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Re: Do you write in paper anymore????

Posted: 29 Apr 2022, 19:31
by Marsha JJ
Although my proactive writing work is always on the computer, I find that I like to write on paper when taking notes about something (such as a webinar). I absolutely hate having paper, so I wish I could break that habit, but there seems to be something about note-taking on physical paper that works for me.

Re: Do you write in paper anymore????

Posted: 30 Apr 2022, 12:40
by Superglace
I don't use paper at all, only type on the computer.

Re: Do you write in paper anymore????

Posted: 16 Jun 2022, 09:58
by ej_author
Handwriting is hands down my favorite way to write. My ideas flow much better, but you're right, it is time consuming. I used to write everything on paper and then type it up on the computer, but I recently got an e-ink tablet that's been a game changer. Feels like writing on paper, but it can convert my terrible handwriting to nearly flawless typed text that I can send straight to my computer. It saves so much time!

Re: Do you write in paper anymore????

Posted: 18 Jun 2022, 06:00
by Jen Nghishitende
Same here, I always write on paper first and then type afterwards.

Re: Do you write in paper anymore????

Posted: 15 Jul 2022, 02:46
by Nedim
Most times, I use my phone pads or digital writing materials to do any form of writing. I only use paper when I want to get a general overview of what I want to write. When I do so, it gives me an outline of the things to write.

Re: Do you write in paper anymore????

Posted: 15 Jul 2022, 02:48
by Nedim
Judging by percentages, I would give 30 per cent to writing on paper and 70 per cent to writing on digital note pads. I use paper to draft out anything I want to write before converting the idea into a digital format.

Re: Do you write in paper anymore????

Posted: 08 Sep 2022, 15:06
by Comfort Ansah
I hardly write on paper anymore. I jot down points on my electronic devices.

Re: Do you write in paper anymore????

Posted: 30 Nov 2022, 12:59
by Meghan Soderholm
I always like to write notes or draft an outline on paper then, use Microsoft Word or Google Docs for my drafts ad final. I always get writers’ cramp in between my thumb and my index finger of my right hand ( my writing hand) so, my hand could not hold up to writing a full draft plus, I always have to have lined paper such as a spiral notebook or composition notebook or else, I write all over the place and it gives me a migraine. I look forward to getting to know all of you, and can’t wait to hear about your books.