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Re: Insurgent

Posted: 12 Jul 2014, 06:58
by Lilianar_
I loved this book! Though I found a few flaws I must say I could not put the book down. I absolutely adore Tris and Four.

Re: Insurgent

Posted: 13 Jul 2014, 09:23
by Hannaa_Campbell
Wow. Great review. I was a little skeptical to purchase this book, but I am certainly going to buy the series now. Thank You.

Re: Insurgent

Posted: 31 Jul 2014, 20:48
by book whale
I thoroughly enjoyed this book! I thought that this book was actually better than the first one I could not put it down. Veronica Roth is amazing and creates great characters that are so relatable and you feel like you are in the story not just reading it!

-- 31 Jul 2014, 21:48 --

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! I thought that this book was actually better than the first one I could not put it down. Veronica Roth is amazing and creates great characters that are so relatable and you feel like you are in the story not just reading it!

Re: Insurgent

Posted: 01 Aug 2014, 01:44
by mana1o1
I did find this novel a bit slow then Divergent. I was not as obsessed with Insurgent as i was with Divergent...
I would give it a 3.4/5 since the development of the story was good.

Re: Insurgent

Posted: 01 Aug 2014, 10:53
by BookFever
I have read the entire Divergent series and, overall, I really did enjoy it. I do sympathize with the faults other readers found, however, this particular dystopian world did provide an adequate amount of originality to get me interested. I agree with the reviewer who was more interested in Four's side of the story (if you're still wanting to know about his story, you may want to read her book of short stories, Four: A Divergent Collection), which acts as a prequel solely from his perspective). However, I think Veronica Roth was right to follow Tris in this series because she provided the perspective that showcases to the reader the most common challenges faced by those characters who are at the age where they must choose which faction they will represent for the rest of their lives. Four's decision that put him in Dauntless had been an easy one for him (not so much about the specific faction he chose but the fact that he knew he could not go back to Abnegation). Tris, along with most of her peers, had an internal struggle with which faction to choose and then had to cope with her decision. This perspective gave us a better idea of the way of life that was common during that time than had Roth told the story only through Four.

Overall, I give the series a 4.5/5 - for originality, character building, action, romance, and overall entertainment. Could there have been changes in the plot line? Yes. Do I understand why some people hated the third book, mostly due to the ending? Yes. But, the series kept me interested, it was an easy yet entertaining read, and it got me hooked on dystopian books.

Re: Insurgent

Posted: 06 Aug 2014, 07:04
by 2Friendly
Insurgent was good...I probably liked that one best because it built on Divergent, but it was written before Allegiant, what i reckon is the series' downfall.

Re: Insurgent

Posted: 09 Aug 2014, 17:00
by Ntucker80
I read insurgent in less than a day, while I was still at work! Loved it!!!

Re: Insurgent

Posted: 31 Aug 2014, 12:40
by jamiegilt
Allegiant on the sad meter, definitely 5 out of 5. After I finished it, I just say there in shock. I usually start another book as soon as I'm finished with one, but with this series, it took me a week just to get past it. I wasn't crazy about the way it was written though, with every other chapter jumping between Tris' and Tobias' perspective. Not that I mind reading from both, it just seemed like by the time I settled into one character, I had to switch to the other.

Re: Insurgent

Posted: 02 Sep 2014, 12:19
by 1destiny2014
Insurgent by Veronica Roth started off slow then rushed forward in a muddled confusion of simulations and reality that left the reader wondering throughout the book what was real and was a creation of the Erudite leader's simulation trials on Tris.

The reader will be worn out from extremes of the Dauntless,"stiff", and Erudite mentalities all expressed by Tris as she continues moving headlong into death to both protect and selflessly (or is it selfishly) risk her life to end this war that Erudite has waged on the Divergent all while still hinting at some unknown threat outside the fence.

Which faction would you fall into..or would you be one of the Divergent?

Re: Insurgent

Posted: 03 Sep 2014, 17:51
by Maddy_Knapp01
I loved Insurgent so much! Although it was slow at times it had also picked up at some points too but I think that is how it is for almost all thick books like this one. I thought it was very interesting how Veronica Roth focused on genetics in this book and how people in some factions were genetically damaged thus being Divergent. That was a very interesting aspect to go about divergence in this world and it was very cool to see what could possibly happen and what could be more "realistic" after a war/apocalypse type event.

Re: Insurgent

Posted: 08 Sep 2014, 02:30
by Hazel
I have not read the book yet, but after watching the movie Divergent, it made me felt like reading the book. :P

Re: Insurgent

Posted: 16 Sep 2014, 00:38
by Courtney Whittamore
I really enjoyed the divergent series as a whole, and there were sections of the second book that I really very much enjoyed, but I felt like she was so freaking whiney in this book. I understand, you shot William in divergent and you are having a really hard time getting over it, but I feel like she could have done something in order to get over it instead of just sitting there and lamenting about the scene over and over and over again. I felt like I was the one that had actually shot will because I had heard the story so many times. I could practically say the words she said before my eyes got to them because she was a broken record. I also found Tobias to be a much more interesting character than Tris as well, and I feel that Roth has since recognized this as in Allegiant it is partly from his point of view and there is now a book entitled Four that explains his life up until the point he met Tris, which I am DYING to read.

Re: Insurgent

Posted: 16 Sep 2014, 04:46
by reginabally
Divergent - 5/5 stars.

I read a few reviews before I pick up this book to read so I read with expectations. Luckily, this book doesn't disappoint me.

The pace of the story is kind of fast and I like it because I'm an impatient person. With lots of fighting, violence, blood and Tris's inner feelings on punching someone's face, this book is definitely a good choice to make into movie which will be in cinemas next year.

I agree with some of the reviewers that it's impossible to have human beings to fit into one single faction, whether or not it's Abnegation - the selfless, Amity - the peaceful, Candor - the honest, Dauntless - the brave and Erudite - the intelligence. But hey, this is a fantasy novel and it's okay to be illogical! But in the real world, I think we're all Divergents! :)

Insurgent - 3/5 stars (with some spoilers)

Same as Divergent, Insurgent is written in first person narration by Tris (or Beatrice) Prior which sometimes you can see more about her inner feelings instead of what is happening around her.

The pace of Insurgent is not as fast as Divergent and sometimes I'm able to expect what is coming next. The excitement would only come near the end of the story which motivates me to read on. This is why I rate this book for only 3 stars (as compared to the 5 stars given to Divergent).

**Warning! Spoiler below!
The part that I enjoyed the most in Insurgent is when Tris brought herself to the Erudite headquarters and Peter is the one who saved her from death!! Although I hate Peter as much as Tris does, but I still think he might be able to play good part in the next book. ;)

Allegiant - 3/5 stars (with some spoilers)

Overall, this final part of the trilogy is considered okay for me, but not as good as Divergent.

First of all, I kinda like the dual perspective writing style. Divergent and Insurgent are both written in Tris's POV which I found it quite dull especially in Insurgent. In this book, I'm able to learn more about Tobias's real character which never shows in previous two installments and make Allegiant seems to be richer.

However, by having a view in Tobias disappointed me though. I never expect Tobias to be so fragile and weak in his mental strength. Perhaps he is the kind of person who covers their mental weaknesses with their strong physical outlook. But hey, Tobias is Four! Who constantly faces his own fears by his own initiatives! I mean who can be so easily disturbed with some genetically-damaged theory at the same time strong at facing their own fears? He was strong maybe because he think he is a Divergent.

About Tris, I can see her character growth from a Stiff in Divergent to a girl who is willing to sacrifice herself for the ones she loves, which also resembles her traits of being an Abnegation initiates. Her ending did shock me a little, but honestly, I didn't have the sad feeling I should have for her and I don't know why.

To review the series as a whole, I think Divergent started very well in attracting readers' attention about its faction-based dystopian plot. But it started to be boring and dull in Insurgent and finally disappointing in Allegiant.

Re: Insurgent

Posted: 16 Sep 2014, 10:32
by Naijasia
I LOVE this entire series! I really love how although they have been through so much they have time to always be near each other. I reread this book all the time.

Re: Insurgent

Posted: 19 Sep 2014, 11:02
by Veraccolacci
I read this books not so long ago and I was incredibly amazed with this saga.
Its original and I love the action on each of its books.

Who didn't fall in love with Four. He is such an amazing character. In and Out. Weak but Strong.
We saw some self-growing on this book with all characters... Even Peter!

I have an opinion that may or may not be shared, but, I think this is not so far from our reality.
We are already making genetical changes in human beings. The so-called Genetic Therapy may be good and bad at the same time, especially if the consequences of this are not being taken into consideration.

Who knows? We may end being Tris and Four in a matter of some years. :P