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Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 24 Sep 2019, 22:05
by Inkroverts
Anyone knows "Blue Sky" the Portal 2 fanfiction? It's extremely well-received and even has its own fans drawing illustrations and making videos of it.

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 27 Jul 2020, 00:08
by Rodel Barnachea
I used to write fan fiction before in my head, haha. I suggest you read about different fan fiction tropes. From there, you can get ideas and write with that as your guide.

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 27 Jul 2020, 00:10
by Rodel Barnachea
Paliden wrote: 24 May 2014, 10:09 I don't write Fan Fiction but I do read it. I like I actually found that one years ago because of but there is some good fan fiction on there. I personally like the Wheel of Time fan fiction and the LOTR.
The site where I find most of the fanfiction I try to read is I suggest you check that out. Most of my friends who read fan fiction also read from this.

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 27 Jul 2020, 00:16
by Rodel Barnachea
AliceRose wrote: 17 Sep 2013, 16:08
Zain wrote:Good old fanfiction ... yes, I have some great memories and from time to time I still indulge myself. There's some great stuff out there, and then there are works which just make you groan in agony. It's actually funny that some people see fanfictions as child's play, considering that many authors started out there with their career. Take Cassandra Clare for example.
This, for me, is where the problem lies. In my opinion, Cassandra Clare relies way too heavily on other people's style of writing... J. K. Rowling's, mainly, with a dash of Joss Whedon's Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Fanfiction is entertaining to read online, but when something that was originally fanfiction becomes a published work, it's hard to distinguish whether that can be classed as plagiarism, just with a few name changes.
I don't think it would be plagiarism if it is the same author who wrote the fanfiction and the published work. An example is E. L. James. She wrote Fifty Shades of Grey originally as a erotic fanficion of Twilight. I don't think James plagiarized herself, do you?

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 25 Sep 2020, 13:11
by a_r_egerton
I enjoy fanfiction. I'm especially partial to "What If?" stories in which the writer diverges from a given canonical event. Simply rehashing the original story strikes me a largely pointless, unless you're telling it from a character's point of view. For example, what would the Harry Potter story be like if Hermione or Neville had been the POV character?

I like stories that ask the question, "What if Character X had done Y?"

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 01 Dec 2021, 00:14
by usef nahg
ive written fanfiction before! the only tip i can give you is dont sweat too much, dont worry about your writing following up exactly to the canon. you can just wing it

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 01 Dec 2021, 18:33
by Uchechukwu Okereke
There are no rules in fan fiction. It's like a coin if you think about it; you have those who think it is expressive and a new scope to an originally existing story and then you also have those who think it is disrespectful to the original author. Either way, it is a form of pure literary expression so, go nuts!

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 16 Sep 2022, 14:28
by Brittany Tatman
I owe a lot of my current writing habits and style to my stint in Hobbit/Lord of the Rings fanfiction (which I still dip back into every now and then when I pop back into the fandom because it feels so much like home). My piece of advice: enjoy every single second of being as self-indulgent as you possibly can. Don't do what's cool or trending just to get popular. Work hard, but likes and follows won't feed you (unless you actually are getting paid, in which case sign me up), so don't let it consume your every thought.

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 01 Aug 2023, 20:18
by LY_Rachel
Fanfiction was what got me started into writing in the first place. I always had motivation problems when trying to start an original story. I could barely get to five pages. But fanfic? Here's fifty pages, way too many words for something that will never be posted because it's unfinished, and wow, I don't know why I made this. But you know what? It was fun. I enjoyed writing it, I enjoyed making it, and that's what mattered in the end.

IMO, Fanfiction is your interpretation of the characters, the plot, the story. "What's canon" doesn't mean much when we throw it into the trash and make up an entire new story. (Well, don't ignore all of canon– but you get what I mean.) Like people have said here, it's a very self-indulgent thing so dedicate it to yourself, not other people.

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 05 Aug 2023, 07:54
by Kirana Lin
I've written fanfiction ever since I was fourteen, on Until now, I still write them for my favorite fandoms. It's very fun and I enjoy writing them the most. Right now I focus more on Ao3.

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 02 Nov 2023, 00:43
by Sameeha Ismail
I have only written then in my rough works, but never polished or posted them. I never realized it was hard because I wrote about the things I wanted my favorite characters to do and experience. I suppose because the crazy fans never attacked me, and I misconceived that fanfiction was easy.

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 04 Mar 2024, 14:55
by Aroona Kashif
I used to write some fan-fiction 😭
My friends and I sometimes make up stories about fandoms we’re in and I’m tasked with writing them down. Fan-fiction can be weird but is also really cool, especially when it’s written accurate to the actual book/movie.

Re: Fan Fiction

Posted: 13 Apr 2024, 22:15
by Ludovica Peruzzi
Fan fiction is all I've written for the past few years and I have to say, it taught me a lot. Figuring out story structure and stakes with characters you already know before moving on to writing entirely original stuff is just so useful and I feel a much better writer for it.