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Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 02 Jul 2020, 21:35
by Barbara Larkin
Erudite would most likely be the faction I was born into because of the academic, problem-solving nature of my family. I think at 16, like most of my choices, I would have been vacillating between Abnegation and Candor, but then I'd probably jump back to Erudite where I was comfortable.

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 23 Jul 2020, 05:58
by Edna016
Well my family and I are more for competition , and we don't like to settle. Well, my mom is not very active so she would just want something easy going. I'm not sure about my dad. I know that my 2 brothers would most likely have chosen Dauntless. I think my sister would have been stuck between Dauntless and the one where Caleb(Tris's brother) went. I would have went into Dauntless because I like a good challenge and I wouldn't want to settle. Making a choice that big- whoah my family and I would proabbly have separated into different factions but my mom would probably have wanted us to go into one together.

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 29 Nov 2020, 14:12
by Maddie Atkinson
I wanted to be in Dauntless, but I was not cool enough for that, in reality I was (and still am) probably Amity and due to current events today, Amity sounds like bliss right now. However, we are all divergent here, as the factions were an experiment in the future splitting everyone's personalities into separate places, so yeah, I wanted to be Dauntless but was probably Amity, but in reality we are all divergent (I felt so inspirational writing that).

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 22 May 2021, 05:01
by Dzejn_Crvena
I was born and raised within the Abnegation community. While it was easy for me to stay in the same faction at 16, I'd see myself choosing Erudite. If based on my personality alone, I would be torn between Amity and Erudite. I am seen as a calm person on the outside and I enjoy being at peace with everyone, but I have problems with socialization. Being around other people drain me, so to Erudite I go. I always strive to learn something new.

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 27 May 2021, 14:04
by Janet Kimetto
I would have been born into Amity and I'd have probably chosen Amity, to stay with my family. Tough decision though, because at sixteen a lot would have appealed to me. Brave, kind and smart. But going in knowing what I know now, I'd choose Amity. I love peace and happiness.

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 05 Jun 2021, 09:48
by Black Jewel
I am not sure what faction I would have been born into... My family is a hodge podge mix of different types. At 16, I believe I would have chosen Erudite, because I loved to read and learn. I wanted to become a geneticist.

Now that I am older, I honestly don't know what I would choose if I had to make a choice. I hate being categorized, and often annoy people because I don't like being predictable. I change like the wind - randomly.

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 15 Jun 2021, 03:40
by Jerry Silvanus
I would have born in candor but would chose erudite cause I like being the brains!

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 24 Jun 2021, 14:05
by t_mann23
Given my family, I probably would have chosen Erudite at 16. My parents didn't really put pressure on my siblings and I to do well in school, but we did anyway and we were the ones that held ourselves to that standard. My older brother was a model student, and I looked up to him so I wanted to be the same. Getting good grades and learning was so important to me, so I most likely would have chosen Erudite. If not, Abnegation.

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 05 Aug 2021, 00:51
by Clare Jose
I'm seriously very confused. :eusa-think:

I just can't see myself fitting in perfectly in a single faction. Sure, my personality does fit in, like a little here and a little there but I don't feel very comfortable in saying that I belong to any one faction.
I'm probably divergent, but then we're all divergent. :D

The best I can come up with is a combination of Amity and Divergent, with a little bit of the others thrown in as well. The fact that I can't make up my mind is so weird. :?

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 03 Nov 2021, 08:54
by kirthana_shivakumar
I would have chosen Dauntless at 16. I am very physically active and so I couldn't imagine being in any of the other factions. I would say that my test would've shown Erudite, Dauntless and Candor.

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 25 Jan 2022, 19:36
by Phyll Kamau
I would have been born into Amity however at sixteen, I would have been factionless. My personality covers all four factions, yet I don't fully subscribe to any of them. I would have hated being ordered to decide my entire future at sixteen. When I was sixteen, I did not know what I would pursue in college or if I wanted to attend college. Deciding my entire future at sixteen would have been too daunting.

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 11 Feb 2022, 10:01
by jimmy02
My 16-y.o me wasn't the smartest. I would probably have gone for Dauntless then. However, now I think I would go for Erudite. Heck after 3-4 years of university, I wouldn't even mind Abnegation.

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 07 Mar 2022, 00:22
by Inks and Quills
Sixteen is such an impressionable age! Probably candor or erudite!

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 08 Mar 2022, 09:24
by AlphariusRE
Dauntless. Without a doubt, it would be Dauntless. But now, after three years of undergrad and another of university, I think I'm more inclined towards Erudite.

Re: What faction would you have chosen at 16?

Posted: 08 May 2022, 22:13
by Simmons32
I think my family would have been born into Candor. We are a very honest bunch. I don't think Candor is necessarily a bad faction. Actually, none of them are bad factions, it just boils down to individuals making bad decisions. Personally, I don't think anyone could be just one thing, but for the sake of answering the question, I think I would have chosen Candor.