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Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 12 Aug 2014, 14:40
by annareads
DEBBIE SMITH wrote:I have read some really great fan-fiction and some really bad fan-fiction but have never written any. I would imagine it would be very, very difficult to write fan-fiction, even bad fan-fiction, since you are having to stay within someone else's mind to keep the characters and to some extent the story, true to the someone else's creative pattern.
That's so true. I've read a lot of terrible fan-fiction that was terrible because it didn't keep that in mind. When you take the characters and the setting, hollow them out, and just use the names and the ships, that's just sloppy. But it's rare to find a fic author who is so in tune with the original author that it feels like it could've been written by the same person. Tis the magic of a fantastic fic!

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 25 Aug 2014, 16:13
by clmartz
Once upon a time, in a galaxy far away, I wrote very bad fan-fiction.

Now, in present time, I READ very bad fan-fiction.

Okay, I try to stay away from the bad fics, but I get sucked into them sometimes. I really like fics that are true to character, but struggle finding them on places like FanFiction . net--basically, if a summary says, "I suck at summarys. PLEASE READ!", I won't go near it.

FanFiction IS really hard to write--there are your people who like the comedic takes on characters, your OC "Mary Sues", and just a crapload of other options.

I now like reading through original works on FictionPress, but still flock to FF. NET for a lot of things (Like Supernatural, Who, and Harry Potter).

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 30 Aug 2014, 11:18
by ALynnPowers
I used to be a big fan of reading fan fiction, years and years ago. Most of it was terrible, but when I could find the really good ones, they were often better than the original stories.
I tried writing fan fiction once (my own version of Harry Potter book 7, before it was released) but I never got around to finishing it.

-- 31 Aug 2014, 02:19 --
clmartz wrote:Once upon a time, in a galaxy far away, I wrote very bad fan-fiction.

Now, in present time, I READ very bad fan-fiction.

Okay, I try to stay away from the bad fics, but I get sucked into them sometimes. I really like fics that are true to character, but struggle finding them on places like FanFiction . net--basically, if a summary says, "I suck at summarys. PLEASE READ!", I won't go near it.

FanFiction IS really hard to write--there are your people who like the comedic takes on characters, your OC "Mary Sues", and just a crapload of other options.

I now like reading through original works on FictionPress, but still flock to FF. NET for a lot of things (Like Supernatural, Who, and Harry Potter).
Hey, clmartz! I used to be "popular" on FictionPress... which I discovered when I was obsessed with their sister site about fan fiction

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 30 Aug 2014, 12:02
by bookstorm
in my humble opinion fa fiction is both challenging and rewarding a good fan fiction take time and effort it forces the writer to not only find the essence of the original work but to then rework that into a original work of their own. While staying true or at least adhering to a set backdrop for their own creative vision then working to find just the right mixture of the two to create a truly unique work. I think writing fan fiction is like cooking you have all the ingredients you need but it's i how you combine and present them that truly makes the meal.

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 30 Aug 2014, 15:58
by RussetDivinity
I'm so glad people here realize how difficult fanfiction can be and don't automatically dismiss it as an easy way to write! I'm writing a couple of fanfics now, including one that's a next generation Harry Potter fic. I'm trying to find a way to show Hogwarts as it might be when Harry's children attend it, and there's a tricky juggle between keeping some things the same and changing others.

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 30 Aug 2014, 18:47
by RebekaV
I think it's difficult to find good fanfiction nowadays - and it is difficult to write it. I like reading it, but I think writing something original that comes from you is much better. But that's just my opinion.

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 27 Sep 2014, 04:55
by ALynnPowers
I have read a couple of parodies of popular books. One I especially remember was called "The Hunger But Mostly Death Games" and had me cracking up from start to finish. I think parodies are a type of fan fiction...

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 04 Feb 2015, 19:36
by Gustavsson
I know this topic is really old, but I do like fanfiction. It allows you to revisit closed universes, imagine what could have happened but didn't happen in your favorite books, not to mention the abundance of character studies and filler. And I like writing fanfiction for the same reasons and also as a sort of a sketchbook. It gives me practice with writing with little pressure-I know fanfiction will never be published or have a huge readership, but it's still fun to write and hopefully at least a few people will have a look.

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 07 Feb 2015, 02:55
by ALynnPowers
Gustavsson wrote:I know this topic is really old, but I do like fanfiction. It allows you to revisit closed universes, imagine what could have happened but didn't happen in your favorite books, not to mention the abundance of character studies and filler. And I like writing fanfiction for the same reasons and also as a sort of a sketchbook. It gives me practice with writing with little pressure-I know fanfiction will never be published or have a huge readership, but it's still fun to write and hopefully at least a few people will have a look.
Yeah, I like stories like this as well! I used to read some online for a bit. Sometimes you could find some real gems. 8)

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 07 Feb 2015, 13:27
by Down_the_Rabbit_Hole
I just started writing fan fiction for Star Trek Voyager. It's really hard for me to sound like the characters, so wish me luck!

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 14 Aug 2015, 13:11
by ImpatientTypist
Been writing fanfictions for about 12 years now. Never got in the habit of writing what people want to read, so usually I just write my own stuff and play in the corner by myself ^^ I love writing though, particularity Batman and Naruto ^^
Down_the_Rabbit_Hole wrote:I just started writing fan fiction for Star Trek Voyager. It's really hard for me to sound like the characters, so wish me luck!
A good idea is to try and use their speech rhythms, just listen to how they say something instead of trying to copy the voices. I know some people don't like to use accents (as in "A'm a beeg Shcotish mahn! We'll be a drinkin' ternigh'!" {not even close to a Scottish accent XD}) but it can be helpful, especially if said character does have an accent :)

Good luck with your fic!

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 21 Aug 2015, 06:29
by katiesquilts
OMG this might be one of my favorite topics...

I LOVE fanfiction, and it didn't take me long to start writing my own after I found out about FF. I think it was the summer before I was in 8th grade?
I used to kick my grandma off her computer and sit there for hours, typing up one chapter in a single go. After I was done I'd call her back in and make her read it. :lol:
But however many years later, I went back and read it myself... I can't believe my grandma, my BIGGEST fan, didn't even tell me how many horrible typos I had! lol

Anyways, I haven't actually written anything in a while, mostly because I read some really awesome, novel-worthy fanfics a while back and always aspire to be as great as them, even though I know that I'll never even come close. Actually, it was those novel-like fics that made me wonder if there were actual novels out there that were similar to my favorite TV shows. (Hence one of my posts about recommendations for such books :wink: )

I have noticed that a lot of people are talking about FF and FictionPress... does anyone go to Archive of Our Own? The way they sort their fics bothers me, but there are a lot of great authors on there!

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 30 Aug 2015, 11:16
by Dementia5
So, being my third post I am showcasing my need for a little clarity on procedure.

Is fan fiction well promoted on this site? I noticed there is a "Creative Original Works: Short Stories" Forum, which would likely serve as a good home, but I'm not clear how well regarded posting articles of this nature would be. I am working on some fan fiction of my own, and well... I'd welcome any feedback.

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 28 Jul 2019, 11:08
by rubinelli
If you're looking to read some pretty quality fanfiction, my favorite site is Archive of Our Own. I really like how authors can put tags on their works and readers can filter their search results with these tags.

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 29 Jul 2019, 09:56
by shawb_17
Fan fiction is really where I got my start as a writer. It is a great way to stretch your legs as a writer and get used to dialogue and plot. Never forget its about you and what you want to do with the fandom.

That being said my main suggestions if you want people to read your writing and like it would be don't try to get too crazy. People are reading for the characters they already love, so they probably won't care about your OCs (original characters). Also, try to keep the characters accurate. Some people will still read and love your story no matter how the characters act, but the true fans want their favorite characters to stay in character.

My other suggestion is don't forgo any summaries required just cause its hard to write. As a fan fiction reader I skip over stories that have the summary "just read. I'm no good at summaries." To me that means the writer doesn't care or is lazy and it will show in the story.

Above all write what you want. Some one else out there wants to see those same characters in the same crazy situation as you, so don't worry. There are horrible critics out there who want to tear you down. Just ignore those people.
Good luck!