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Re: Which characters should be given more credit? (spoilers)

Posted: 03 Nov 2021, 08:44
by kirthana_shivakumar
I think Cristina should be given more credit for how she handled Will's death. We only ever got to see Tris's perspective of it, and never quite got to ponder how difficult it would be to know that your best friend killed your lover.

Re: Which characters should be given more credit? (spoilers)

Posted: 12 Feb 2022, 05:38
by jimmy02
I agree with you. It's takes a lot of courage to even admit that you're afraid. Al is a lot braver than those who don't even admit it. Just choosing Dauntless in itself is a powerful choice and it more than speaks for itself.

Re: Which characters should be given more credit? (spoilers)

Posted: 07 Mar 2022, 00:44
by Inks and Quills
Totally true, glad you brought up Al!

Re: Which characters should be given more credit? (spoilers)

Posted: 08 Mar 2022, 10:09
by AlphariusRE
Having read he book all the way back in 2016, I had almost forgotten about Al. But brave or not, one must reap what they sow.

Re: Which characters should be given more credit? (spoilers)

Posted: 26 Apr 2022, 14:59
by Simmons32
I would choose Christina. She is honest and strong. She befriends Tris immediately and easily makes friends with others too. My favorite thing about her is that she is not afraid to speak what she thinks or feels. She is also forgiving. This is proven when she finds out Tris killed her boyfriend. That could have hurt their friendship, but she understood the circumstances they were under. Christina is the type of friend I would like to have. Loyal to no end.

Re: Which characters should be given more credit? (spoilers)

Posted: 19 Sep 2022, 18:03
by Gandhi_D 1st
The character I like in the series and believe deserves credit was Peter. He had the survival instinct within him. Ability to adapt to the environment in a favorable way.

Re: Which characters should be given more credit? (spoilers)

Posted: 06 Jan 2023, 12:03
by Krishi Shah
Uriah deserved so much better, he was totally underrated!

Re: Which characters should be given more credit? (spoilers)

Posted: 10 Jan 2023, 11:36
by Krishi Shah
Honestly, Four. He supported Tris a lot and was a great and complex character on his own.

Re: Which characters should be given more credit? (spoilers)

Posted: 24 Jan 2023, 03:18
by Ashna_Tibrewal_7
Tris mother, I forgot her name deserves a lot of credit. She helped tris in the first book by sneaking and telling her information she should not have.

Re: Which characters should be given more credit? (spoilers)

Posted: 27 Feb 2024, 07:08
by Sunday Onuorah
My absolutely favourite character in Divergent is Uriah and it saddens me that he is so often overlooked. I feel like he's very charismatic and lovely and provides the much-needed smiles and laughter.