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Re: Official Review: The Bird Ride by Wade W. Bergner

Posted: 16 Nov 2021, 03:59
by Bukola02
I find children’s book that cover spirituality quite intriguing. Thanks for the review.

Re: Official Review: The Bird Ride by Wade W. Bergner

Posted: 16 Nov 2021, 04:08
by Novin Aliyah
Children's stories with birds are magical and teach many things. Especially develop a positive attitude and strong self-esteem. Impressive, I love books like this. I also like the way reviewers present their reviews.

Re: Official Review: The Bird Ride by Wade W. Bergner

Posted: 16 Nov 2021, 04:25
by dragonet07
This isn’t the first time I’ve seen a children’s book that presents something like spiritual enlightenment (or, in the other book, mindfulness) in a creative way. They seem like a great idea. Plus, who doesn’t like a book about flying on the back of a bird? (OK, I would’ve been fascinated with the idea as a kid, but anything at all close to resembling it would’ve made me faint and/or puke.) Thank you for the helpful review.

Re: Official Review: The Bird Ride by Wade W. Bergner

Posted: 16 Nov 2021, 04:26
by Kayonz30
How fun it will be to fly on a birds shoulder. Children attraction though ... With a deeper interpretation from an adult reader to the child reader can achieve and activate the emotional Goal of the book story.

Re: Official Review: The Bird Ride by Wade W. Bergner

Posted: 16 Nov 2021, 04:27
by 63tty
I love the notion of a kid shrinking and flying all over. Seems like a great read for kids. Great review.

Re: Official Review: The Bird Ride by Wade W. Bergner

Posted: 16 Nov 2021, 05:23
by Augusta Ezema
It is so amazing and a fun experience seeing the world just the way a child does. Children really have less worries. They live a free and exciting life noticing the beauty in almost everything that comes their way. I'm so glad this book has a way of teaching little ones the importance of gratitude. It would really go a long way in preparing them to be better in the nearest future.

Re: Official Review: The Bird Ride by Wade W. Bergner

Posted: 16 Nov 2021, 06:34
by Adelle v
Children are never to young to learn. I think this will be a great book for every child to read, thank you for a great review.

Re: Official Review: The Bird Ride by Wade W. Bergner

Posted: 17 Nov 2021, 04:31
by Vickie Noel
I certainly wasn't expecting the spiritual enlightenment part in this children's book, but then again, it helps to build spiritual consciousness early in their hearts. As a teacher and aspiring parent, I'd love to help groom kids to self-reflect and check out the author's note to parents and teachers. Thanks for the lovely review.

Re: Official Review: The Bird Ride by Wade W. Bergner

Posted: 25 Nov 2021, 03:47
by Rizki Pradana
This book sounds interesting because there was a magical aspect to it. The kids will not be bored when reading this kind of book.

Re: Official Review: The Bird Ride by Wade W. Bergner

Posted: 24 Apr 2024, 13:32
by Jennifer C 14
The book is so amazing teachers and parents

Re: Official Review: The Bird Ride by Wade W. Bergner

Posted: 24 Apr 2024, 13:34
by Jennifer C 14
A children's book would cover spiritual topics usually reserved for teenagers and adults. But it seems to work with this story. I love birds.

Re: Official Review: The Bird Ride by Wade W. Bergner

Posted: 24 Apr 2024, 18:29
by Miriam Ratemo
Having an older reading buddy present might really help this one hit the intended mark, but any child could enjoy the feathers and illustrations and smiling faces and rainbows! Some dreams and stories of make-believe can give young minds the encouragement and freedom to make their own interpretations about the world around them, so I think this author and story succeeded in doing just that