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Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 09 Jul 2017, 07:52
by Naval Aulakh
I think I would have been naturally introduced to Erudite. My family additionally puts incredible incentive on education. At the age of 16 I would also have chosen Erudite.

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017, 03:19
by magicquill
I would choose Candor since I do speak what's in my mind and always seeking for the truth. I don't want to be kept in the dark.

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 04 Aug 2017, 07:42
by Harmony Hills
Like Tris, i think i would be born into Abnegation. But if i were to choose at 16, i'll choose Erudite cause I think i'm smart. :P

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 07 Aug 2017, 05:44
by Yemurai
I would have chosen erudite, for sure. I love reading not just novels, even book about interesting topics I don't know about.

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 25 Sep 2017, 20:17
by AC Morano
I would have probably born an Erudite because I came from parents who were both working as professionals. My dad was an analyst and my mom, a teacher. At 16, I would've chosen to belong in Amity though.

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 29 Sep 2017, 02:13
by IanYanny
I would have been born into Abnegation. Seeing as how selfless my mom is. But, if in remember correctly, I was quite rebellious when I was 16 so maybe I would have chosen either Daunteless or Candor.

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 12:21
by TheWriteAngel
I think my family would be Abnegation and there would be a bit of that faction in me too. But I would have chosen Dauntless, that kind of lifestyle appealed to me back then.

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 14 Nov 2017, 22:01
by johappy
I think, at age 16, I would have chosen Dauntless because I wanted to be edgy or something. I probably would have been born into Erudite because my family is a family of bookworms. Now, I would prefer Erudite over any of the others but I'm not sure I would trust myself to make that decision at 16!

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 15 Dec 2017, 16:17
by Mallory Whitaker
johappy wrote: 14 Nov 2017, 22:01 I think, at age 16, I would have chosen Dauntless because I wanted to be edgy or something. I probably would have been born into Erudite because my family is a family of bookworms. Now, I would prefer Erudite over any of the others but I'm not sure I would trust myself to make that decision at 16!
I am exactly the same way. I think I would've been born into Erudite, but then wanted to be rebellious as I was prone to do at 16. Then I'd probably end up regretting my decision...probably when I became factionless for not making it through that rough initiation.

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 10 Jan 2018, 13:37
by HeatherTasker
I think my family most closely resembles Candor for its honesty as well as its inconsideration. I definitely would have chosen Euridite as I've always had a love for learning and knowledge over everything else, even if I spent a good portion of my teens pretending to be Dauntless. :wink:

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 06 Feb 2018, 16:03
by Hawkite
My identity has always been strongly tied to my intellect – top of the class, etc. – so I definitely would have chosen erudite. Too bad about the way they're portrayed in Divergent, though I guess the point is that intellect without checks and balances will end up going to far, and I'd like to think my moral compass would have pushed me to support the divergents. But then again, if I were raised in that world who knows what my belief system would have been? Chances are I'd have stuck with the people I cared about, and that would have dictated my allegiances.

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 17 Feb 2018, 07:10
by The BookWorm Nagham
I guess I would have chosen the Candor Faction, I always valued honesty, and I hated fake friends. I despised being handed fake compliments. So I made it my life goal to always speak what's on my mind, even if it wasn't always beneficial for my social life.

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 06 Mar 2018, 11:41
by vanessaonelove
My mother would probably be Abnegation or Amity and this would be what I was brought up as. I would have chosen either Erudite or Amity. I love reading and learning but sometimes I think being intellectual or academic is limiting so Amity might have been the natural choice; peace and love LOL. NB my username is vanessaonelove. Big LOL

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 21 Mar 2018, 11:36
by Helen_Combe
Probably Candor because they get good food and work indoors and I’m completely unable to tell ,it’s anyway.

I would have preferred Amity, but couldn’t face the cold showers.
I probably wouldn’t get into Erudite
Abnegation, too much like hard work
Dauntless, join a faction that will throw you out to starve once you get above a certain age? No thanks.

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 10 Jun 2018, 03:06
by BookishCoffeeBlog
I think I would have been born into Erudite and I would choose Erudite at the ceremony when I was 16. I love to learn new things and expand my knowledge, which is why I feel I would be in this faction. I would be lucky to not have to leave my family, which I appreciate because family is also really important to me.