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Re: Review of Cancer Faith & Butterflies

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 20:32
by mrlefty0706
“Cancer Faith & Butterflies” is an incredible book about faith in God and the devastating impact of cancer on the victims and their families. This story revolves around Brooke and Joey and 12-year-old Jimmy in the room next door in the cancer ward. Brooke gave birth 10 months prior to her entering the hospital with cancer that was not responding to chemotherapy. Jimmy had been in remission from Leukemia at age 10 but it was back with a vengeance and Jimmy was not responding to the treatments the doctors used to try and save him. It was a very sad sample to read but faith in God made the story joyful. Jimmy passed away while Joey and Brooke knew that she would soon follow. Brooke truly believed in God, Joey not so much and Jimmy’s parents did not believe in God because they felt God would not put their son through this battle. Joey shared a story with Jimmy about life and God and Jimmy was at peace with the thoughts of going to Heaven when he died. Booke already knew she would go to Heaven but Joey would be so lost without her. Joey had to be strong for their daughter Sara. A story all members should read.

Re: Review of Cancer Faith & Butterflies

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 20:37
by Gerry Steen
This review recommends that we read this book if we have experienced health challenges as this book has relatable situations . I believe that we will all be faced with losing someone we love to cancer at some points in our lives. This book will help us navigate those challenging roads ahead. :techie-studyinggray:

Re: Review of Cancer Faith & Butterflies

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 20:37
by Sky Revews
The novel dives deep into faith's complexity and does not give an easy answer. It compassionately reveals people who are placed in different stages of their spiritual wanderings, from Brooke, who is absolutely zealous, to Joe, who is in an argument with God.

Re: Review of Cancer Faith & Butterflies

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 20:40
by aminaa12
Cancer Faith & Butterflies by Johnny M. Sanchez It’s about faith love family sorrow. A heartfelt novel can’t wait to read it.

Re: Review of Cancer Faith & Butterflies

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 20:40
by Ram Sahni
Faith in God is seen as a model for Brooke, while for Joe, it is kind of confusing. When faced with the untold pain of losing his wife, Joe is put in a situation where he has to process his emotions of resentment, unworthiness, and betrayal, which ultimately chip away at his long-held credo.

Re: Review of Cancer Faith & Butterflies

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 20:42
by Kajori Sheryl Paul
I hope Brooke survives and Joe's faith in God endures.

Thank you for the great review.

Re: Review of Cancer Faith & Butterflies

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 20:47
by Okocha Victor
This book Cancer Faith & Butterflies by Johnny M. Sanchez tells the story of perseverance. After Joeys loss of his parents, he also lost his wife to cancer. Only a resilient spirt and bare sure losses.

Re: Review of Cancer Faith & Butterflies

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 20:48
by Muhammad Haikal Birton
Certainly! “Cancer, Faith & Butterflies” by Johnny M. Sanchez is a profoundly emotional and touching book. The author delves into the emotional turmoil that accompanies such a journey, providing readers with a relatable and heart-wrenching portrayal of the impact of illness on individuals and their families1.

Re: Review of Cancer Faith & Butterflies

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 20:50
by Sirajuddin A
In this fabulous story, Joey's characterization seems profoundly captivating as it reflects the zest for life and how a person can remain optimistic while facing challenges.

Re: Review of Cancer Faith & Butterflies

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 20:53
by Harty Muli
I like Joey's perseverance amid the heartbreak brought by the loss of his parents while in school. I like his responsibility as he takes care of his father's business together with his sister. I also like that the book deals with cancer. Thanks for the review.

Re: Review of Cancer Faith & Butterflies

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 21:00
by Creole
The sample pages got me—such a profoundly poignant tale of loss, resilience and faith in God. Your review added insights and further piqued my interest in reading this book. Congratulations to the author.

Re: Review of Cancer Faith & Butterflies

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 21:06
by Stephen Christopher 1
Cancer is an illness that touches many of our lives, and books like this can help both the person with the disease and the people around them. It does sound like this book is heavy on the faith concept, so I may give this one a miss for now.

Re: Review of Cancer Faith & Butterflies

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 21:33
by Cheryl Erickson
Faith can be made stronger or completely broken in the face of a loved one's life threatening illness or death. Joey has already witnessed both of his parents pass on, but now he is faced with watching his beloved wife fight cancer. Will faith be able to carry him through?

Re: Review of Cancer Faith & Butterflies

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 21:37
by Elizabeth-Tush4Christ
Cancer Faith & Butterflies by Johnny M. Sanchez is filled with emotions, love, and tragedy in Joey's life as he navigates his life with cancer. The review is detailed and leaves one imagining Joey's life and what to expect.

Re: Review of Cancer Faith & Butterflies

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 21:45
by Leonie Vermaak
This sounds like a captivating book that touches the core of your soul. There can not be anything more devastating than the possibility of a cancer verdict. I'm curious to see how Jimmy deals with this and what the outcome in the end will be. Thanks for a detailed review. Congrats on BOTD.