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Re: What do you make of "Faction Before Blood"?

Posted: 03 Nov 2021, 09:03
by kirthana_shivakumar
I think this shouldn't be such a strict rule as it distances people from their families unnecessarily. It seems like cult behaviour to forcefully break familial ties to get people to be more focused on the factions.

Re: What do you make of "Faction Before Blood"?

Posted: 11 Feb 2022, 10:13
by jimmy02
Slogans like "faction before blood" are hallmarks of absolute societies (e.g fascist states). Absolutism, or too much of anything is never good. As an ardent fan of Orwell, this fact shot into my notice immediately.

Re: What do you make of "Faction Before Blood"?

Posted: 07 Mar 2022, 00:26
by Inks and Quills
I think that belief is a core reason why the faction system worked at all. The belief that the factions are valid and represent people correctly is crucial. If people didn’t believe in that the system as a whole would break.

Re: What do you make of "Faction Before Blood"?

Posted: 08 Mar 2022, 09:33
by AlphariusRE
This slogan, 'Faction before Blood' was how the faction system worked in the first place. Without people attaching significant emotional value to the factions, how will the factions exist even?

Re: What do you make of "Faction Before Blood"?

Posted: 07 Apr 2022, 21:12
by Simmons32
I think this does apply to society today. Many people go one way or the other. Either their work consumes them, or family is the most important thing in the world. I don't think one should threaten the other. I would definitely say that my family comes first, but my parents do not try to stop me from pursuing my goals. I would hope for the same from whoever I marry in the future. On that note, I also would not stop my children from pursuing their dreams, whatever they are. So I think that the idea of losing your family because you chose another faction is horrible.

Re: What do you make of "Faction Before Blood"?

Posted: 16 Aug 2022, 20:54
by fire_spice
It's a ruse. The institution came up with it to better control their society. I think that a good society is transparent to a great degree with systems that everyone understands. I think the factions should infact work together to better carry out their roles and achieve the ultimate goal. There was something sinister about it all and this rule of faction before blood was a clear symptom.

Re: What do you make of "Faction Before Blood"?

Posted: 05 Jan 2023, 16:47
by Bettny Andrade
Wow, they are really interesting questions, and it would depend on each case. For some you forgive the concept of family is very important and for others it is as if it did not matter. Here comes into play the upbringing and the environment in which they developed and the life experiences of each one, because in some cases the blood family was never a support, nor help and nothing and outsiders were everything, so this point can be highly debatable.

Re: What do you make of "Faction Before Blood"?

Posted: 06 Jan 2023, 05:35
by Krishi Shah
This was definitely a manipulative tool being used by the government. I don't think anyone in Tris's family, other than her mother deserved her help, but they didn't try to force her hand like the government. So I would definitely disagree with 'faction before blood.' It is simply a tool to force young minds to do their dirty work.

Re: What do you make of "Faction Before Blood"?

Posted: 24 Jan 2023, 03:45
by Ashna_Tibrewal_7
Fractions before blood makes sure collusion between people doesn't happen. I don't know like the extremity portrayed in the book but loved that tris and her brother did choose blood over fraction.

Re: What do you make of "Faction Before Blood"?

Posted: 27 Feb 2024, 07:05
by Sunday Onuorah
I believe that family comes first. How can you give up your family just because you pick a different faction than you were raised? I know that Tres' mother was Dauntless, but I choose to believe that she would have visited on family day even if she had not been.