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Review of Not Fishy Enough

Posted: 22 Mar 2023, 07:03
by Christell Lindeque
[Following is an official review of "Not Fishy Enough" by Briton Kolber.]
Book Cover
5 out of 5 stars
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Briton Kolber's Not Fishy Enough is a book that both kids and adults will enjoy. This book is both a short novel and a self-help guide, and it's meant to teach both kids and grown-ups to love and accept themselves, no matter what their flaws or differences may be. Edwin, the protagonist of this book, felt out of place in the tide pool community where he was raised because he was different, and other fish pressured him to fit in rather than accept himself. He stood out from the other fishes by questioning everything because of how different he looked. Will Edwin finally be able to accept himself? To find out, read this book.

In order to help readers get the most out of the book, the author included a brief introduction at the beginning on how to use it. This book is both a short novel and a self-help book for parents and other adults who are invested in the well-being of the children in their lives. The story is followed by a self-help section that any reader can benefit from. The reader can also engage with the self-help guide on a deeper level by responding to questions at the end of each chapter.

I appreciated how the author explains why it's important to be kind to oneself. The self-help book was very interesting and informative for me. The author has a knack for making you see the logic behind random bits of information that can help you become a better person. The fact that he was inspired to write this story by the laws of Jante was an added bonus. I appreciated how he made his point with examples from real life, both his own and those of his clients. A few times, the author made me think about things I hadn't considered before. In addition, I appreciated the author's sensitivity and genuine desire to avoid offending anyone with his approach to the topics he discusses.

I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars because I believe it teaches children and adults valuable lessons about themselves and how to accept themselves. There was nothing that I disliked about the book. The book seems to have been edited by a professional, as I found very one mistake throughout the book. The book was easy to navigate and understand.

If you're a kid or an adult who doesn't feel like you belong anywhere, this book is for you. Those who struggle with not feeling comfortable in their own bodies will benefit from reading this book as well. This book is more than fiction; it's a self-help guide that explains the story's deeper meaning and how it can be used to help the reader feel more at ease in their own skin whenever they experience feelings of being an outsider.

Not Fishy Enough
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Re: Review of Not Fishy Enough

Posted: 26 Mar 2023, 16:09
by Patty Allread
I enjoyed your review. Interesting that the author was inspired by the Laws of Jante; this is a fairly esoteric reference.

Re: Review of Not Fishy Enough

Posted: 26 Mar 2023, 21:37
by Hazel Mae Bagarinao
"To love and accept themselves", what a nice teaching. I love self-help books like this and besides, it is easy to read. Now and then, people feel insecure, but with this book, individuals can gain lessons to accept and love wholeheartedly themselves. Your review is wonderful!

Re: Review of Not Fishy Enough

Posted: 26 Mar 2023, 23:09
by Kaylee Samuel
Most people, at one time or another, have struggled with fitting in. A self-help guide, especially one for kids also, is always welcome. It's never too early to learn to love yourself the way you are.