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Review of Oliver the Oyster and the Pearl Gifts

Posted: 21 Oct 2022, 21:20
by Nicholas Bush
[Following is an official review of "Oliver the Oyster and the Pearl Gifts" by J.B. Auchter.]
Book Cover
4 out of 4 stars
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There are times in life when we need true friends who will stick by our side while we are going through a difficult time. These friends are extremely hard to find. Oliver the Oyster and the Pearl Gifts by J.B. Auchter is a good read, in my opinion, for kids and adults who enjoy well-written children's stories because of the powerful lessons it teaches.

Oliver the Oyster awoke one evening from his bed at his residence on the mudflats of Mayo Beach abruptly, feeling as though something was lodged in the back of his shell. When he told his friend Cathy the crab about it, Cathy, though not knowing what it was, suggested they go see a very old and wise lobster named Larry, who lives in the deepest part of the bay, and see if he could help. On their way to Larry's place, they met a mermaid named Miriah, who also joined them in search of Larry's place. Would Larry be able to help Oliver? Read this book to find out.

This book offers far too many lessons to absorb. I nearly finished the book in a single sitting because of how captivating the plot is. The one lesson in this book that really stuck with me is the tremendous friendship sacrifice that Cathy and Miriah showed. Oliver remained perched atop Cathy's back the entire time they were searching for Larry. I also learned many other things from this book, including the various types of tides and the value of oysters to the ecosystem.

I had no idea this book would have such an influence on me when I decided to read it. Even though this is a children's book, it has several advantages that adults and teenagers alike would find useful. The storyline was well-developed, the characters were accurately portrayed, and the author's writing style was excellent. The author's use of simple pictorial diagrams in this book is another unique feature that adds to its delight.

I couldn't find anything wrong with the book, so I couldn't dislike it in any way. This book was carefully edited because I was unable to detect any typos or grammatical mistakes. In light of this, I would rate this book four out of four stars. I would recommend this book to readers who enjoy children's stories; children ages 7 and older; and anyone who wants to learn more about friendship, tides, oysters, teamwork, and sacrifice.

Oliver the Oyster and the Pearl Gifts
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Re: Review of Oliver the Oyster and the Pearl Gifts

Posted: 23 Oct 2022, 20:49
by Katherine Powell-Polkey
You wrote a lovely review. What was your favorite part of the book? Why do you suggest 7 and older?

Re: Review of Oliver the Oyster and the Pearl Gifts

Posted: 31 Oct 2022, 17:02
by Sarah tianna
Sincerely, all the lessons learned as stated in the review are amazing. I look forward to reading this book. The book cover is another amazing feature. Mindblowing review.

Re: Review of Oliver the Oyster and the Pearl Gifts

Posted: 14 Nov 2022, 11:04
by Gift Chidex
This is absolutely quite interesting. I love the plot of this book. Even though it's a children's book, I will love to read and review this book too. Nice review, kudos

Re: Review of Oliver the Oyster and the Pearl Gifts

Posted: 14 Nov 2022, 11:09
by Silvia Idahosa
Honestly, true friends who stick around during hard times are indispensable. I think this is a subject that can never be outdated. Captivating review. I look forward to reading this book.

Re: Review of Oliver the Oyster and the Pearl Gifts

Posted: 14 Nov 2022, 13:39
by Christabel Uzoamaka
The summary doesn’t really show what the lesson to be picked might be but I’m sure it’s meaningful nonetheless. It is great that the book was well edited and well written. Thanks for the review.

Re: Review of Oliver the Oyster and the Pearl Gifts

Posted: 15 Nov 2022, 04:22
by Mercy Sos Christopher
Sadly, good friends are very hard to come by🥺. It is a children's book and I love children's books 🥰🥰🥰. The lessons you included in your review are wonderful. I will definitely read this book soon. Thanks for the review 👍👍

Re: Review of Oliver the Oyster and the Pearl Gifts

Posted: 10 Dec 2022, 02:58
by Lisa Park17
I'm intrigued and fascinated by the storyline. I'm an enthusiasts of children novels and as such, I'm drawn towards this one. I love the lessons incorporated into the book, and I'm happy you included some in your review. Well done.

Re: Review of Oliver the Oyster and the Pearl Gifts

Posted: 14 Jan 2023, 03:18
by Pretty Nicholas
Well, this book is one that everyone should read. It's educative and captivating. It is no doubt that the author took his time to put this wonderful idea to paper. Great review.

Re: Review of Oliver the Oyster and the Pearl Gifts

Posted: 16 Jan 2023, 14:13
by Hannah332
I learned a whole lot from this review. It explains that it's educating and intriguing. I will really love to commend the author's ability to put his ideas into writing. Great review. Kudos.

Re: Review of Oliver the Oyster and the Pearl Gifts

Posted: 16 Jan 2023, 14:32
by Christy Zinny
This is an amazing book. I love the fact that the book is well-detailed and suspenseful. The book cover is also captivating. Mind-blowing review.

Re: Review of Oliver the Oyster and the Pearl Gifts

Posted: 16 Jan 2023, 14:53
by Peter In
I am amazed at the wealth of knowledge embedded in this book. It is certain that this book is mindblowing and educational. I also love the cover of this book. Great review.

Re: Review of Oliver the Oyster and the Pearl Gifts

Posted: 16 Jan 2023, 15:10
by Chika Eleanor
The entire storyline seems intriguing and captivating. The book is also well-detailed and suspenseful. Amazing review. Kudos.

Re: Review of Oliver the Oyster and the Pearl Gifts

Posted: 16 Jan 2023, 16:02
by ikechukwuamarachi+55
Just like they say that a friend in need is a friend indeed. This implies that anyone who is regarded as a friend that stays or is available in trying periods is a true friend.

Re: Review of Oliver the Oyster and the Pearl Gifts

Posted: 17 Jan 2023, 10:02
by Gift Chidex
Who wouldn't want a true friend by their side? I would love to read this book for myself and also for my kids. Nice review, I have read so many if your review, and I must say u are doing a great job. Keep it up.