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Re: Gone Girl ~ Amy's Diary (Spoilers)

Posted: 23 Aug 2018, 10:11
by AmySmiles
The reveal about the diary was total game changer for me. Who writes a false diary? It really put new light on Amy's character and just how twisted she was.

Re: Gone Girl ~ Amy's Diary (Spoilers)

Posted: 14 Mar 2019, 11:40
by sush_destiny
The twist with the diary also caught me off guard. I believed the diary at first because who would write a false diary, right?? It was a great device, and it added tension and conflict to the rest of the story.

Re: Gone Girl ~ Amy's Diary (Spoilers)

Posted: 18 Jul 2019, 07:44
by dorebri2020
The reveal about the diary also caught me off guard, and I was so shocked I had to put the book down for a minute. It was a great device, and it added even more conflict to the plot of the story. At first, it sold Amy as the victim, and it just showed how well thought out Amy's plan was. It definitely was a good aspect on the author's part to put you on Amy's side and distract you from the signs.

Re: Gone Girl ~ Amy's Diary (Spoilers)

Posted: 29 Sep 2019, 19:30
by Atara Miles
The reveal about the diary seemed like a way to express the depth of Amy's twisted psychology and is Flynn's way of letting readers get their first hint that everything we learned so far needs to be reassessed. You're expecting a diary to reflect true, actual events and when we discover it's apart of her machinations it's this big shock.

Re: Gone Girl ~ Amy's Diary (Spoilers)

Posted: 18 Mar 2020, 05:39
by melu2
i loved it so much cause we womens show this weak side to us but with amy she showed that we cant only be the person who would be left out but also we can show that we are smart and that we can show that our weakest part can be our weapon to show that who we really are and remind them what they been missin out.

Re: Gone Girl ~ Amy's Diary (Spoilers)

Posted: 07 Apr 2020, 17:38
by Damis Seres Rodriguez
Oh I consider that a brilliant move. Both on the autor and the character account. And to be honest, so accurate to some strategies that people like that tend to use. So DMS-V. I loved it. It also showed how deeply thought and round her character was.

Re: Gone Girl ~ Amy's Diary (Spoilers)

Posted: 03 Jul 2020, 01:26
by Barbara Larkin
Amy used the diary as a weapon, a form of concrete evidence that reeks of careful planning and a strategic mind. Flynn deliberately misleads readers - no one expects a diary to be recounting untrue events.

Re: Gone Girl ~ Amy's Diary (Spoilers)

Posted: 31 Jul 2020, 00:43
by kalgaonkarsnehal
One has to be at another level of intellect to plan like this. The fact that it was a false diary, blew me out of the water! The author is a genius to have even come up with this idea and also to have used the diary as a tool for narrating a parallel story that didn't even happen. We as readers feel the same punch as the male protagonist when we come to know that the diary was all fake. Its absolutely genius!

Re: Gone Girl ~ Amy's Diary (Spoilers)

Posted: 05 Aug 2020, 02:48
by Dominik_G
I did not expect the diary reveal at all. I really loved it, both as a narrative device on the author's part and as an amazing glimpse into how terrifying Amy's mind really is. Composing such an elaborate and detailed fake account speaks of a calculating and dangerous person. So, all in all, a very good idea and excellent execution!

Re: Gone Girl ~ Amy's Diary (Spoilers)

Posted: 01 Mar 2021, 07:45
by Rayah Raouf
I read the book a few years ago, so my memory is a bit hazy. I do remember being surprised though. The shock was unreal.

Re: Gone Girl ~ Amy's Diary (Spoilers)

Posted: 01 Aug 2021, 11:59
by Linda S 1
It was a completely unexpected plot twist. The author was very wise to use this element because it brought the whole story together. If bridged the gap between the two halves of the plot.

Re: Gone Girl ~ Amy's Diary (Spoilers)

Posted: 18 Feb 2022, 15:41
by Preye I
The diary was perfect for this novel. It revealed so much in such a descriptive, thorough and almost haunting way. I got chills as I was reading it. I don't think it could have been more perfect.

Re: Gone Girl ~ Amy's Diary (Spoilers)

Posted: 09 Nov 2022, 09:36
by Maria Ferreira Silva
Amy's diary was a complete plot twist that I not see coming. I believed it at first and when I realized the truth I was memorized.