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Re: Does your family blow off your writing?

Posted: 04 Jan 2015, 01:47
by ALynnPowers
TibbyK wrote:Honestly, they're too supportive. They keep bragging me up about how good of a writer I am, yet I can't even write a chapter of all the books swirling inside my head.
I have a friend who brags about how great of a writer I am, yet she has read nothing I have written and instead just tries to use me to help her get her books published. She doesn't hesitate to ask me to read her writing, yet she makes no attempts to read what I have written. So annoying!

Re: Does your family blow off your writing?

Posted: 06 Jan 2015, 05:19
by RaineL
Sadly, my mother has never been very supportive of anything I have done. If she happens to give praise of some sort it is given in some backhanded way. Both her parents were the same way so I chalk it up to that. It is still hurtful though when she does it.

My son on the other hand is five years old and I would say he is my biggest fan. He loves mommy's stories and how he has been incorporated in them.

Re: Does your family blow off your writing?

Posted: 06 Jan 2015, 13:28
by TibbyK
SammieWonder wrote:
TibbyK wrote:Honestly, they're too supportive. They keep bragging me up about how good of a writer I am, yet I can't even write a chapter of all the books swirling inside my head.
Oh, honey. You'll get there. It just takes time and self-discpline.

Keep a journal of your ideas and dedicate time to elaborating on your concepts.

Allow them to speak into the greatness that you possess.

And believe it.

Thank you(: I've been keeping a record of my thoughts for my stories, hopefully one day it'll be something more. As for now, than you for the encouragement(:

-- 06 Jan 2015, 13:32 --
ALynnPowers wrote:
TibbyK wrote:Honestly, they're too supportive. They keep bragging me up about how good of a writer I am, yet I can't even write a chapter of all the books swirling inside my head.
I have a friend who brags about how great of a writer I am, yet she has read nothing I have written and instead just tries to use me to help her get her books published. She doesn't hesitate to ask me to read her writing, yet she makes no attempts to read what I have written. So annoying!
I don't have a lot of friends who write, but I can see how that could be irritating. Instead of reading them, you could keep putting her off, to let her see how you feel.

Are any of your books published, to where she could have read them? If so, she could feel insecure about her own writing, and really just wants your approval. Sometimes, we have to look at all the details, not just the ones that are evident.

Re: Does your family blow off your writing?

Posted: 09 Jan 2015, 19:21
by Kellylynn444
I hide my writing from my family until I published my first book. They were all shocked and my mom said she loved it and it made her cry, but I knew they would give me grief if I told them about it before hand.

Re: Does your family blow off your writing?

Posted: 19 Mar 2015, 23:32
by zeldas_lullaby
My family is very supportive of my writing. My mom keeps saying, "I love your books. You need to find an agent! Find an agent!"

But I'm half-deaf, so it sounds like she's yelling, "Find an Asian! Find an Asian!"

Re: Does your family blow off your writing?

Posted: 20 Mar 2015, 15:33
by mountaingirl8
Yes, my family won't read my blog because "they are soooo busy." Bull! Reading a blog post takes what...5 minutes, tops? But now that I think about it, I'm not sure I want them to read it, since they are so judgmental. I show it to my husband, and that's enough for me. He's on my side :)

Re: Does your family blow off your writing?

Posted: 07 Apr 2015, 06:26
by ALynnPowers
zeldas_lullaby wrote:My family is very supportive of my writing. My mom keeps saying, "I love your books. You need to find an agent! Find an agent!"

But I'm half-deaf, so it sounds like she's yelling, "Find an Asian! Find an Asian!"
This cracked me up way too much! 8)

Re: Does your family blow off your writing?

Posted: 07 Apr 2015, 09:36
by zeldas_lullaby
HA HA! :-D

Re: Does your family blow off your writing?

Posted: 07 Apr 2015, 09:40
by PashaRu
zeldas_lullaby wrote:My family is very supportive of my writing. My mom keeps saying, "I love your books. You need to find an agent! Find an agent!"

But I'm half-deaf, so it sounds like she's yelling, "Find an Asian! Find an Asian!"
Or, maybe she really is telling you to find an Asian. ;)

Re: Does your family blow off your writing?

Posted: 07 Apr 2015, 09:50
by zeldas_lullaby
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. Oh, please, don't make me laugh like that when I have a chest cold!! Oh, horrid. Now I'm hacking up a lung.

Yeah, I'll ask her about that.

Re: Does your family blow off your writing?

Posted: 07 Apr 2015, 20:46
by Jesska6029
My father is really supportive of my writing. He isn't afraid to say if he doesn't like something, but he gives really good constructive criticism.

Re: Does your family blow off your writing?

Posted: 27 Apr 2015, 10:58
by Wanton_Wordsmith
I envy anyone here who has friends and family that actually read their writing! I love my friends and family, but they would rather watch TV then read. I tell them that literature is so much better than the Idiot Box. But what are you gonna do? Most people today spend their lives glommed onto either TV or Facebook.

Re: Does your family blow off your writing?

Posted: 27 Apr 2015, 12:14
by zeldas_lullaby
Wanton_Wordsmith wrote:I envy anyone here who has friends and family that actually read their writing! I love my friends and family, but they would rather watch TV then read. I tell them that literature is so much better than the Idiot Box. But what are you gonna do? Most people today spend their lives glommed onto either TV or Facebook.
I have two parents who read my writing, but my sister won't and my brother hasn't. I personally HATE facebook, so I can relate to that!

Since you're on this site now, you can likely find some people here to read your writing!! :-)

Re: Does your family blow off your writing?

Posted: 29 Apr 2015, 19:45
by Wanton_Wordsmith
Thank you, zeldas! Kiss your wonderful parents for me. And I will check out your book, "Forever Twelve." It sounds like an interesting read!
Truthfully, I am a little gun-shy about showing people my writing. When I show people my doggerel, I get shot down like the Red Baron.
But I'll try again. And this time, I'll make sure my life insurance premiums are paid up.

Re: Does your family blow off your writing?

Posted: 29 Apr 2015, 21:33
by zeldas_lullaby
HA HA! Hey, you're welcome! And I'd love for you to check out my book! Let me know what you think of it!

Yeah, you don't have to be gunshy on this web site. Everyone here is really nice. Plus, I can already tell you're at least a good writer (if not better) from your messages on this thread. It seems unlikely that you'd get shot down here, although anything is possible!!

If you want to get your confidence up about this web site, go to the book review page and read a lot of the reviews. Especially read the 1-star reviews, and you'll see right there that you're ahead of the game. You'll come to see where your writing falls (I'd guess 3- or 4-stars out of 4) before you submit anything. (That's for an official review, though. You can also submit stories and poems less officially somewhere on this site.)

Who the heck has been shooting you down, anyway??