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Re: Should I blog?

Posted: 29 Jan 2018, 17:55
by Amystl26
Sarahjaklyn wrote: 05 Jan 2017, 14:28 I think if your even a little tech savvy, blogging is a good way to work on your writing from anywhere
The "little" in tech savvy really rings true! I'm hardly a tech-savvy lady, and actually found starting a blog on Wordpress to be super easy!

Re: Should I blog?

Posted: 06 Feb 2018, 12:57
by Yung Senpai
Think it's a great idea. I set up some blogs ages ago but still haven't posted in them yet.

Re: Should I blog?

Posted: 13 Feb 2018, 07:50
by Pauliny12
I love to blog, it is simply great writing practice and I enjoy sharing common interests with a group such as this. You must update weekly to stay current with your topic and gain new readers. It is fun to combine blogging with marketing links and information and some make an entire career out of SEO content blogging. Loads of possibilities to explore!

Re: Should I blog?

Posted: 18 Feb 2018, 18:17
by Arrigo_Lupori
I have a personal blog and I enjoy it greatly. It provides for a platform to share my personal work on and it allows me to gather experience as I go on. It also allows me to publish my work as soon as I have finished writing and editing it. If any of you is wondering about it, I suggest you try it out.

Re: Should I blog?

Posted: 03 Mar 2018, 10:33
by Camille Turner
I have started a writing/editing business and without a blog, there's no way we would gain clients. You have to create tons of content to excite people and show them that you're an active writer.

Re: Should I blog?

Posted: 30 May 2018, 23:16
by Mely918
Blogging really helps me to get some of my thoughts and ideas out there. I tend to keep my blogs short, so it ensures that I actually finish those mini writing projects. :lol: It also helps get me out of blocks at times too.

Re: Should I blog?

Posted: 06 Jun 2018, 14:12
by Sushan Ekanayake
Writing a blog is your own decison but you have to decide for what you are doing it. If you write just for pleasure, then you write anything you like. But if you want to get traffic and go in a business sort of way, you have to pick up what you should blog and be dedicated for that

Re: Should I blog?

Posted: 07 Jun 2018, 02:38
by BookishCoffeeBlog
I absolutely love the blogging community. I have a blog in the bookish niche :techie-reference: and I write reviews, discussions posts, wrap-ups and much more. I think it can be super beneficial. I am a new writer so I like to use every opportunity I can to practice and having a space to do that is so helpful. Blogging communities can also be really supportive which has been amazing to experience first hand. I was not expecting the tight community that book bloggers have and I appreciate it so much every day.

Re: Should I blog?

Posted: 08 Jun 2018, 04:41
by PlanetHauth
I set up a blog a few years ago intending to write about my adventures while living in Japan. I wrote a few posts, got busy with work, and also got a little discouraged because it seemed only my husband was reading them (that I was aware of, anyway). Since joining OBC, I've thought about resurrecting that blog and turning to book reviews, and possibly other writing related posts. Blogging takes work and consistency if you intend to gather a regular audience, so my advice would be to plan out and write several posts before publishing them on your blog, that way you're not struggling to come up with ideas each week (or however frequently you intend to post). That was one of the problems I ran into. I would also keep a running list of ideas for future posts that way you never forget an idea when it pops into your head and so you're, again, not struggling for content.

I think blogging can be seriously beneficial, though. You're working your writing muscles and exercising your creativity. You can never overdo improving your craft.

Re: Should I blog?

Posted: 10 Jun 2018, 12:35
by palilogy
If blogging is something you want to try then you should go for it. You never know and just because one person or even the majority or not recommend it or are against it- that doesn't matter. Carve your own path, learn from trying and doing what you want to do.

Re: Should I blog?

Posted: 11 Feb 2022, 07:55
by hayisa
Blogging is fun if you truly enjoy the craft, I say go for it if that's what you want. You've already thought up a great niche, try it.

Re: Should I blog?

Posted: 28 Apr 2022, 01:37
by alibaba3003
I blog because I love to write, and writing is my passion for acquiring expertise in writing. I have a lot of blogs on blogspot as well as on WordPress.

Have a good day :D :D :D :D :D :D

Re: Should I blog?

Posted: 15 Jul 2022, 03:48
by Nedim
Personally, I think the idea of blogging is becoming outdated as there are lots of places individuals can source information from. Hence, careful consideration of this factor before starting it out is momentous.