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Re: Official Review: Four Funny Potatoes! by Len Foley

Posted: 02 Jul 2018, 07:40
by kandscreeley
This is so cute! I love it! The cover is fabulous, and I love that it's completely in rhyme. I wonder how he convinces the other potatoes that he's a banana?! Thanks so much for the review.

Re: Official Review: Four Funny Potatoes! by Len Foley

Posted: 02 Jul 2018, 08:22
by jhomarcams26
My kids truly love this I read it every after school

Re: Official Review: Four Funny Potatoes! by Len Foley

Posted: 02 Jul 2018, 17:02
by Dahmy 10
This one looks like it's for our very long lads, but I bet we would take out some entertaining moments from it as you have said...

Beautiful review, we should promote books like this to boost our children's reading culture!!!

Re: Official Review: Four Funny Potatoes! by Len Foley

Posted: 02 Jul 2018, 17:39
by bookowlie
Thanks everyone for your comments! Kandscreeley - I don't want to give any spoilers, but the issue is handled well and the ending is exceptionally funny.

Re: Official Review: Four Funny Potatoes! by Len Foley

Posted: 02 Jul 2018, 18:21
by anwidmer
As a mother of a two yesr old i agree bedtime might not be the time for stimulating fonts and colors, however id still love to read this to my daughter!

Re: Official Review: Four Funny Potatoes! by Len Foley

Posted: 04 Jul 2018, 09:02
by nuquimich
Many children would love this! A happy story for a bedtime story would be great to have a great dream.

Re: Official Review: Four Funny Potatoes! by Len Foley

Posted: 05 Jul 2018, 15:50
by Helen_Combe
I was reading your review and thinking ’this reminds me of Siegfried’s Smelly Socks’. Of course, it’s the same author. I love your review, it’s bubbling over with the fun contained in the book.

Re: Official Review: Four Funny Potatoes! by Len Foley

Posted: 10 Jul 2018, 01:39
by Faithmwangi
I have to admit the beginning of your review got me laughing. Clearly this is a hilarious book, and a perfect fit for kids. Thanks for the review.

Re: Official Review: Four Funny Potatoes! by Len Foley

Posted: 11 Jul 2018, 06:13
by Cristina Chifane
This sounds like a great read for children. I love the fact that there is a distinct plot and the illustrations and rhymed lines support the storyline. I couldn't help myself comparing it with the BOTM. I know they're different, but I am wondering how you would see them in parallel. Thanks for a wonderful review!

Re: Official Review: Four Funny Potatoes! by Len Foley

Posted: 20 Jul 2018, 04:15
by OloladeO
Hoe does a banana think or believes its a potato, lol! Sounds like a good book for kids.

Re: Official Review: Four Funny Potatoes! by Len Foley

Posted: 31 Jul 2018, 00:43
by AlexusSymone9_
I love this book. I wish books like this was out when i was a kid. But this will be a book i read to my future kids

Re: Official Review: Four Funny Potatoes! by Len Foley

Posted: 31 Jul 2018, 04:41
by Rainsea
We are different; we are uniquely made from Above,So interesting! I would loved it for my toddler. He loves jokes and colorfull books and aside from that potato and banana are his favorite food and now in a book. What a great book!😄

Re: Official Review: Four Funny Potatoes! by Len Foley

Posted: 31 Jul 2018, 06:45
by Fu Zaila
I appreciate good humor in any book, as long as it has a solid plot. I think maybe, the author should have tried to keep children engaged and get them to think, with a proper message amidst the humor. Thank you for your review.

Re: Official Review: Four Funny Potatoes! by Len Foley

Posted: 07 Aug 2018, 20:37
by Mary WhiteFace
You had me at Potato. I love potatoes. They are my favorite food, and Mr. Potato Head was one of my favorite toys. I just love the idea of talking, dancing and joking potatoes. I'm wondering how a banana could be mistaken for a potato. Just too cute.

Thank you for your fun review. 💕

Re: Official Review: Four Funny Potatoes! by Len Foley

Posted: 09 Aug 2018, 04:46
by booklysis
This is a really amazing book for children. Len Foley's picture books are really good for children.