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Re: Favorite time of day to write?

Posted: 26 Apr 2014, 13:40
by debbie smith
Early morning or evening, otherwise I am distracted by all the things I 'should' be doing instead of writing - like cleaning, cooking, going to work, homework, etc.

Re: Favorite time of day to write?

Posted: 26 Apr 2014, 15:51
by mathman101
I prefer right after lunch

Re: Favorite time of day to write?

Posted: 28 Apr 2014, 01:53
by cheshiregator
I'm a night person in general (it's actually 2:53 am as I type this), but it seems to me like a lot of my writing actually gets done during the day. I sometimes like to write sitting outside, too, so that affects it a little.

Re: Favorite time of day to write?

Posted: 01 May 2014, 06:00
by Yukiora 24
During my boring classes x3

Re: Favorite time of day to write?

Posted: 05 May 2014, 06:31
by Carla Hurst-Chandler
Early morning before the break of dawn.

Re: Favorite time of day to write?

Posted: 08 May 2014, 14:48
by katliegh
My favorite time of day to write is usually when I'm the most busy. You know the time, important tests to study for, household chores to do... For some reason I'm always inspired my the most mundane occurrences in life.

Re: Favorite time of day to write?

Posted: 08 May 2014, 15:29
by Timea
I prefer to write after it is dark outside, I rarely write when it is still light outside. During night time it is more peaceful and there is less noise, I find it easier to concentrate.

Re: Favorite time of day to write?

Posted: 08 May 2014, 20:54
by scriptbunny
I definitely prefer to write during the early morning before my mind is made haggard by the vagaries of work.

Re: Favorite time of day to write?

Posted: 09 May 2014, 17:00
by R_H_Ali
I can write anywhere, anytime, once I can focus and I have a cup of coffee or tea next to me!

Re: Favorite time of day to write?

Posted: 03 Jun 2014, 20:44
by CrescentMoon
I like to write when it's dark and quiet outside, so usually early morning or late at night. I can concentrate better when it's quiet and the atmosphere during these times also helps with my writing.

Re: Favorite time of day to write?

Posted: 03 Jun 2014, 21:17
by Katherine E Wall
When I was home educating my children, I had a wonderful pattern to my days. I would be up at five, and put in an hour and a half of writing before the family began stirring. Once my husband was off to work, and the children had their breakfast, chores were out of the way, etc., we would work on studies. When they took their lunch break and free activity time, I would spend some time revising and editing a different work. In the afternoon, we would work on projects and hands-on learning. After supper, I would prepare their work for the next day. Then I would move on to my research and/or planning for my writing session the next day.

Sadly, since my last child went into the school system (they all go in for grade nine and up) this year, I lost the pattern to my days. I think I need to find my way back to that. I was much more productive back then.

Short answer: early morning. :D

Re: Favorite time of day to write?

Posted: 14 Jun 2014, 20:50
by laureng
I don't have a particular time of day that I like to write. The only rule I have is never late at night, since then I am always more tired and I can't think clearly. But really, there is no real preferred time.

Re: Favorite time of day to write?

Posted: 14 Jun 2014, 22:07
by pagenumber394
3-4 in the morning. I am very creative during these hours. Especially when I am trying to fall asleep!

They call 3 am the witching hour. I have always been a night owl. My best ideas come to me when I am half asleep.

Re: Favorite time of day to write?

Posted: 16 Jun 2014, 00:40
by malavika413
It depends, but usually in the morning, between 6 AM and 11 AM. I get sluggish by afternoon.

Re: Favorite time of day to write?

Posted: 16 Jun 2014, 21:17
by serenasmoothie
I usually write in the morning