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What authors are you addicted to?

Posted: 12 Jun 2016, 23:01
by Paperalki+
Do you have an author that you love so much you've literally bought and read every single one of their books? For me there's Jennifer L. Arementrout and Cassandra Clare. I'm totally obsessed with them and all of their books.

Re: What authors are you addicted to?

Posted: 13 Jun 2016, 09:26
by MorganM84
Jodi Picoult - I love all of her books. My favorite one of hers is The Storyteller.

Re: What authors are you addicted to?

Posted: 13 Jun 2016, 09:36
by +leslie+fabian+
Anita Shreve and Ann Patchett. Cannot resist their books (why should I?) and wish they'd keep them coming (faster)!!

Re: What authors are you addicted to?

Posted: 13 Jun 2016, 13:41
by katiesquilts
Julie Kagawa and Sarah Rees Brennan are definitely on my list. They're both fairly new YA authors with only a handful of books out, but their writing styles are just so fitting for the YA fantasy genre.

Re: What authors are you addicted to?

Posted: 13 Jun 2016, 14:09
by LoriRae
I have been addicted to Jenn Armentrout for awhile now. I have read everything she has out. I just recently got into Cassandra Clare through The Mortal Instruments series which I loved. I love Jay Crownover and have just finished reading several books by Cora Carmack.

-- 13 Jun 2016, 14:14 --

I also absolutely LOVE JD Robb (Nora Roberts) and her In Death series. I read and re-read the whole series constantly. She is on like book 40 or 41 in the series. Its awesome.

Re: What authors are you addicted to?

Posted: 13 Jun 2016, 17:09
by Melinda Louise
I am generally more of a classic literature and fantasy fan, but I've been really into the YA author Chanda Hahn lately. She wrote the wonderful Unfortunate Fairy Tale series, which I absolutely adored. I recently bought The Iron Butterfly, the first of another series. She also has yet ANOTHER series coming out that I will have to read. Any other YA guilty pleasure authors I should know about?

Re: What authors are you addicted to?

Posted: 13 Jun 2016, 18:25
by Paperalki+
Melinda Louise wrote:I am generally more of a classic literature and fantasy fan, but I've been really into the YA author Chanda Hahn lately. She wrote the wonderful Unfortunate Fairy Tale series, which I absolutely adored. I recently bought The Iron Butterfly, the first of another series. She also has yet ANOTHER series coming out that I will have to read. Any other YA guilty pleasure authors I should know about?
I love Chanda Hahn and the Unfortunate Fairy Tale series. I've also read the Iron butterfly series and it was absolutely amazing I hope you like it.

Re: What authors are you addicted to?

Posted: 23 Jun 2016, 19:56
by Tjw97
I love Stephen King and one particular novel of his Thinner. In Thinner, when Billy hits an old gypsy woman and don't think nothing of it because of his and the town prejudice. He is cursed by the victim's father. Thinner is not just some horror tale, it teaches people that they need to be careful how they treat others because in the end it will come back around.

Re: What authors are you addicted to?

Posted: 24 Jun 2016, 07:10
by Sakuko
Hm, I don't think I have all books of any author that has more than 2-3. I just can never keep up, even if I love an author. I believe I have most of Steven Brusts books, I'm just missing about 3-4.

Re: What authors are you addicted to?

Posted: 24 Jun 2016, 12:26
by napsnax
I really enjoy Milan Kundera. I am in the process of getting through his collection of books. :)

Re: What authors are you addicted to?

Posted: 05 Jul 2016, 10:24
by prospero1501
The author I insist upon owning every book written is Mr. Paul Stewart with his illustrator Chris Riddell. Together, these two very talented people created The Edge Chronicles, a YA fantasy series set in an amazing world called The Edge. The books all have to do with the adventures of different generations of the same family, set in a place with all kinds of crazy creatures, floating rocks used to power sky ships, and plants that can kill you. I have every book in the series, and plan to read the other series these two people write/illustrate.

Re: What authors are you addicted to?

Posted: 06 Jul 2016, 13:25
by Grantd123
I am addicted to Leigh Bardugo! I've loved every single book she has written. She has two series, the grisha trilogy, and her new one "Six of Crows"

Re: What authors are you addicted to?

Posted: 07 Jul 2016, 18:32
by barb429
For me it's Stephen King. While there are lots of authors that I enjoy, he is thee one who I always make sure that I pick up the latest read. I have all of his books in hardback- even the ones that I haven't enjoyed so much.

Re: What authors are you addicted to?

Posted: 07 Jul 2016, 19:04
by cursillo86
I go through phases, but right now I have to say that I love Isabel Allende's books. I read her young adult novel first, El Bosque de los Pigmeos (The Forest of the Pygmies), and then her novel Zorro, which invented an historical account of his youth and parents. These hooked me. From there I went on to read most of her novels written for adults.

Re: What authors are you addicted to?

Posted: 07 Jul 2016, 19:14
by Akita
When I was younger, my first series of books I read was Erin Hunter's Warrior Cat series. They were really good. Then I started getting into more fictional stories. The first trilogy was Wayne Thomas Batson's The Door Within; I fell head over heels over his books and continued reading more. I tried getting into adult fiction, but nothing really caught my eye.