:09
by Brad McLean
Marie Chalupova wrote: 02 Oct 2022, 11:39 Alright, this might be bit basic, but my favourite author is Brandon Sanderson. I am yet to be disappointed by anything he wrote. He writes fast. His worlds and magic are always something new. There is always plenty of surprising twists and revelations in his books. Not to mention strong character work.
Since I am not familiar with Brandon Sanderson, I don't know why this would be a "bit basic". Your post has, however, piqued my interest. I'll be taking a look at Mr. Sanderson's work as I always enjoy different worlds, magic, and strong character work.

Re: Who's Your Favorite Author?

Posted: 30 Nov 2022, 08:09
by Online Concept
I don't have one favourite author but I'll mention only one and that is John Grisham. His novels are full of crime thrillers and draws you on till the end.

Re: Who's Your Favorite Author?

Posted: 11 Dec 2022, 19:56
by Xylina Graf
My favorite author is Malcolm Gladwell because he has such interesting ideas on the world and his non-fiction stories are intertwined with a common theme such as the "outliers" in our society and how they got successful.

Re: Who's Your Favorite Author?

Posted: 14 Dec 2022, 12:24
by tammys988
Lynsay Sands is my very most favorite I have read almost every one of her books multiple times. Second would be Stephen King but did quit expecting the movies to be as good as his books. Third is Danielle Steel. I really enjoy the depth of her characters. Yes I read multiple types of books. I like variety.

Re: Who's Your Favorite Author?

Posted: 20 Dec 2022, 03:23
by Maria Diaz Peinado
I would have to say my favourite author of all time is Jane Austen. Followed by Orwell, Dickens, Tolkien, etc
And the currently new ones maybe... Sarah J. Maas

Re: Who's Your Favorite Author?

Posted: 31 Dec 2022, 10:30
by Natalie Lanham
So many great authors have been mention already. I recently tried a new genre and got away from my typical reading, and definitely fell in love with a new author. Sarah J. Maas , is incredibly talented. I’ve both of read her incredibly long series, Thorne of glass, and a court of thrones and roses, and how her mind works is just amazing. The amount of characters and plots is insane, but are wound together beautifully. Her newest series Crescent City was definitely hard to get into, but she ended up pulling it off and making another great story.

Re: Who's Your Favorite Author?

Posted: 03 Jan 2023, 23:19
by unimatrix-420
I'd hafta say I have a couple. First and foremost is Patricia Cornwell -- I'm absolutely addicted to her novels, and honestly, I can't believe they haven't been adapted for television yet (though honestly, that's probably for the best!). I also love Kim Harrison, Anne Rice, Alice Sebold, Gillian Flynn and, most recently, Averil Dean (her novel The Undoing is a truly unique piece in which every word is a brush stroke of genius).

Re: Who's Your Favorite Author?

Posted: 09 Jan 2023, 21:31
by Ebets
My two favorite authors are Ginny Dye and Kristin Hannah.

Re: Who's Your Favorite Author?

Posted: 12 Jan 2023, 10:06
by chandlermyer
Currently it's Fredrik Backman. I love his slow burn writing and subtle sense of humor. He's not afraid to take on dark topics alongside humorous situations.

Re: Who's Your Favorite Author?

Posted: 20 Jan 2023, 08:08
by Unknown_G
Unknown_G wrote: 20 Jan 2023, 06:49 My favourite author is Jane austen
My favourite author is Jane Austen because she took all her characters and brought them to life, she revolutionized the writing industry and created a gateway for some of the best female writers of today like J.K Rowling, Tahereh Mafi,who have also turned their stories into household favourites ranging from Jane Austen's pride and prejudice to J.K Rowling's harry potter series to Tahereh Mafi's shatter me series which all convey beautiful stories. Truly great women.

Re: Who's Your Favorite Author?

Posted: 25 Jan 2023, 06:02
by Bianca Morano
I have many favorite authors from the past, namely Sylvia Plath, Edgar Allan Poe, Jane Austen, Rumi, and Arthur Conan Doyle. Also some Japanese authors which are Osamu Dazai and Haruki Murakami. I find Murakami's works have misogynistic view on women, tho I only like his writing style. Then lastly, James Clear.

Re: Who's Your Favorite Author?

Posted: 07 Feb 2023, 14:57
by Ann Harun
Borges is the sole reason I intend to learn Spanish. Aside from him, I believe Nabokov is virtually unrivaled in fiction.

Re: Who's Your Favorite Author?

Posted: 07 Feb 2023, 15:00
by Ann Harun
I have a long list of favourite authors, including Jane Austen, Rumi, Edgar Allan Poe, and Arthur Conan Doyle. 

Re: Who's Your Favorite Author?

Posted: 07 Feb 2023, 15:43
by Saratoga7
Elmore Leonard and James Lee Burke.

Leonard, to me, wrote the best dialogue I've ever read. I forget the names of characters while reading many books and have to go back to check. Not with Leonard. His dialogue created memorable, memorable characters, including many strong females.

James Lee Burke writes beautiful, lyrical prose. His books make me cry literally and figuratively. Literally, because the writing is so beautifully. Figuratively, because I can't write like Burke.

The book I have on this site (Psyched) is dialogue driven. But I took it down from Amazon, rewrote it to pair with a second book I recently finished and expect to release both in the next few months.

Re: Who's Your Favorite Author?

Posted: 08 Feb 2023, 15:12
by Meghan Sica
I have so many favorite authors it's hard to decide. V.C. Andrews is one that my friend actually got me interested in. I love that her books are so different, they have such detail and almost every one of them is a series. As you begin reading you feel as though you are really there. And she has a common theme which is such a taboo subject, incest. I love that her books spark emotion in me. Sometimes anger, fear, sadness, that is what reading is all about. Being transported to another realm, living through the characters.