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Review of The Buccaneers Princess

Posted: 29 Sep 2023, 09:29
by Mutai Marshal
[Following is an official review of "The Buccaneers Princess" by RA Harolds.]
Book Cover
3 out of 5 stars
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Elsie was the only offspring of Viscount Cillian Barclay. According to her father, she was to be betrothed to Alistair Duncan, an idea that enraged Elsie once she learnt of the pending union. Brigg is another man on a mission. When his father failed to pay a debt he owed to Viscount Barclay of Scotland (Elsie’s father), the latter took Charlotte, Brigg’s sister, to be his mistress.

Brigg learnt of his sister’s whereabouts and took some of his men to rescue her. He was also determined to take Elsie with him as he had always dreamt of having her. Elsie finds herself in a pickle when Brigg ‘kidnaps’ her; she is left wondering if it is better to be forcefully wedded to Alistair or bear to go along with Brigg. While Brigg successfully ‘kidnaps’ Elsie, the Viscount sends his men after The Bountiful, a ship ferrying Brigg, his men and Elsie. Will Brigg recapture his treasure? Will the Viscount allow Charlotte to leave without the debt settlement?

The pace of The Buccaneers Princess by RA Harolds is brisk and engaging. In this short read, the reader interacts with a misogynistic society. I was intrigued by Elsie’s fortitude; despite her father’s stubbornness and ill will, she stands up for what she believes. Elsie’s father embodies a self-seeking leader who cares for their social standing at the expense of their family’s wellbeing. Other than mistreating Elsie, I couldn’t stomach the loneliness he subjected his wife to by sidelining her due to her unsound mind. Could this be attributed to the ill-treatment by Viscount Barclay of Scotland?

I relished Brigg’s character. His stoic personality led him to believe that he could accomplish anything he desired. Perhaps this is what catapulted women into his arms. He was not held back by the fear that Viscount’s men would retaliate and exterminate him and his men while pursuing his desires. He exudes bravery in the way he protects Elsie. While not the best, his leadership skills ensure that The Bountiful is well-steered.

I was distracted by the innumerable grammatical errors in the book. I felt they could have been easily flagged when editing. I also felt the author should have made breaching Viscount’s security rockier. However, being the Harolds’ maiden book, this is a well-thought-out novel.

I award this book 3 out of 5 stars. While it accurately depicts life at sea and wittily weaves a tapestry of love and disdain, the negatives above cannot be overlooked. I recommend The Buccaneers Princess to romance lovers.

The Buccaneers Princess
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Re: Review of The Buccaneers Princess

Posted: 02 Oct 2023, 05:40
by Kelvinna
I appreciate the well-structured review. The author's excellent book and its intriguing title have piqued my interest, prompting me to add it to my bookshelf without a doubt.

Re: Review of The Buccaneers Princess

Posted: 03 Oct 2023, 08:31
by Kelvinna
The reviewer's critique stands out for me, appreciating both the well-written review, the rating given, and the recommendation provided. I must emphasize the quality of this piece, thoroughly enjoying the content while reading it.

Re: Review of The Buccaneers Princess

Posted: 03 Oct 2023, 10:23
by Chinenye Achilike
I sympathize with Elsie, who is torn between been forcefully betrothed to a man she doesn't love and being kidnapped by Brigg, who she doesn't love either.

Re: Review of The Buccaneers Princess

Posted: 05 Oct 2023, 01:01
by Chandrakant Patel
Your appreciation of Elsie's fortitude and your examination of her father's behavior as a self-seeking leader add depth to your review. Additionally, your positive assessment of Brigg's character, particularly his stoic personality and leadership skills, adds valuable insights.

Re: Review of The Buccaneers Princess

Posted: 07 Oct 2023, 23:27
by Ohmy Book
A well-written character is definitely a sign of a good book. But yes, grammatical errors can be disappointing. Thank you for sharing your thoughts so clearly.

Re: Review of The Buccaneers Princess

Posted: 19 Oct 2023, 06:31
by Stephen Pokoo
Fantastic job on the review! Your in-depth analysis of the book's complexities demonstrates your passion for literature. This review is a great tool for both readers and authors because of your fair assessment, which takes into account both the book's strengths and its shortcomings.

Re: Review of The Buccaneers Princess

Posted: 25 Jan 2024, 23:50
by Donaking
The review of "The Buccaneers Princess" by RA Harolds provides an insightful perspective on the book. The reviewer appreciates the brisk pace and engaging storyline, highlighting the strong and resilient character of Elsie. However, the reviewer mentions the presence of grammatical errors and suggests that the breach of security could have been more challenging. Despite these flaws, the reviewer considers it a well-thought-out novel and recommends it to romance lovers.

Re: Review of The Buccaneers Princess

Posted: 21 Feb 2024, 10:32
by Christabel nmeso
Sounds like "The Buccaneer's Princess" had some strong points but also areas that needed work. Your eye for detail really shines through in your review!

Re: Review of The Buccaneers Princess

Posted: 13 May 2024, 15:43
by Olivier Muhammad
Based on the review, it seems that "The Buccaneer's Princess" by RA Harolds is an engaging and fast-paced read set in a misogynistic society. The main characters, Elsie and Brigg, are described as strong and compelling. However, there were some distracting grammatical errors in the book, and the reviewer felt that the breach of security could have been more challenging. Overall, the review gives the book a rating of 3 out of 5 stars and recommends it to readers who enjoy romance. Resonant themes, left a profound impact.

Re: Review of The Buccaneers Princess

Posted: 14 May 2024, 01:48
by Joshua Sawders
After reading this insightful review of "The Buccaneer's Princess" by RA Harolds, I gather that the book offers a brisk and engaging pace, delving into a misogynistic society and showcasing the fortitude of the protagonist, Elsie. The characters, particularly Brigg, seem intriguing and their actions are driven by their desires and bravery. However, it's unfortunate that the book suffers from numerous grammatical errors and the breach of security could have been more challenging. Overall, the review suggests that "The Buccaneer's Princess" may be a good read for fans of romance and seafaring adventures. Gripping suspense, kept me guessing eagerly.