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Re: What's your favorite genre?

Posted: 17 Sep 2021, 18:53
by Jovelyn Mesiona
My fav genre both in reading and writing is Fantasy, with a bit of Romance. I find it hard to write other genre, although I read all genre.

Re: What's your favorite genre?

Posted: 28 Oct 2021, 13:53
by Emidio Inocencio
I am totally captivated by mystery stories. There is something in unfolding new truths that call up my attention.

Re: What's your favorite genre?

Posted: 19 Nov 2021, 12:58
by Charlotte Hashibira
My favorite genre is Romance, specifically dark romance. I love to be shocked, and I LOVE crazy plots and events. There's just something out a story making me go "Whaaaat, what is happening?!" , and dark romance seems to have that in spades. My close second is Fantasy. I love the worlds and characters that the authors create. I also love a crazy villain, and fantasy usually provides that.

Re: What's your favorite genre?

Posted: 21 Nov 2021, 13:08
by Elisan
I prefer No Fiction books. If we talk about Fiction, what I really love is history, travel, adventures. Sometimes poetry too.

Re: What's your favorite genre?

Posted: 28 Nov 2021, 10:13
by EternalD
It depends on the moment. I like fantasy books, historical fiction, and biographies of notable people.

Re: What's your favorite genre?

Posted: 01 Dec 2021, 00:03
by usef nahg
i dont have a favourite genre to write in, maybe thats cause i havent tried them all.
but i do enjoy contemporary as i dont have to worry about world building :p

Re: What's your favorite genre?

Posted: 01 Dec 2021, 07:41
by Bridgette C 2
I want to write fiction with a touch of romance

Re: What's your favorite genre?

Posted: 01 Dec 2021, 17:44
by Uchechukwu Okereke
As a reader, my favorite genre would be Sci-fi, generally, because you can tie down any other interesting genre as a sub-genre within it. However, as a writer; we can all admit that as readers, we've all tried to write a book now and then just like every avid music buff has tried to write one. I would say, Crime - detectives. Now I don't know why I loved to write in this genre, but the words just flowed easier for me.

Re: What's your favorite genre?

Posted: 01 Dec 2021, 21:25
by Victoria Allen 1
My favorite genres as writer are mystery, fantasy, and nonfiction. I like writing short stories and poetry. For poetry, I write more about myself.

Re: What's your favorite genre?

Posted: 02 Dec 2021, 04:40
by dealogically
My favorite genre is slice of life, crime or detective. I used to like romance when I was a teenager but now I just prefer something else. I like fantasy too, but sometime I struggle with names or terms to remember due too unfamiliarity and 'NEW'. But I still enjoy reading them although I need to go back and forth :)

Re: What's your favorite genre?

Posted: 25 Dec 2021, 23:45
by Shalom Mugisha
My favourite is nonfiction, where I really assume that I am reading a real experience so that I can learn something clear from the author.
And also like sci/fantasy fiction.

Re: What's your favorite genre?

Posted: 01 Jan 2022, 23:06
by Kidd Essence
If I had to choose, my two favorite genres would be fantasy and maybe romantic drama.

Re: What's your favorite genre?

Posted: 02 Feb 2022, 20:40
by hayisa
I like reading non-fiction, but like writing in fantasy. However, I want to explore different genres.

Re: What's your favorite genre?

Posted: 11 Feb 2022, 03:06
by AvishaJain_13
I think my favourite writing genre is stream of consciousness.

Re: What's your favorite genre?

Posted: 20 Apr 2022, 20:13
by Etini Willie
My favourite genre is Crime and Investigation. There is a way it expands my mind. Trying to crack a crime scene or a crime case. I also love Romance.