James Patterson

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Re: James Patterson

Post by Rosytoes »

I find James Patterson's books are all pretty much the same. They all have pretty much the same story line and the characters have little or not variation. I also think his books are predictable and unoriginal.
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Post by sparkleeyesap3 »

I have only read the womens murder club series. I dont normally read a lot of thrillers but really enjoyed this series.
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Reviewer Page: onlinebookclub.org/reviews/by-gemma-375.html

Post by Gemma_375 »

I think James Patterson is fantastic. I love the Alex Cross novels the best.

I saw those Stephen King comments you mentioned, and I had to laugh! I find Stephen King novels so tedious, and most other readers I've spoken to feel the same. I hardly ever start a book and fail to finish it, and I HATE doing so, but three Stephen King books I've tried to read and I have failed to finish all three. The last one I punished myself through three quarters of it and still ended up putting it down and just used the internet to find out how it ended! I don't even regret doing so. I find him very wordy, and he loves, loves, loves to draw a novel out through hundreds of pages, when the premise could be better written in about 50! Now, I don't mind heavy novels, I don't mind novels that take a long time to get through, with plenty of description IF the writing is good, makes me feel every word which is written, and if the description is something WORTH describing in such detail. But Stephen King doesn't do that. They are meant to be 'horrors' yet I have never felt any emotion at all through reading his work, and I've never felt any emotional attachment to any of the characters or an investment in the developing plot itself. They're not scary, they're not thrilling and ultimately, I just don't care for his work at all. I'd heard about his work, and I have given it a go (a few times, as I thought maybe I had just picked a poor one to begin with!) and I shan't be trying again!

Patterson, on the other hand, develops his characters so I have somebody to root for, develops exciting plots which are fast paced, believable and so well written that I feel myself being taken along for the ride, whether I want to or not! His books make it so easy for me to visualise being in the situation, as if I were experiencing it or watching a HD movie, and I often find my pulse racing at particularly tense moments in the novels. He doesn't spend about 26 pages (little or no exaggeration here) describing a chained woman trying to reach a glass of water...
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Reviewer Page: onlinebookclub.org/reviews/by-betzycrypt.html

Post by BetzyCrypt »

That man has a knack at hooking the child inside anyone. I recall reading Maximum Ride and I could not get over it. I'd have dreams I had wings over and over again! I get Stephan King When he says Patterson is a bit dopey. His plots and storylines aren't ever as serious as he wants it to be. But in honest truth, though Stephan king has better book ideas, Patterson is still the better AUTHOR. Stephan is getting much too egotistical!
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Reviewer Page: onlinebookclub.org/reviews/by-soccerstar95.html
Latest Review: "Introducing The Helmholtz Resonators" by The Helmholtz Resonators, illustrated by James Lightfoot

Post by soccerstar95 »

I read almost all of the Maximum Ride books and then headed over to some of his other books. I really don't like how his chapters are 1-2 pages. I prefer a chapter to be at least a little bit longer.
Latest Review: "Introducing The Helmholtz Resonators" by The Helmholtz Resonators, illustrated by James Lightfoot
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Reviewer Page: onlinebookclub.org/reviews/by-shayna.html
Latest Review: "T Wave" by Steven F. Freeman

Post by shayna »

I really like his books. Some of them are flops, but I first got into Patterson as a young adult with the Maximum Ride series. Though they died off towards the end, I initially adored them. As I've been transitioning into his adult thrillers, I've tended to like them a lot.
Latest Review: "T Wave" by Steven F. Freeman
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Reviewer Page: onlinebookclub.org/reviews/by-amarchant31.html

Post by AMarchAnt31 »

I've been reading James Patterson since I was 15. They've become the books I turn to when I want a quick mindless read but I still love finding one I haven't read before or a new release.
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Reviewer Page: onlinebookclub.org/reviews/by-kerbi.html

Post by Kerbi »

I quite enjoyed the maximum ride series by Patterson.
I find a lot of kings writing hard to get into but at the end it is always worth getting to the end of the book with his plot twists and surprises that no one sees coming.
If given the choice I would pick a Patterson book over a king book.
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Reviewer Page: onlinebookclub.org/reviews/by-sybil1reader.html
Latest Review: "Deadly Secrets" by Robert Boris Riskin

Post by sybil1reader »

I have all of his Alex Cross and Women's Murder Club books and I enjoyed them enough to keep buying them. I have read more of his series books than I have his stand alone stories, but enjoy them all. Everyone has their own tastes, and basically I just like to see the bad guys go down.
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Post by TheYoungReader_22 »

I enjoy both Patterson and Kind immensely. However in regards to King it is true that sometimes you can be left lacking. There have been many times when I have had to re-read a page or even a chapter because I feel that I have missed something. Yet that is his own signature just as Patterson is fast paced thrillers
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Reviewer Page: onlinebookclub.org/reviews/by-jen319164.html
Latest Review: "Wishes" by Leila Virou

Post by Jen319164 »

I respect Patterson very much and feel he is a fantastic author and think it is silly of king to criticize another author and i would say Patterson beats him by far
Latest Review: "Wishes" by Leila Virou
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Reviewer Page: onlinebookclub.org/reviews/by-jamers025.html

Post by jamers025 »

I love James Patterson! There has not been a book yet that I have read by him that I haven't enjoyed. Of course he has written well over a hundred and I have only read about 20 of them. :)
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Post by Grizzly »

I hate James Patterson. He's by far my least favorite author out there. Ten out of ten would not read again.

I read Sunday at Tiffany's because my brother accidentally bought it and gave it to me. It read like it was written by a middle schooler and lacked a compelling enough plot of me to forgive the poor writing. Not to mention the two dimensional female lead. I read the Maximum Ride series (up to a point) because my cousin recommended it. And again, the writing was that of a middle schooler. The main character was a huge Mary Sue, and the plot was deus ex machina to the (ha) max.

He's predictable and overall sub-par. How could someone who is so terrible at writing make it so big in the writing world? I've heard that he doesn't even write his own novels, but I don't know if that makes it better or worse. Regardless, I don't think he's a good author at all, but he is a rather big name so I guess he must be doing something right. But then again, Twilight hit it big, and that novel wasn't anything special either.

Am I the only Patterson hater here?
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Reviewer Page: onlinebookclub.org/reviews/by-dlvergent.html
Latest Review: "The Banned Book about Love" by Scott Hughes

Post by DlVERGENT »

I haven't read any of his books but I really want to, I feel like I'm really going to enjoy his works for some reason. I've had my eye on the Maximum Ride series for a while now.
Latest Review: "The Banned Book about Love" by Scott Hughes
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Reviewer Page: onlinebookclub.org/reviews/by-cloudedrune.html
Latest Review: "Why is the moon following us?" by María Escobedo Cubas

Post by CloudedRune »

My mother loves his books. I probably should borrow one from her at some point to read one for myself!
Latest Review: "Why is the moon following us?" by María Escobedo Cubas
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