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Re: Romance novels you just couldn't put down

Posted: 10 May 2021, 09:22
by Nithilah Ayyappan
The Distance Between Us by Kasie West! This book is both adorably cute and also mind-opening into how love is greater than societal standings and wealth. The relationship between Caymen and Xander is portrayed beautifully, and the butterflies just don't end with this one. ;)

Re: Romance novels you just couldn't put down

Posted: 17 Jun 2021, 11:06
by Anjali Patil
I have read many Romance novels and all of them are by Nicholas Sparks. I have read mostly all of his books except for a few books. I love his writing and stories and the way he makes us imagine the storyline in front of us while reading. I especially couldn't put down See Me, At First Sight, A Bend in the Road and of course The Notebook.

Re: Romance novels you just couldn't put down

Posted: 20 Jun 2021, 22:57
by Honey Satwani
The books that can make you forget who you are and make you engage in the story, are the once worth reading. One of the best romance series are the until series by Aurora Rose Reynold. If u don't find these books intresting than I don't think romance is your type.

Re: Romance novels you just couldn't put down

Posted: 30 Jun 2021, 20:07
by Amanda Dobson
I have a hard time putting books down period. There are three series that I have and read many times and each it I seem to finish them in a matter of hours. They are The Black Dagger Brotherhood by JR Ward, The Breed Series by Lora Leigh and The Leopard Series by Christine Feehan.

Re: Romance novels you just couldn't put down

Posted: 03 Jul 2021, 09:53
by Harshinittu
2 states by Chethan Bhagat it’s a must read book

Re: Romance novels you just couldn't put down

Posted: 04 Jul 2021, 03:50
by AmyJewell
I've just posted in another thread about favourite romance author being Ivy Smoak. All of her books had me hooked, well and truly. The first of her books I read was 'Temptation'. I sat up to the wee hours reading it. Suffice to say, I've never managed to read a book in a day until that one.

Re: Romance novels you just couldn't put down

Posted: 05 Jul 2021, 11:30
by Reader Chavez
Every Nicholas Sparks book. Love them all! I think my favorite would have to be Message in a bottle. I also recently started reading Danielle Steele´s books and am loving them.

Re: Romance novels you just couldn't put down

Posted: 07 Sep 2021, 19:54
by Raquel Sojo
Lauren Layne's books, and if they are book series, I have an even harder time putting them down.

Re: Romance novels you just couldn't put down

Posted: 11 Sep 2021, 14:37
by Hyacinth Bella
The Sum of All Kisses by Julia Quinn! I adored that so much I read it in one sitting.

Re: Romance novels you just couldn't put down

Posted: 27 Sep 2021, 10:46
by Akshobhya B
I read Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte in a day. Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff have a tumultuous and difficult relationship. It's an odd romantic novel. Some readers may not find it romantic at all but I liked this chaotic love story.

Re: Romance novels you just couldn't put down

Posted: 27 Sep 2021, 11:14
by the_07girl
One the best romance books is an offer from gentleman from Julia Quinn. It's amazing book and opens our doors to regency era of London in early 1800

Re: Romance novels you just couldn't put down

Posted: 27 Sep 2021, 16:23
by Nafiudeen O
Romance novel I read and just couldn't put down was SOMETHING ABOUT YOU by JULIE JAMES.
Of all the hotel rooms rented by all the adulterous politicians in Chicago, female Assistant U.S. Attorney Cameron Lynde had to choose the one next to 1308, where some hotband heavy lovemaking ends in bloodshed. 

Re: Romance novels you just couldn't put down

Posted: 03 Oct 2021, 09:35
by Hyacinth Bella
I loooovvveed The Sum of All Kisses by Julia Quinn! I read it in one entire day, because that's the only way to do it.

Re: Romance novels you just couldn't put down

Posted: 02 Dec 2021, 07:30
by Bridgette C 2
I really cannot put down a book that is written by Lisa Kleypas. I don't even wanna be disturbed by anyone when I'm reading it because I'm too engrossed. I love her books. She's a great romance novelist.

Re: Romance novels you just couldn't put down

Posted: 04 Feb 2022, 01:26
by Sarashi
Romance novel I couldn't put down
Trust me
I couldn't stop reading the alpha king's claim by JMfelic
I would read it over and over again