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Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 22 Jun 2018, 08:06
by anwidmer
Do you have a preference in gender for writing and if so whats the reason? I recently got into a debate on this subject. I personally feel it makes no difference especially since some female authors use male pen names. Its interesting to me to see others points of view. Also if you can state your favorite author be it male or female and why their gender may play a role in your feelings. :D

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 22 Jun 2018, 10:08
by lianne_
Well honestly you don't need to have references about who the author is or what the author is. Female or Male author can have different point of views, beliefs, the way they share their thoughts, etc but there are only things that they want to do and that is to inspire the readers, to entertain and to give information. We are all equal, a author have only one goal that is to share their ideas and their feelings. Different point of views, different authors-it can be a male or female but there is only one purpose, to write and that writing will be the eye-opener, an advice, inspiration, and etc.

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 06 Aug 2018, 14:51
by Vscholz
I gravitate more towards female authors (or at least authors with female names) because they write in genres more appealing to me. I have been reading a lot of cozy paranormal mysteries lately and they all seem to be female names.

However, I do not shy away from male authors. One of my favorite books is Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCafferty; if this novel had been written by a male, I would question the authenticity as it is the journal of a teenage high school girl.

That being said, men and women can possibly (and frequently succeed) write the opposite gender authentically, but it is our own prejudices that may make us gravitate towards specific gendered authors. I find I relate more to female characters which are often written by female authors, but I will not dismiss a book simply based on character or author gender. In fact, I have read several books recently written by men about male characters and found myself enjoying them more than I expected.

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 08 Aug 2018, 10:56
by Cardinalsparrow
I don't particularly care for gender, I just like good stuff but generally most of the good stuff I've read were written by men.

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 17 Aug 2018, 23:28
by Patox
Yes, for romance I prefer female authors. Ladies weave nice stories of love and life. I sometimes get lost in their world.

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 22 Aug 2018, 10:33
by VJohnson0615
I don't have a preference, but most of the books I read are written by female authors. I read a lot of contemporary, paranormal, and historical romance.

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 25 Aug 2018, 19:49
by Sharill Rasowo
I don't have a preference but I noticed that a lot of romance is written by female authors whereas chinese translated web novels tend to be written by male writers which leads to me reading more books written by men than women.

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 16 Oct 2018, 05:16
by Zimall
Nope. Gender doesn't matter for me. Only thing that matter is the content they write..the more its interesting the more adorable author becomes.

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 16 Oct 2018, 07:18
by HollandBlue
I've never really thought about this before, but I guess to me the story is the most important thing whether written by a woman or man doesn't really matter to me.

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 20 Oct 2018, 16:56
by serendipity 27
I personally feel that it doesn't matter. I never pay attention to that. I'm a huge fan of Sherrilyn Kenyon and a lot of her characters are male. Her being a woman doesn't detract from her ability to portray the rawness of her male characters.

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 04 Dec 2018, 07:37
by DakotaA
While I don't have a preference on the gender of the author, I definitely prefer to have a female protagonist in fantasy and sci-fi books.

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 04 Dec 2018, 12:34
by PlanetHauth
I have no real preference. I read whatever I feel is interesting. It's important to choose nonfiction texts by authors who know what they're talking about. You wouldn't look for a personal life account about pregnancy or PCOS from a man, but it'd be fine to look into research data from a qualified scientist/doctor be they male or female. As for fiction, I've personally not found one gender to be better or worse than the other. It's strictly dependant on writing abilities.

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 20 Feb 2019, 05:53
by _Delly_01
Gender doesn't factor into what I read whatsoever, but I would LOVE to see some romance books written by men for a change. Or maybe just some innovative women. That sounded a little bit sexist in my head, but I didn't mean it to come across that way. I just mean that men might think a little differently to women, and it'd be nice to see that for a change.

I'm sick of reading about helpless women needing to be saved, or the man being controlling. I want to read something raw and realistic that doesn't directly feed into fantasy. But I suppose romance is definitely the wrong the wrong genre for that... It is literally wish fulfillment.

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 09 Mar 2019, 17:00
by SunVixen
I don't care for author’s gender, race or religion. It is only important that the author writes good books.
Beautiful language and interesting plot is more important than the gender of the author.

Re: Do you have a preference between male and female authors?

Posted: 11 Mar 2019, 03:02
by Salma M
I personally have no problem with the gender of the author.All that matters is the content in the book whether it appeals to me or not