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Review of The vampires missing cape

Posted: 18 Mar 2022, 12:40
by Saint Bruno
[Following is an official review of "The vampires missing cape" by Steve Stables.]
Book Cover
4 out of 4 stars
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One night, a vampire flew into town, seeking victims to satisfy his appetite. However, he noticed a bright light and could hear some noise coming from a building, so he decided to find out what was happening. On entering the building, the vampire discovered it was a party, and since the music sounded good, he joined the partiers to dance to the beat. But after some time, the vampire got hot and sweaty, so he took a break outside, leaving his cape in the building.

On getting back into the building to retrieve his cape, the vampire was shocked to find it wasn't where he had kept it. How would he be able to survive as a vampire without a cape? He knew his life would be miserable without it. What is he going to do? Will he ever find his missing cape? I am sure children would love to find out. Thankfully, the answers are in The Vampire's Missing Cape by Steve Stables.

As a kid, I was always intrigued by vampire stories, so you can imagine the nostalgia I felt when I got this book. Mr. Stables did a commendable job of making this story fun to read with his poetic narrations. I recommend reading the book aloud to enjoy the beautiful rhymes that adorn the author's narrations. His writing style perfectly suits the target audience, as I didn't encounter any form of ambiguity that would make the story hard to follow. I also like how he made his narrations suspenseful, and I am sure children would be eager to read the book to the end to find out what happened to the poor vampire.

Furthermore, the illustrations in the book are praiseworthy. They fit the on-page narrations, making the story even more engaging. I found some of them funny, and an example was when the vampire was dancing. Also, the illustrations excellently portrayed the vampire's feelings of despair when he couldn't find his cape, which I think would help children appreciate the story's end even better.

What I love most about the book, though, is the exercise that the author instructs readers to carry out at the beginning of the book. Children would enjoy counting the number of snakes and bats on each page, and I can only imagine the smiles they would have on their faces when their count tallies with the author's count at the end of the book. Teachers, parents, and guardians can use the exercise to sharpen the counting skills of their kids. Thus, I commend the author for making the book entertaining and educational.

Even as an adult, I enjoyed reading The Vampire's Missing Cape and didn't find anything to dislike about it. The book is also exceptionally edited and contains no errors at all. Hence, I am glad to rate it a solid four out of four stars. And I highly recommend it to kids between the ages of three and seven.

The vampires missing cape
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Re: Review of The vampires missing cape

Posted: 18 Mar 2023, 08:31
by Oluchi23
"What is he going to do? Will he ever find his missing cape?" Answer to these questions are one of the reason i should have this book in my shelf. Thanks for your review.

Re: Review of The vampires missing cape

Posted: 18 Mar 2023, 19:32
by Chinedum Chijioke
I liked that your review covered how beneficial the book can be to both children and caregivers. I may consider getting the book for a younger one.
This is an insightful review.

Re: Review of The vampires missing cape

Posted: 08 Aug 2023, 06:31
by Jojo henderson
liked that your review covered how beneficial the book can be to both children and caregivers. I may consider getting the book for a younger one.
This is an insightful review.

Re: Review of The vampires missing cape

Posted: 03 Jan 2024, 07:17
by Korir Kipchumba Victor
I am not sure about a vampire flying into town to satisfy his appetite, haha, but children may not think too deep about it and would gladly love to solve the mystery of the missing cape. Great review!

Re: Review of The vampires missing cape

Posted: 01 Feb 2024, 00:54
by Diksha Singh 11
The Vampire's Missing cape;is an exciting and engaging masterpiece that will leave readers wanting more. With a unique twist on the supernatural world, it offers a refreshing history of vampires. The intricate plot will keep you hooked from start to finish and leave you on the edge of your seat. This novel is a real winner, offering a fresh and original take on the genre. A must read for all vampire fans! :)

Re: Review of The vampires missing cape

Posted: 25 Mar 2024, 07:13
by Orji cyril Kaluokoro
The Vampire's Missing Cape is a captivating story about a vampire who flew into town to find victims. He noticed a bright light and heard noise coming from a building, and decided to investigate. He found the building to be a party and joined the partiers to dance. However, he got hot and sweaty, so he took a break outside, leaving his cape in the building. When he returned to retrieve his cape, he found it wasn't where he had kept it.

The vampire's life would be miserable without it, and he knew his life would be miserable without it. The story is sure to captivate children, as it offers answers to the question of whether he will ever find his missing cape. Steve Stables' poetic narrations and suspenseful narrations make the story engaging and enjoyable for readers. The illustrations in the book are praiseworthy, fitting the on-page narrations and capturing the vampire's despair when he couldn't find his cape.

The most enjoyable aspect of the book is the exercise the author instructs readers to carry out at the beginning of the book. Children would enjoy counting the number of snakes and bats on each page, and the smiles on their faces when their count tallies with the author's at the end of the book. Teachers, parents, and guardians can use this exercise to sharpen their children's counting skills.

As an adult, the book is enjoyable and well-edited, with no errors. The book is rated a solid four out of four stars, and it is highly recommended for children aged three to seven.

Re: Review of The vampires missing cape

Posted: 08 Apr 2024, 03:09
by Richard Mukenga
In the story, a vampire's nocturnal quest for victims leads him to stumble upon a party. The narrative takes a whimsical turn as he joins the festivities, only to face a dilemma when he loses his cape, a vital accessory for his vampire identity. The suspense builds as he contemplates life without it, leaving readers curious about his fate. The story promises an entertaining and adventurous journey as the vampire embarks on a quest to reclaim his missing cape, making it an engaging read for children.