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Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 22 Mar 2021, 06:04
by Folcro
Definitely my video games. Interactive fiction can put a sharp new perspective on a linear storyteller. It inspires me to translate the choices I make in those games, and why I made them, into the construct of my characters, and the details I choose to focus on into the details of my worlds.

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 22 Jun 2021, 18:56
by Black Jewel
I like to crochet when I'm at a stuck spot. My hands keep busy but it frees my mind to wander around and do some plotting and thinking.

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 23 Jun 2021, 08:50
by dennisbragra
I walk or cook.

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 01 Dec 2021, 00:09
by usef nahg
sometimes i like to draw my charachters and that helps, also reading obviously :)

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 01 Dec 2021, 07:36
by Bridgette C 2

I used to make my ideas flow by writing what I have in mind and then I organize it when I spilled out on the paper all my concept.

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 01 Dec 2021, 18:07
by Uchechukwu Okereke
A long walk after a Christopher Nolan always helps. There are creators out there who just spark your thinking process and help you along the way. The problem is finding them and I think I have that part down to a science already.

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 02 Feb 2022, 03:54
by hayisa
Reading. I take all my inspirations from reading or sometimes, watching anime because I base my novel on that.

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 04 Feb 2022, 21:12
by SamanthaGarcia
Every time I want to be more creative I play a game. It helps me to clear my head, be more open-minded and creative. I don't limit myself to just games. This also includes watching comedy, taking a social break, eating something I enjoy, and the list goes on. The whole idea is to relax, allow me to enjoy not thinking about the topic, and come back when I am ready.

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 26 Apr 2022, 07:37
by Etini Willie
Deep meditation helps to spring up the well of ideas for me

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 30 Apr 2022, 14:14
by Superglace
No. I just sit there staring at the computer or at nothing.

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 30 May 2022, 05:34
by danilav65
Adventure, travelling fills me and inspires to write. Writing empties me up. Afterwards I need a “refill”.

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 15 Jul 2022, 03:12
by Nedim
When I'm writing, and seem short of ideas, I just take a short break to regain myself. Most times, I watch movies in forms of thrillers and romance. After that, I come back with ideas and continue my writing.

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 15 Jul 2022, 03:13
by Nedim
There are a good number of things that I do when I run short of ideas while writing. Firstly, I take some bread and see some movies. Other times, I play football games like PES 4 or 5. Most of the time, I come back fully recharged to continue writing.

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 25 Jul 2022, 19:33
by Brittany Tatman
I always get a rush of inspiration after I've gone on a hike. My characters are adventurers, spending much of their time in the wilderness on long treks. When I have the story and the dialogue, but I lack the worldbuilding and the scenery, I go right to the source and put myself in their shoes, even if I have the choice of getting in my car and driving home afterward. When the real world is far away, nature steps in to clear my head long enough to figure out what I need to.

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 17 Aug 2022, 00:19
by kipper_
For some reason, driving in the car. Maybe it's the semi-autopilot nature of it.