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Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 26 Feb 2020, 23:34
by SurroundedByBooks
Nope. I don’t think it makes a difference at all.

Besides, pen names have been around for a long time so there’s no reason to believe the name on the front of a book anyway.

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 08 Mar 2020, 15:50
by KaylaPete
I don't have a conscious preference but I do find myself more drawn to male authors then female ones. I need to make a more concentrated effort to support more females!

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 08 Mar 2020, 18:44
by sevillagirl18
I normally don't really have a preference of author gender, with the exception of the mystery genre. I'm not even sure that I've read a mystery novel written by a male author, but for whatever reason, I'll actually put a mystery book back if it's written by a male.

I think it's because I've had such good experiences reading authors like Mary Higgins Clark, that it's so difficult for me to imagine a male author matching her.

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 09 Mar 2020, 13:49
by leareiler
I honestly don't know. I have a good mix of both in my personal library, and sometimes I can enjoy male authored books or female authored books more than the other's. I would say that I enjoy, in general, female classic authors as opposed to male's because I feel like they are able to paint a more honest picture of female characters, or just characters in general. Not to say male authors are bad at depicting women (though there are those who do a bad job) I just enjoy the more rounded female characters I have come across in mainly female author's works.

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 13 Mar 2020, 10:37
by Tavaiel26
I usually gravitate towards female authors, a lot of times when reading books written by male authors I find their female protagonists really unrelatable.

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 04 Dec 2022, 04:40
by Jay_shon03
I enjoy reading a good book irrespective of the author's gender. The only problem is when the book is centered on gender issues and the author seem to be bias in his/her opinion. In that instance, I jettison the book.

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 05 Dec 2022, 11:16
by Maria Ferreira Silva
Sometimes yes. I feel like male authors don't usually get the women's perspective on a lot of things.

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 20 Dec 2022, 03:26
by Maria Diaz Peinado
The truth is that despite not doing it on purpose, I tend to read more books written by women than by men, therefore I would say that you prefer female authors.

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 09 Jan 2023, 21:34
by Ebets
I read books written by both male and female. If I had to choose one or the other, I would choose female.

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 12 Jan 2023, 21:51
by Dani Strayer
I find that I read a lot more books written by women compared to men. There's only 7 maybe 8/~25 books on my physical bookshelves. It depends on the genre and the plot. Personally, for YA or NA, I have a strong preference for women but dystopian I tend prefer male authors because there seems to be less unnecessary romantic subplots. The exception is the Hunger Games because the romantic subplot was used to prove a point that was done beautifully.

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 14 Feb 2023, 10:22
by Ben Madeley
Now that I think about, almost all of my favourite books are by male authors but I hadn't really thought about it before and I don't think I could explain why. Mainly I read crime and historical fiction, so perhaps those genres tend to mainly be written by male authors?

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 19 Feb 2023, 14:39
by Laura Ismajli
Patox wrote: 17 Aug 2018, 23:28 Yes, for romance I prefer female authors. Ladies weave nice stories of love and life. I sometimes get lost in their world.
Absolutely! I find romance written by female authors to be more deliberate, and more appealing to my personal tastes. It generally has more nuance, and more build-up that keeps you on the edge of your seat. To me, it feels that with books written by male authors, the romance and intimacy are a secondary thought, and never the main focus. Suffice to say, my romance section is overwhelmingly female. :)

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 15 Mar 2023, 18:57
by Tamara Bengesai
I generally don't mind which sex the author is but how the book is flowing. But at times I just want to support female authors. Team Feminists!

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 21 Apr 2023, 21:40
by Quizlit4Stephen
Probably 60/40 male/female authors but that's skewed as I read a lot of hard boiled detective and classic Japanese books that were predominantly written by men. I have no preference
I read a fantastic book a few year ago, The Signs Preceding of the World by Yuri Herrera, was sure the author was female, only found out the truth much later!

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 25 Apr 2023, 13:41
by T J 6
Gender discrimination happens in so many areas - seriously let’s leave it out of writing! Men and women are equally talented writers.