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Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of The Art of Racing in the R

Posted: 07 Jun 2015, 14:31
by Levi
I loved it. Just read it last week or the week before. When his family came through for him, and when Denny spoke with the man at the end (trying not to spoil anything)and got his good news after such hopelessness and desperation, I'll admit I was very moved. Great story Enzo, although I may be biased, I love dogs and books more than most humans :)

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of The Art of Racing in the R

Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 13:40
by tracy19
It sound like a good book especially since it is narrated by a dog, will be putting it onto my reading list.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of The Art of Racing in the R

Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 20:36
by sweta ramamani
Although it is rather corny and unoriginal to have a book narrated by a dog, it worked well for this certain novel. To have the story narrated by a secondary character, a dog smitten by his owner, it compelled the readers to think of Denny as Enzo did.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of The Art of Racing in the R

Posted: 15 Jul 2015, 10:38
by love2readbooks
I give this book 5 stars. One of the best books i've read in a long time. I would definatly recommend this book to anyone.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of The Art of Racing in the R

Posted: 16 Jul 2015, 09:22
by MyThoughtsExactly
I thought this book was cute. There were a few moments that I could've done without. I recommended it to my husband, as it seems like a book that is right up his alley.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of The Art of Racing in the R

Posted: 20 Jul 2015, 21:03
by Mallory Whitaker
I just finished reading this book and I have to give it four out of four stars. It was heart-wrenching in all the right ways. I'm a huge crier, so this might not mean much, but I cried several times throughout. Not that this alone makes it a great novel, I just enjoyed the whirlwind of emotions. It probably doesn't hurt that I'm a big dog person. I agree with a previous statement on here, that the dog's perspective gives as an unique look at the other characters; it gives us an attachment to them while also creating a certain amount of distance from them that allows us to fully gauge their character. Enzo is hardly impartial to the characters around him but his ability to engage with them is limited to only action, which forced me to think about the old adage about actions speaking louder than words. While the ending was a little cheesy, I adored it because I wouldn't have been happy with it ending any other way.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of The Art of Racing in the R

Posted: 09 Aug 2015, 16:39
by kayla1080
This book was wonderful and I couldn't put it down. It had the philosophy of A Cat Named Darwin, the dog knowledge of Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know, and the sentimentality of Marley & Me. The racing angle was fascinating, and I also enjoyed Enzo's spirituality and what it truly takes to make a human being.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of The Art of Racing in the R

Posted: 12 Aug 2015, 14:20
by bettiannasbookcrush
I actually found this book at the front of a bookstore on sale. I saw it had a dog on the front and I knew I had to get it.

Overall, this is one of my favorite books, one that you look back on years from now. I loved how it was told in the perspective of a dog, which is different than most books. Stein's way of writing is so beautiful and artistic, the ending had me in tears.

It's not a very long book. In fact, I read it in one sitting. Amazing book, I recommend it.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of The Art of Racing in the R

Posted: 21 Aug 2015, 23:02
by kayla1080
I probably wouldn't have read this book if it wasn't in the Book of the Month forum, and I'm so glad I did because now it's one of my favorites. I give it 4 stars.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of The Art of Racing in the R

Posted: 02 Sep 2015, 18:46
by litmonster
Overall, I absolutely adored "The Art of Racing in the Rain", mainly for the unique voice of Enzo. Any dog lover, especially, and any pet lover, will understand the musings, actions, and thoughts of Enzo as seen in their own fur babies. I would recommend it to and dog lover, anyone who perhaps enjoys racing through the eyes of a dog, and anyone who loves a "feel-good" story. As sad as part of the ending is, it was written well and beautifully. Even though it was incredibly frustrating at some points, maddening really, it was still worth the read.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of The Art of Racing in the R

Posted: 24 Sep 2015, 04:22
by baasil999
The most intresting fact of this book is that it is narrated by a dog. I think it is great and so I give this book 3/4 :D

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of The Art of Racing in the R

Posted: 13 Nov 2015, 16:27
by kaceyann65
I have not read this book but the reviews sound very promisg making me want to read this book.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of The Art of Racing in the R

Posted: 16 Nov 2015, 10:46
by zaynab_m
The mark of a good, intriguing title is when the reader goes, "Ooh, what could that be about?" and picks up the book to find out. This book sure has a good title! And sadness? I love books that have a sad, heart-breaking scenes (possibly, sad endings). Definitely sounds like a good read!

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of The Art of Racing in the R

Posted: 12 Jan 2016, 19:18
I read this book in 1 day and I was 38 weeks pregnant. I probably wasn't the most stable emotionally at this point but what a game changer to read! I cried about 50% of the novel but the thought evoking ideas and how it made me think about the future with my new little one was epic. Highly recommend.

Re: Overall Rating and Opinion of The Art of Racing in the R

Posted: 13 Jan 2016, 15:21
by Alwhitbeck
For the most part, I really enjoyed the book. I loved the story being from the view of the dog, Enzo.

My main issue with the book were all the racing references and about half way through I started skipping the mini scenes that consisted of just race talk. That was honestly the only turn off in the book though. There were a few times that I felt that Garth Stein was a genius because I never thought of a specific event from a dog's point of view; for example, when the friend washes the beloved dog toy. Enzo was at first very angry and felt betrayed, but later wanted the toy washed. It made me wonder what my own puppy thinks when I do stuff with her.

I'd definitely recommend the book.