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Re: How Many Chances Do You Give An Author?

Posted: 23 Aug 2020, 17:49
by Wangui07
I just give one chance.If the book ain't interesting, bye bye author of that book.

Re: How Many Chances Do You Give An Author?

Posted: 24 Aug 2020, 08:52
by Lilyflower-x2
One chance. I can tell alot about the author and their writing style by one book.

Re: How Many Chances Do You Give An Author?

Posted: 25 Aug 2020, 05:25
by shirleym89
I only give an author one chance to impress me. I am an extremely picky reader. My time is valuable to me.

Re: How Many Chances Do You Give An Author?

Posted: 07 Sep 2020, 17:39
by _Bokeh
Once the author ruins it the first time it's really hard to pick up their book again. Maybe three chances maximum.

Re: How Many Chances Do You Give An Author?

Posted: 20 Oct 2020, 13:57
by RKeinath
It depends on why I did not like the book by them. For instance, an author I like, and have read many times before and enjoyed, suddenly decided to include elements that I do not care for, and had not touched before. The story is still interesting, the writing is still good, so I will be giving them a second chance even after this.

However, if their writing style does not appeal, or they change their writing style partway through then I am not likely to return to them as they are not likely to alter from any of that.

Re: How Many Chances Do You Give An Author?

Posted: 04 Nov 2020, 15:37
by Vannaskivt
I'll give two or three chances before I move on to a different author. Sometimes its just the subject of the book and sometimes its writing style. I compare it to artists though, you don't always love everything they paint!

Re: How Many Chances Do You Give An Author?

Posted: 27 Nov 2020, 20:32
by Suzer6440 xyz
I feel that an author always deserves another chance. Every book is different.

Re: How Many Chances Do You Give An Author?

Posted: 21 Dec 2020, 09:20
by EReid
It's pretty much a one-chance, then done for me. There are a ton of other books on my reading list to get through. I'm not going to waste time on books I probably won't like.
That being said, one of my favorite series of all time is Six of Crows. However, I don't like the Grisha trilogy also by Leigh Bardugo (I know, I read the two series out of order). So there are times where I might give an author another chance, just in case.

Re: How Many Chances Do You Give An Author?

Posted: 29 Dec 2020, 03:52
by 63tty
One chance is all you get. I think that's a common thing for most people, unfortunately. Unless a friend recommends another good book by that author.

Re: How Many Chances Do You Give An Author?

Posted: 02 Jan 2021, 22:47
by Ldpuff
I am the same way. If I read a book and I do not like it, it is very unlikely that I will read another by that author. To that same note, if I read a book and I love it, I will look for more books from that same author.

Re: How Many Chances Do You Give An Author?

Posted: 02 Jan 2021, 23:26
by Jennifer Garcia 555
I usually only give an author one chance. The only exception is if someone strongly recommends another book by that author. Then I will give them one more chance.

Re: How Many Chances Do You Give An Author?

Posted: 04 Jan 2021, 17:26
by easy75
Yes, but what if you read a book and REALLY like it, then you pick up another book by the same author and don't like it so much? Then maybe you pick up another one, and again it is not that great? But that first book was AWESOME! Do you give them another chance?
This happened to me with Dennis Lehane (awesome book was "The Given Day") and to a lesser extent with Anthony Doerr (awesome book was "All the Light we Cannot See")

Re: How Many Chances Do You Give An Author?

Posted: 05 Jan 2021, 01:10
by Carina Jordaan
For me it will depend on the writing style. If the Authors writing style is heavy and I struggle to read the book then I won't give him a second chance. If I love his writing style, but I did not particularly enjoyed the book itself due to a weak story line, I will probably give the Author a second chance.

If the second book's storyline is also lacking then I will be done and not read anything else from that Author again.

Re: How Many Chances Do You Give An Author?

Posted: 12 Apr 2021, 15:47
by Archaeoptery
I do not play attention to Author names when I choose books unless they are on my list of books I need to look for.

Re: How Many Chances Do You Give An Author?

Posted: 12 Apr 2021, 18:25
by maggi3
I agree with Archaeoptery in that I’m a lot more interested in the premise of a book than the author. But if a book has major issues like a writing style I can’t stand or being homophobic or racist or something like that, I’ll most likely avoid that author in the future. As others have said, there’s a lot of books on my TBR, and sometimes I don’t have the energy or time to give an author a second chance.