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Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 10 Jul 2018, 10:18
by Hallsword
I am a runner. I enjoy the freedom of logging a few miles outside especially on a tree covered trail. When I am running I do listen to music but also let whatever thoughts I have come and go. I've found that if I am trying to come up with an idea of something to write about or if I have a work in progress, running has helped me work through both those scenarios.
Do you have a certain thing you do that helps generate ideas or helps break through writer's block? Is there something you do when you are stuck writing a piece and aren't sure which direction you should go?

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 01 Sep 2018, 00:29
by jjmainor
If I need to clear my head or take a break or step away from writer's block, I'll go traipsing in the patch of woods behind my home...

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 11 Sep 2018, 19:19
by jgraney8
I am not a runner, but I find working on something with my hands like a woodworking project opens up the portals.

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 11 Sep 2018, 20:21
by KCWolf
Painting, or doing anything artsy and craftsy works for me. Especially if I start to draw different characters.

Tai Chi helps to clear my head if I get frustrated.

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 17 Sep 2018, 16:11
by Lottie_Elsie
Just being on the open road gets ideas rushing. Me, the endless road and a billion possibilities ☺☺

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 07 Oct 2018, 01:43
by Noraine Alissa Poria
I think its kinda weird but, when I ran out of words I usually ride something, drive something and words flows in my head. Its weird but it helps me a lot, especially when I have an essay to write for school.

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 28 Nov 2018, 19:31
by dreamthewilderness
I love meandering walks for bringing on the creativity-inducing trance.

I've also found that spending some time writing out some stream-of-consciousness helps me to drain my brain of everything meaningless and banal when I know what I'm writing about, but can't find the words.

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 29 Nov 2018, 14:39
by CarmynnKayleen
I write to write....

It sounds silly, I guess, but for those who do it as well, it makes sense. If I need to start on a certain project, I sit down and do stream of consciousness writing to begin. It helps me to get the thoughts out of my head that are "in the way," and sometimes my ideas will stem from that stream as well. I also will remember the things that I need to do other than the project, and write them down so they are no longer at the forefront of my mind, but instead they are on paper. It helps me to just focus on what I need to do and also get ideas flowing.

I also do yoga to help ideas to flow, because it helps me with visualizing and putting me at peace.

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 28 Dec 2018, 15:14
by JordanKSmith
Typically, I'll go for a walk to a natural source of water, or I will play an energetic game on my Vive. Other times, I'll spend some time reading about whatever my current obsession happens to be. It varies.

I also like to do a type of meditation. I'll sit as still as possible, and I'll pay attention to an electrical tickling sensation that permeates the body. After 10 minutes of that, I will usually feel energized, uplifted, and ready for more writing. :)

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 30 Dec 2018, 14:53
by SpencerVo
When I find myself stuck or unable to channel my ideas, I often take a leisurely walk around the neighborhood to watch the traffic or people doing their jobs. It is very relaxing. I also use stream of consciousness to reason out my emotions, sort out my thoughts, and give birth to some unique ideas.

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 31 Dec 2018, 23:56
by Riptide
I also find running to be helpful. Doing mundane, simple tasks help too--doing dishes, vacuuming, doing outdoor work.

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 01 Jan 2019, 19:03
by Khrysalis
A sizable portion of my life consists of chores and keeping house and yard work. Truth told, most of my ideas flow while I'm washing dishes or mowing the grass or mopping the floors or cooking or brushing my dogs after their evening walk. These familiar, homely tasks don't really need the supervision of my mind, so my imagination is free to wander.

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 12 Feb 2019, 21:53
by Amber Nichole
I see a common theme here is doing some sort of outside activity, and I've really found that helps me the most, too. When I lived toward the western part of South Dakota, I found myself more creative when I would go camping or hiking in the hills. I think the activity in combination with the sight allowed for me to relax from my day-to-day life, freeing up space in my mind for creativity.

I've also found exposing myself to creativity helps a lot, too. When I listen to a song, watch a movie, read a book, or look at a photograph, sometimes I'm able to consider alternatives or create a spark of a character or concept or world. I'm really involved in the fantasy genre, so when I'm taking in others' material, I often think about the "what-ifs". I've also really gotten into observing the people and activity around me and use that for inspiration when I was previously pretty oblivious to my surroundings in the past.

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 12 Feb 2019, 23:55
by Zora C Penter
I am probably just reiterating what many have already said here. Great minds do think alike!

If I find myself stuck, I turn to some kind of physical activity, preferably outside.

Re: Is there an activity or hobby you use to help ideas flow?

Posted: 23 Feb 2019, 00:29
by spencermack
Recently I have found that cooking gets my creative juices flowing.

Putting creative energy into food helps me step away from writing and put my focus on something tactical. Working and forming food the way that I want to. (Or at least I try to make it look that way I want to)

It has actually opened me up to reading new kinds of material; cookbooks. Finding recipes and putting them to action is liberating.